"Sister Mi, I still think that your idea is a bit too bold. In the history of this company, even in the entire circle, there has never been such a big job-hopping incident. I don't think we can afford to think too much." Yes? Is this an accident or a coincidence? "

In fact, until the current situation, Xiaoyan refused to accept this fact, and she could feel that this fact should still be a huge blow to them.

"But don't you think it's strange? There are so many people, and there is no way to get through to them at the same time, and then there is no way to get in touch. If it is really one or two, for us, maybe it is still a coincidence. However, when such a large number of people appear and cannot be contacted, I believe that there must be a relatively big problem."

"However, the key issue is that we don't know where these problems are. It doesn't matter. Otherwise, why don't we wait a little longer and see if there is some gap in time? After a while, these people may I can get in touch.”

"It should be meaningless, but there is a person here. I believe he can provide us with some clues."

After saying this, he took the address book over and glanced at it. Soon, an actress named Luo Xiaoyi came into Da Mimi's eyes.

Luo Xiaoyi was promoted by Da Mimi single-handedly at that time, and her achievements today were all due to Da Mimi.

In addition, the most important point is that Luo Xiaoyi's current family members, including her brother and his sister-in-law, all their work is completed with the help of Da Mimi.

Both of them work in their own company, so he has always been very caring to him. Could it be that she still hasn't revealed the real news to him at this time?

After thinking of this, Da Mimi directly called Luo Xiaoyi and her elder brother's number.

This time, the result of calling Luo Xiaoyi was completely different, because after just two simple calls to his elder brother, someone answered the call soon.

"Hey, Sister Mi, what's wrong?"

"I heard that you didn't come to work today, right? No one, including your wife, came over. What's wrong? Did something happen in this house?"

"Sister Mi, actually, I don't know what happened. I suddenly received a notification from Xiaoyi last night. She told me not to go to work today and wait for news from her at home. "

"You mean, it was Luo Xiaoyi who called you and told you not to let the two of you come over to work. Is that what you meant?"

"Yes, that's what it means, but I'm also confused and don't know what happened at all. You just happened to be on the phone too. I want to ask, is it a temporary holiday for the company? Or is it us? Did the two of you make any mistakes? Why are you suddenly not allowed to go to work?"

"I would like to ask, who has Xiaoyi been in contact with in the past two days?" "We don't know about this. She is rarely at home at ordinary times. Even if we want to see him or her, it is difficult. Yes, that’s not it. It’s been almost two months since I last met her. I was busy filming on the set all day long. I usually communicate with her through WeChat and phone calls.”

"Let me tell you, Luo Xiaoyi probably betrayed the company this time, and if this is the case, then I must hold her legally responsible."

"You, what did you say? Xiaoyi, she betrayed the company? What did she do? Sister Mi, you are so arrogant. This child has loved acting since he was a child. It is really not easy to get to this point. Mi Sister, you, you must forgive her. If there is any problem, I will tell her nicely. If not, I will beat her."

"I am calling you now because I want to clearly tell you my attitude. If we can stop the cliff in time, we can discuss all this. However, I have no way to contact her directly now. I just hope , let’s see if we can get some information through your family’s means and see what they are doing now.”

"Okay, Sister Mi, I understand. I will arrange this right now."

"One more thing, if you really want to keep your sister's current status and don't want me to completely block her, then I will definitely not be able to reveal any information to her, and I will definitely not be able to let her know that I I have been in contact with you before, do you understand?"

"Okay, I understand. Sister Mi, please feel free to worry, but I only have one request. If Xiaoyi can stop the situation in time, Sister Mi, you must be noble and give this child a chance. She may be too young. She was deceived by others, maybe she really didn't think so in her heart."

"Don't worry, the prodigal son is worth the money. As long as he can repent, I will definitely not hold anyone responsible. However, now you must contact her immediately. I want to get the result as soon as possible to see what is going on. I Only after I figure it out can I decide what to do next, do you understand?"

"Okay, I know Sister Mi, please wait for my news."

After saying that, the other party hurriedly hung up the phone. At this time, Da Mimi had already vaguely noticed something in his heart.

She felt that this matter might be something extraordinary, and it would definitely not be as simple as they imagined.

"Sister Mi, you want to take advantage of Luo Xiaoyi's relationship with her brother and sister-in-law, and then find out what happened here, right?"

"I suspect that this time it should be organized and premeditated, and there will never be any problems out of thin air. But, who is this key organizer? So, I have to figure it out. If we don't figure it out, we will Now I am completely confused and don’t even know where to start investigating.”

"But, are her brother and sister-in-law trustworthy? If she mentions this matter to Xiaoyi at this time, then we will have truly alerted the enemy."

Xiaoyan said worriedly. (End of chapter)

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