"I know that you really thought of a lot of ways at that time, and then you scraped everything together to get the money for me. And then, three months later, you brought it again A new one was delivered to me, and I remember all of this."

"But, have you ever thought about it? Why, I borrowed so much money and went through so much trouble, but half a month later, I suddenly had more money? Then, I bought a new game for you. Woolen cloth?"

"I don't know. In fact, I still don't know, how did you get your money? I'm also very surprised. If this is really the case, we have mentioned this now, and I also want to ask You, how did you get that money at that time?"

"It's possible, but you can never imagine it. Moreover, this is also a mistake in my life. However, it has been so many years and I don't want to mention it again. At that time, I was eating with people, singing with people, and drinking with people. , in this case, it took 10 consecutive days to collect the money.”

"What did you say? You, you accompany others to eat or drink?"

After Rejie heard this, his eyes widened in surprise. He had never thought that Reba had given so much for herself, but as his younger brother, he had no idea at all.

"Don't worry, I haven't reached that point yet, and I won't sell myself. Then, I will pay you back the money. I will only accompany you to eat. I have not done anything else. Also, do you remember, When you were a sophomore in high school, you really wanted a pair of limited edition sneakers?"

"I remember that that kind of sneakers were very popular in school and during that period. I also know that you had just started working and starting out at that time, so that pair of sneakers must have been a big expense. However, I remember telling you After that, about a month later, I successfully got this pair of limited edition sneakers. Likewise, I didn’t ask you, where did you get this money? Could it be that it was by accompanying others again? Are you going to eat and drink with others?"

After hearing this, Reba just smiled, because she could probably understand one thing in her heart now, that is, there are actually some things that it is necessary for Rejie to know some of the secrets from back then, and there are also things that are very clear for him to know. everything.

"Do you really think that your sister has no other abilities besides accompanying people to eat and drink? At that time, she had already begun to gradually get on the road. I was involved in several dramas and went back and forth between various production crews every day. While running around, sometimes it’s almost three or four o’clock in the morning when I arrive at the resting place, I start to sleep for an hour or two, and then I’m about to get ready to start a new shoot.”

"You have never told me these things. Why, you have never said these things in all these years?"

"They are all sad past experiences. It doesn't seem to make much sense for me to tell you these. Besides, even if I say it, what will it be able to solve? Haven't you thought about this?"

In fact, Rejie had never thought about this at first, but after hearing these words, Rejie felt an indescribable sadness, and it was not clear where this sadness came from.

After being silent here for a long time, Rejie actually felt that his eyes were a little moist, but after all, he was a man, how could he cry?Therefore, he did not remove the tears, but quietly wiped the tears deep in the corners of his eyes with his hand. "Sister, I know that it was very, very difficult for you to work alone here back then. Moreover, you left all the best things to me. I know all this, and I will never forget it. , Don’t worry, I will definitely repay you well in this life.”

"Repay me? Let me tell you, I have never thought about how you can repay me. I only have one request, that you can be happy and live a happy life. These sisters are enough, but you Why do you do that?"

If everything before was foreshadowing, then now, it seems that all of this should have been the best foreshadowing.

Rejie knows that these things cannot be escaped after all, and then Reba will bring this issue to the current matter. He will never come to him to look for himself for no reason.

He didn't know why, but after hearing Reba's words, Rejie seemed to feel a lot more relaxed in his heart.

If he had not said this all the time, he would have felt that there was no way to continue this matter. Instead, it was Reba who said all these things openly, which made Rejie feel that there were some things that he could open up and talk about. Chatted.

"Sister, I know that your purpose of coming today is not that simple. You are not here to visit me. You just want to question about the loss of those data, right? Yes, I admit that those data It was indeed me who took it away.”

Even if Rejie doesn't admit it, Reba is 100% sure. She just wants to see what Rejie's attitude is towards this matter now, whether he knows how to repent, or whether he is now What do you think?

"I know, but I never thought that you could actually steal something and steal it on your sister's head. And, if this is really the case, tell me, did Sister Mi ask you to do this? If so, If so, just answer me, don’t worry, I won’t blame you again.”

"If you want to say that, then I really need to correct this matter with you. It really has nothing to do with Sister Mi, because when I said this matter, Sister Mi She just tried her best to stop me. She said she couldn't let me embark on the path of crime because of this matter, so she kept trying to persuade me not to get involved in this matter."

"Did I hear you correctly? You mean, when Da Mimi learned that you were going to steal these actors' information, she actually tried to stop it? Instead of blindly supporting you in doing so, right?"

"Yes, maybe you still have a lot of misunderstandings about Sister Mi now, but I really tell you, Sister Mi is actually thinking about me in everything she does, even though there may be differences between you. There is some estrangement, but I can still understand this estrangement. After all, it is you and Lin Feng who are together, and Lin Feng is Sister Mi’s ex-husband. You said, how do you ask her to face such a complicated relationship? Right?" (End of chapter)

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