"Well, anyway, you are old enough, and you know what to do, but I still remind you that Sister Mi's influence and deterrence in this circle are very great. You must not offend him at this time. If you find your way back at this time, maybe I can help you, right?"

"Oh, brother, just leave it alone. We all know what to do. Besides, I'm not the only one. So many people are learning about this matter now, so we also consider it. It’s very clear, you don’t have to think about it so much, I will contact you in time when I’m ready to make a decision later, so that’s it for now, I still have something to do here.”

After saying that, the other party hung up the phone in a hurry. The elder brother held the phone in his hand and shook his head helplessly.

Normally, it is a normal thing for young people to change jobs, but he is very surprised, why do they choose to change jobs collectively at this time?
So should this news be revealed to Dami?Therefore, he has been worried in his heart, and he doesn't know what to do.

At this moment, his wife came over from there. In fact, while making a few phone calls just now, his wife had been busy in the kitchen, but she could probably tell what happened.

"Look at what this means, it was Sister Mi who called me, right? Did something happen to Xiaoyi? Didn't you just get on the phone with Xiaoyi? What did she say? What happened?"

"I heard that Xiaoyi and the others are preparing to change jobs collectively. They seem to be full of dissatisfaction with Sister Mi."

"Collective fleas? Is it really unnecessary to change jobs collectively at this time? Moreover, in this case, will your own path be cut off? Don't forget that Da Mimi is in this circle, so But the connections are quite extensive.”

"So, I don't know what to do about this matter. Moreover, if I really tell Da Mimi about it at this time, it will be obvious that I am secretly helping him. Then, doing so will Won't it ruin our Xiaoyi's affairs?"

"Before their current affairs have really succeeded, I think if you tell Sister Mi at this time, you may have seen the point of stopping, but if you finish this matter, then you will completely There is no chance, you are not harming him, you are helping him, understand?"

"I was thinking the same thing just now, but I don't know how much benefit this kind of help can have to her? Forget it, I'll follow your instructions. Now, I'll tell him, and then we'll see. How should we deal with these things?”

While talking, he then took out his cell phone, took a deep breath, and at this moment, finally made up his mind, and then called Da Mimi.

At this time, Da Mimi followed Xiaoyan and waited patiently in her room.

He would rather feel that he is probably in big trouble this time, but at this time, there must be some things that he cannot say until he gets confirmation.

At this time, Da Mimi and Xiaoyan had almost no communication, because if they communicated too much, it would not be of much significance. Basically, everything had become a foregone conclusion.

At this moment, a rapid ringing of the phone broke the silence in their place. Da Mimi hurriedly walked over, picked it up and took a look. Sure enough, it was really Luo Xiaoyi's eldest brother calling.She nodded to Xiaoyan, then took out her phone and showed it in front of Xiaoyan. It looked like what she had guessed. This man should be worthy of her reliance and use.

"How's it going? Have you contacted Xiaoyi?"

"Sister Mi, I have already made a call with Xiaoyi, but I didn't expect that this child would be so ignorant. Look, if there is anything I can do, I, I will do my best, and then , find a way to make up for this matter, as long as you don't punish Xiaoyi."

Luo Xiaoyi's eldest brother has always been an honest person. Now, he doesn't know what to do. He is trying his best to help his sister, and he doesn't want his sister to ruin his good life at this time. future.

After hearing this, Da Mimi just frowned slightly. Could it be that all his guesses have become facts?In other words, have these people really mastered all the action plans?
"It doesn't matter. Please tell me slowly first what happened. Don't worry, I watched Xiaoyi grow up. Moreover, his success today is inseparable from his hard work. However, he can Once he has found his way back, I will definitely still be willing to help him, but you have to tell me the cause and effect of the matter in detail."

"Actually, I don't know the general situation very well, but I just know that they are now preparing to collectively switch jobs to another company, and they seem to be preparing to sign a collective contract."

"You mean, collective job-hopping? Do you know how many people there are in these collectives he is talking about?"

"Xiaoyi never told me about this, and I don't know what happened. However, she just revealed it to me, saying that the platform and treatment provided by that company were better than here. , what is it called, what is it called Lin, what is Lin Culture?"

"What you want to say is Maplewood Culture?"

"Yes, yes, it's Maplewood Culture. Yes, otherwise, this kid told me on the phone just now. I didn't remember it at all, and I don't know what it was about."

"Okay, then I understand, that's okay, I will find a way to deal with this matter, that's it."

After saying that, Da Mimi hung up the phone. Since he had already obtained the news about whether he was trying to escape from the news network, there was no need for the two of us to continue to entangle.

"It seems that all our guesses are correct. These people have indeed taken the road of collective job hopping, but it makes me feel that this matter cannot happen to me. However, I did not expect that it is really true. This scene happened in front of me." (End of chapter)

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