"Hey, that's really weird. Why can't I get through?"

"Did you call his work number? Now you are calling his personal number."

"No, Sister Mi. When I contact him, I always call his personal number. I usually don't call him on his work number because he receives too many calls on his work number. Therefore, under normal circumstances, he also answers the call. I can’t make this call.”

"Really? Then you can change the number and call his work number again to see what the situation is."

After Xiaoyan obeyed, she just nodded. She just thought that this might be an accidental incident. She didn't take it to heart. After that, she called another number, but found that the call could not be connected either. beep.

"Hey, what's going on with this guy? I can always be contacted these days. Isn't he not on the crew filming now? Oh, I think about it. He was on the crew two days ago, but the movie has been completed. ."

"If I remember correctly, he should have come back last week. I told him to let him adjust temporarily for a week before starting a new job. Now, he should be resting at home. Normally, he would be on the phone It's impossible to get through. Is there something wrong with the phone? Generally, even if there are two numbers, they are installed in the same phone."

"I don't know. Who knows what this guy has done? It doesn't matter. I'll contact him later. I'll call the other actress first."

While talking, Xiaoyan looked up the phone number of another celebrity. He had also called, but what surprised him was that this time he got the same notification tone that the call could not be connected.

"What's wrong? I still can't contact you, right?"

In fact, until this time, Da Mimi had not realized the seriousness of the matter. She just felt that it seemed to be an accidental occurrence. However, it was indeed a very, very coincidence that this coincidence happened at the same time. It seemed that, This situation has never happened to the company in all its years of operation.

"Yes, what's going on? Why can't anyone contact the two of them? They can't be together. Don't worry, I'll call you two more times."

Xiaoyan was not in a hurry. After all, it was a company matter, and the two of them had to be informed as soon as possible. No matter what, she had to find a way to contact them.

In this way, she called over and over again, but the final result was exactly the same. In the end, she had no idea how many calls she had made. Anyway, none of the calls were actually answered by these people. of.

"Okay, you just need to fight more. Don't fight anymore. There must be something wrong with these two people. If you are like this, since you don't give this chance now, you can re-screen two more. Anyway, our company's These two are not the first-line actors. If you find two people here, I would like to see what kind of medicine these people are selling in their gourds."

After Da Mimi finished speaking, Xiaoyan nodded approvingly, and then followed his instructions and called the phone again. However, he was surprised to find that this time the call was also unable to be connected. .

"Sister Mi, the situation is definitely not right. If one is a coincidence, then two is a coincidence. Then, is three or four also a coincidence? I have made so many calls now, and they all remain on the same line. In this case, then, they said it was agreed upon collectively, right?"

"It was discussed? Did they discuss it collectively? Don't they collectively answer the company's calls? They are rebelling. Don't forget, they are still members of the company. I think these people are really crazy. You Bring me the address book like this, and then call me all the first-line actors, and let me see what the situation is."

In fact, Da Mimi also saw that there was no movement from Xiaoyan's side, so this suddenly increased her curiosity. She also wanted to find out what was going on here.Why can't all these people be dealt with now?What secret agreement did he have between them?

These are actors in their own company, and as their backstage boss, Da Mimi must control everything.

In the past few years of running the company, Da Mimi has had one principle, that is, no matter how far a star gets in the end, he must know who the boss behind the scenes is, that is to say, who are his reborn parents?It was Da Mimi, not them who just jumped out of thin air.

I just made some achievements, and now I am like this, so is this still a big deal?From now on, Da Mimi will have no way to manage these actors.

So he held the address book in hand, then picked up his desk phone and called all the phone numbers one by one.

All the actors know very well, where does this phone number come from?Therefore, under normal circumstances, they will definitely answer the call no matter when.

After she called the first one, she found that she couldn't get through. However, she called the second, third, and even fourth and fifth calls, and kept calling. After that, she discovered that all the calls were... All are in a state of being unreachable.

However, what was strange to him was that their work accounts were unreachable, but their personal accounts were shut down.

After all the actors had been called, she looked at the list. Now, she had called 16 actors.

This is their company, and they can be said to be the most popular actors in the world. In other words, all TV series and movies on the market, including all variety shows, will have their participation.

With their participation, the viewership of this program can be truly guaranteed.

"Sister Mi, what's going on? Can't you get through to anyone? What happened?"

"I don't know, but I feel that there is one thing that is strange. Look, when we call their work accounts, we are unable to get through, but their personal accounts are all turned off. This This proves that the work number is in another state."

"But what does that mean?"

"I am vaguely worried now, but I am not 100% sure yet. If this matter is confirmed, then it will be a very big loss for our company, but , I’m not sure yet.”

"What? Sister Mi, are you thinking of something? Just tell me what you think of. What is going on?"

"I suspect that these people may have conspired together to do something. They may even be preparing to change jobs collectively. It's impossible. With so many actors changing jobs collectively, this is simply impossible to happen in history. Things." (End of chapter)

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