"Oh, okay, it's not bad if it goes smoothly. Moreover, no matter what, it's your first time doing this kind of thing. If you study more and see more, it will definitely be no problem for your future growth. "

"You, you came to me, really just to see this? Isn't there anything else?"

"It doesn't matter. I'm just a free person anyway. I originally had something to be busy with, but now it seems that I don't need to be busy with this matter anymore. So, I just wanted to come and see what the shooting situation is like here. No matter what the situation is, if you don’t have time, it doesn’t matter, you go and do your work, I can do it by myself, I’ll go around here by myself, and I’ll leave after a while.”

"Let's do this. You wait here for a while. I'll go to the director over there to negotiate with him. There should be about ten minutes of camera switching time, so I should have no problem during this time. You are here Wait for me, I’ll come over in a minute, let’s find a place, and I’ll tell you in detail.”

"Okay, no problem. As long as you are willing to say it, then of course I will welcome you with both hands. Okay, you can go about your business. I will wait for you at the door and won't go anywhere."

Reba could see that in fact, at this time, Rejie actually wanted to explain some things to her in detail. However, there might be some differences between some things and what she imagined. After all, there were still some gaps.

Finally, she walked out of the studio and waited patiently. After about a minute or two, Reba saw Rejie walking out.

Judging from his appearance, I guess he didn't say a few words when he went in, and he came out very quickly. I guess he already had a rough idea in his mind at this time, and he also knew what he wanted to explain to himself.

"I won't delay your affairs anymore. It doesn't matter. If I delay your affairs, I don't have to stay here now. I can leave immediately."

"No, since we are already here, we need to talk. Let's go. There is a rest room over there. I told them that I have about 20 minutes here, so, 20 minutes That should be enough for us to talk.”

Reba didn't speak. She followed Rejie directly, and then walked to a rest room nearby. Finally, after the two of them walked in, there was no one else in the room, just an empty hall.

Rejie turned around and closed the door, and then gestured over there. Reba understood what he meant. Following his guidance, she walked up directly, and then sat on the sofa opposite.

"Tell me, what do you want to talk to your sister about?"

"Actually, I know what you mean by coming to me. It should be about the morning, about the 15 actors, right?"

"15 actors? What do you mean? What are you talking to me in such a confused way? Aren't you going to tell me what happened between you and Xiaoyan? What's going on, suddenly those 15 actors are involved? Where's your body?"

Of course, Reba pretended not to know anything. In fact, she just wanted to test and see if Rejie had any repentance at this time, and whether he knew where and what he had done wrong. What should be done and what should not be done.Seeing Reba's expression at this time, to be honest, Rejie did feel hesitant in his heart at that time.

Could it be that, up to now, he really has not suspected this matter at all?

No, things have become so obvious now, and if he still can't doubt himself at this time, wouldn't it be too ridiculous?
Or did Reba really not expect that her own brother would do such a thing?After all, betraying one's own sister is something that no one can accept at all.

"Sister, I feel that there is no one else here, only us, sister and brother. I feel that we can open our hearts and talk about what we are thinking in our hearts right now. You don't have to, Just hide it like this, and there is no need to criticize me. In fact, I understand everything, and I also understand everything."

Now that the words have come to this, and Reba can see that under this situation, he will definitely not leave any steps for himself to step down.

Since she was discussing this matter with herself very honestly, she had to put this matter on the record, because she wanted to know what happened to Rejie when he stole her information. What are you thinking in your heart?

After hearing this, Reba just smiled, and in the end, she was just helpless, and then she let out a long breath.

"Rejie, if I remember correctly, the year our dad died, you were probably in the first year of high school, right?"

"Yes, I was in the first year of high school, and it was winter. I remember it was snowing heavily. You came to school crying and found me, saying that our father fell from upstairs while working on the construction site. Just die."

"Well, from then on, we, brother and sister, depended on each other. I came out to go to school and work part-time, and then I helped you finish high school."

"Yes, sister, I remember all this. It was indeed very hard for you at that time. Sometimes even after work, you had to go do some work at night and work a job. Only in this way can we maintain our lives. People’s normal expenses, until after you graduate from college, the situation slowly improves.”

"You just remember that Sister Mi helped you at that time, but why haven't you thought about how Sister Mi has helped you in the past few years? Also, when you were in junior high school, did you remember that there was a time when you put someone else My PS game console broke, and then, you didn’t dare tell your family, so you secretly told me about it?”

"Of course I remember that because our family conditions were limited at that time, I always wanted a game console of my own, but my father never bought it for me. Later, I secretly played other people's games, but no I accidentally fell off the bed and it was broken immediately. I remember that the one at that time cost almost 3000 yuan."

"Yes, you still remember 3000 yuan very clearly, but do you know how much money your sister earned per month at that time? I remember very clearly that it was only 2000 yuan a month, and even if you don't eat, you can't To drink, I only have 2000 yuan, which means that even if I don’t buy anything or do nothing, it will take me one and a half months’ salary to be able to afford the money.” (End of Chapter)

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