"Thank you Lin Feng for trusting me so much at this critical moment. However, don't worry. I know very well what to do and what to say, so you don't need to agree to my thoughts at this time."

"Okay, what needs to be said and done, basically, that's it. By the way, where are you going?"

"I want to go home and take a rest. I don't know if it's because I haven't slept well. My head has been hurting, or because I've been under a lot of work pressure these past two days. I don't know what the cause is. Anyway, I want to go back. I believe it will be better if you go home and sleep. By the way, do you have any other tasks here? If so, then I will leave later, or I will not leave at all."

"No, no, no, I've already told you. After you finish the task at hand, you should relax. Okay, then you can just go home and have a good rest. After you finish your work here, I will Go back early in the evening too.”

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, I'll leave first."

After saying hello, Reba stood up and left, but she didn't tell him too much details, nor did she give too many other reasons.

Because Reba knows one thing very well, that is, at this time, she must not let him know too much. If he really knows that he is going to find Rejie, then Lin Feng has already stood up to stop him. .

At this time, when meeting Re Jie, it was obvious that there would be no good outcome between the two siblings, so she did not want to see this ending happen, and of course, Reba did not want this either.

But no matter what, the matter had to be solved. Therefore, she had already clung to the hope that Rejie must give her a final explanation for this matter. Even if the siblings turned against each other, she still had to know. What is Rejie's true inner thoughts?

After leaving here, Reba drove directly to the film and television shooting base.

Because of Da Mimi's previous problems, the film and television city has basically been given a decision. In other words, he is now fully supporting Rejie's filming of this movie.

When he walked to the gate, Reba saw that the gate was closed. However, at least he had been confused in this circle for so many years, so he had a relationship with some people, so he quietly left directly. On the side of the gate, you enter the film and television shooting base.

What Rejie shot this time was a youth inspirational short film, so the scenes basically didn’t change much.

If you keep walking this way, Reba can see two large studios in front of you. Moreover, there are many staff and some extras outside the studios, all waiting here at this time.

It seemed that today was a kind of interior scene being shot, and the director and some other staff were probably all in the studio.

From this side of the studio, he quietly walked in. As expected, he was indeed filming a hot scene, with several main actors performing fiercely on the stage.

Reba glanced over there. The on-site director and filming staff, as well as the crew, were all sitting below, but she did not see Re Jie.

Could it be because there are so many people?So, he didn't notice all this?Afterwards, Reba quietly walked around the studio, basically searching every corner. However, it was true, he did not see Rejie's figure.

Is it possible that Rejie is not here?

This is unlikely. This is Rerejie's first debut, so at this time, he must be more nervous about all this than anyone else.

If others weren't here, maybe it would be understandable, but if Rejie wasn't here, it would be impossible.

While thinking about it, Reba was about to leave from here. Could it be that it was Rejie because of other things?Or are you arranging other things?
When she just walked to the door, Reba suddenly saw a familiar person walking from the direction of the door. Moreover, he was wearing a hat, but Reba could tell at a glance that this person was coming. It's Zi's own place, Rejie.

I originally wanted to avoid him and take a sneak peek, but I didn't expect that I just met him. If this was the case, it is estimated that the two siblings will really confront each other this time, and... There can be no room for retreat.

When Rejie saw Reba appearing, he was indeed stunned for a moment. Maybe he didn't expect that he would take the initiative to show up at his shooting base at this time.

Obviously, the matter has completely subsided now, and he had heard Xiaoyan tell him this morning that those actors had already joined Sister Mi's company one after another, and were ready to start the detailed contract negotiations below. Condition.

And this morning, they should understand the truth of the matter, but will they doubt this matter on themselves?To be honest, you don't have much control over this.

"Why did you come here?"

Re Jie really pretended that nothing happened, and just looked at Re Jie in surprise.

However, Reba did not speak. She just smiled slightly. Anyone could see that his smile was a bitter smile. Moreover, it was a superficial smile but not a real smile. It was such a stiff presentation. On the face.

"Why, you don't welcome me here, or do you mean you don't want to see me? However, this seems to be completely different from your attitude yesterday. Didn't you still want to take the initiative to find me yesterday? Then, leave a message According to the note, what happened on the Internet? Have you changed your mind so quickly?"

"No, I really had some problems during the filming yesterday. The on-site director called me and needed to communicate in detail, so I rushed over in a hurry. I really didn't mean to avoid it."

"Oh, okay, then I get it. By the way, how was the shooting going today? It's the first day of shooting. I think the scene just now should be pretty good. This should be the first scene, right?"

"Yes, the first act, but the connection between the actors is not very good, and I always feel that they seem to have some shortcomings, so I just went to communicate with the other executive director and prepared to add some more Detailed issues, in this case, we may have to shoot two more shots." (End of Chapter)

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