"Sister Mi, how is this possible? Moreover, in the entertainment industry for so many years, I have never heard of collective job-hopping. Moreover, all the people who left were popular first-line actors. Who is it? ?Have you so much power? Can you mobilize all these people?"

"Who do you think is my biggest enemy now? Besides, besides these people, do you think there is anyone who can only do this?"

"You, you don't know, you don't want to say that Lin Feng created Fenglin Culture, right?"

"Yes, it was Lin Feng who did it. I never thought at the time that he would have such great ability to take away so many first-line actors. If this is really the case, then this time I really We need to go all out, Xiaoyan, go call our legal department and finance department here, I want to hold a short meeting at short notice. "

After hearing this, Xiaoyan just nodded, but he felt that this matter was no small matter, and it seemed to be more serious than they had imagined before.

Later, people from the legal department and the financial department all came here, because this time he knew that they were facing a relatively big difficulty.

There are a total of 16 popular first-line actors in the company, and now, all of them have changed jobs. This can be said to be the biggest accident for their company since its establishment.

The two people who were invited to be in charge of the financial and legal departments had no idea what was going on at this time, but it was rare to see the two of them in the same department at the same time;

"Sister Mi, what's the matter?"

"Now, I'm calling you two here at the same time. This is obviously related to some labor dispute. Therefore, I want to study it all with you to see what the situation is."

"Sister Mi, are there any actors with unexpired contracts who want to change jobs? It doesn't matter. If we calculate according to the previous ratio, there should be no problem. This should be settled by direct contact between the financial director and I. ”

"What I'm talking about now is not just about one actor. What I want to tell you this time is that there are 16 actors in total, and all of them are first-line actors in our company, and they are all the most popular and popular actors at the moment. Hot 16 Actors."

After Da Mimi said these words, everyone present was very shocked. Moreover, they felt that they seemed to be very calm and composed when they said these words, as if they felt that this It's like an actor should leave the company.

"Sister Mi, did I hear you correctly? All 16 popular first-line actors have changed jobs collectively. If this is the case, do you know what our company will face next?"

"Of course I know. I am facing a large amount of compensation, and there is also a large amount of income. In addition, let's not calculate these aspects. Let me ask you, how much more do they have in their current contract? Please translate for us. Now, how long are the contracts of these 16 first-line actors?"

"Okay, I understand. I'll check it right now." As he spoke, the partner in the legal department hurriedly took out his laptop, and then retrieved all the confidential actor contract files. out.

Under normal circumstances, these files are all encrypted, because everyone knows that this is the core of the core. Only this can grasp the lifeblood of these people and firmly control them in the hands of these people. Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to move at all.

"I looked at it carefully, because everyone's signing time is not exactly the same. The longest one should be one year and nine months, and the shortest one is about 09 months."

"If we calculate it according to the prices we have agreed on before, then how much compensation should these people get? I want to calculate it. In addition, some actors now have some film contracts. If these cannot be transferred, If so, then our company will face part of the compensation, and I want to see if this part of the money can cover all of this?"

"Don't worry about this. I also know how to do it. Moreover, I can roughly calculate that if all the compensation amounts are added up, it should be about 1 million yuan. Yes, it should be 1 million yuan. A little more than [-] yuan."

"One hundred million, if everyone adds up the amount, it should be this number, right?"

"Yes, it should be this number."

"Okay, there shouldn't be any problem with the finances. If it comes to the account this month, excluding our liquidated damages, how much will we have left on the account?"

"Actually, the cooperation was relatively smooth before. Moreover, if some actors change jobs, then after negotiating with them, our losses should not be very big, probably around 3 million, so we will end up with the loss in the accounts. It can also fall to about 000 million."

"Then it looks like this, that means I shouldn't be losing money on this business, right?"

"If we lose money, we will definitely not lose money at present, but the key issue is that these actors are all our first-line contracted artists. If they all leave midway at this time, then the impact on our company's future reputation will be The impact on these aspects, including some businesses in the next stage, should still be huge. Therefore, I think it is best to think twice about this matter. Moreover, some things are not what we imagined that we can come into contact with at once. "

Da Mimi has been in this circle for so many years, so in fact, Da Mimi has already taken into consideration the things he has done. Everyone knows that the impact on the later period should still be very big. of.

"Do you think, if I don't calculate these now, what other options can I have? Will these actors still say that they will come back to my company together? Let me tell you, this is absolutely impossible, since, If they choose all this, then we will do it for them.”

"Okay, no problem. As long as you decide, I will immediately arrange a lawyer and then sue them. In addition, I will also provide them and our company with a one-year contract protection period. In other words, she Even if she is transferred to another company, then within the next year, she will definitely not be able to bring them more film and television works because of that company, which can be regarded as a kind of protection for our company." (This chapter. over)

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