"In the past, we didn't seem to have many places to deal with them, and our understanding was not very clear. If we really want to prepare to snipe them this time, then we must arrange appropriate marketing specialists. Then, for Maplewood Culture, we need to re-examine all aspects of the current market."

"Yes, this action must be done quickly, and a detailed plan and plan must be come up as soon as possible. I must make a detailed plan as soon as possible, and then bring all these things to the board of directors, and then pass them as soon as possible. .”

"Sister Mi, have you ever thought that if you do this, our company will take a big step. In addition, will our current development in various fields also have to be temporarily stopped?"

"Some actors have contracts for TV shows and movies. How many of them are currently being filmed?"

"This, I need to check the relevant information specifically to see what the situation is. Therefore, these are also troublesome things for me."

"Okay, then hurry up and don't delay. In addition, you must find a way to see Rejie, and then convey all the news to Rejie. For the rest, don't think about anything or do anything. ,Understand?"

"It's just that I don't know. According to Rejie's character at this time, what kind of reaction will he have when he learns the truth of the matter?"

"No matter what kind of reaction it is, when he learns that so many big-name actors in our company have been poached by Maplewood Culture, he will definitely be very angry, and this flame will burn stronger and stronger. In the end, no one can guarantee where it will be involved.”

"Okay, I understand. Maybe then, when they really become siblings and become enemies, do you think this is the best chance for us to stop?"

"Yes, I want to see how this Reba attacks his own brother. Therefore, we must draw Rejie into this war as soon as possible. Now, it seems that he is standing on the outside , but I tell you, he must be in it, and even if he doesn't move, he will also set himself on fire."

"Okay, then leave this matter to me, Sister Mi, then I'll leave first."

After saying hello to Da Mimi, Xiaoyan finally got up and left.

Looking at her leaving figure, Da Mimi shook her head helplessly. Unexpectedly, this war was getting hotter and hotter, and it seemed to have reached the point where she couldn't see it.

However, these seemed to be nothing to him.

Because Damimi is a strong woman, and the more this happens, the more courageous she becomes in fighting, because he knows that this Lin Feng is not his opponent after all. Even with Reba's help, what will happen? Woolen cloth?

"Dear, look, this news has been on the hot search, and the number of clicks is very, very high now, almost 3 million. It seems that the amount of attention netizens pay to these people should still be very high. High." Lin Feng got the news as soon as possible, and when he saw the news, he was really excited, so he wanted to share the news with everyone as soon as possible. The most beloved person around me is Reba.

Reba had been paying attention to the degree of fermentation of this matter on the Internet just now, because the degree of public opinion about the matter and his degree of fermentation meant how far this matter could go.

Therefore, she must take a long-term approach to all this.

Then, she turned back to look at Lin Feng, but she felt that this man was like a child at this time. He was dancing happily, even a little at a loss. If this was really the case, then he Can you persist?
"Don't be so optimistic about things now. Don't forget that this is just the beginning of something. In addition, at this time, Da Mimi 100% should already know about the collective change of these actors, so she will definitely Take up corresponding legal weapons to protect your legitimate rights and interests."

"Maintenance, isn't it a matter of compensation? We have already calculated it before. The money I have now can completely cope with this amount of money, so this point does not matter at all. It’s just a matter of words.”

"Yes, this is indeed the case now, and the issue of compensation has indeed been resolved. However, there is another key issue that you may not have thought about. In other words, if so many actors collectively change jobs, They will most likely have a contract protection period limit."

"Contract protection period? What does it mean?"

At this point, Lin Feng just frowned slightly. This term seemed a bit unfamiliar and a bit surprising. At the very least, it seemed that he had never been exposed to this name before.

"You may have had little contact with this before, because artists do have a contract protection period in this regard, which is to prevent artists from changing jobs back and forth in a short period of time, causing losses to both parties. Therefore, under the law There will be such a term appearing in the world.”

"Then what does this contract protection period mean? In other words, even if these people come to our company, they cannot serve our company now. Is this what you want to say?"

"Yes, it does mean that. I neglected this point before. Just in the morning, I saw the news and suddenly thought of Da Mimi. She will definitely think of this. If If this is the case, then she will definitely let her legal team continue to fight on this point. Then, during the contract protection period, or even before the lawsuit is decided, these artists will not be able to leave the country, and , and cannot be enabled."

"That is to say, she is just eating and drinking here for free and can't make any contribution. That's what it means." "Yes, that is indeed what it means. So, under this situation, then, at this time, we Those who will suffer will definitely suffer.

It is ourselves. I believe that he should be preparing for a tough battle at this time and is prepared to fight like this. "

After saying this, Lin Feng just frowned slightly. He was indeed not mentally prepared for what happened suddenly. (End of chapter)

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