Don't think that as long as you dig these actors into your name, everything should be solved easily, but who would have thought that there are so many things in it, and it will become so complicated?

When Lin Feng learned all this, he was really surprised. He was really not prepared for this before. This sudden change really made Lin Feng feel a lot of pressure.

Unconsciously, his brows knitted together again, and then he sat by the window and stared blankly out the window. Who knew that after digging these people back, there would be so much trouble? Woolen cloth?
"Then if she really applies for the protection period of the artist contract, then how long should the maximum period be?"

"It should be one year or within 12 months after the contract comes into effect. This is the longest period. However, in the end, it depends on how the court decides, and it also depends on the actual environment, including these personal circumstances. Willingness, why do they want to change jobs? Is it their intention to change jobs? These all need to be taken into consideration.”

"Besides this, is there any other way to solve this problem quickly?"

"Of course. Then, we must find a way to quickly prove some real facts about what happened at Da Mimi Company. In other words, these actors should have been forced away by Da Mimi. They had no choice. Even if the company survives, this is the only way, so her contract protection period will not take effect."

"Forced to leave? But it seems that these people were not forced to leave? Even if Da Mimi did something unsatisfactory in some aspects, the key problem is that we have no substantive evidence at all. This Everything is just speculation."

"On the surface, it does look like this, but this matter is subject to discussion. In addition, these actors should come to our company this afternoon, and then hold a formal signing ceremony. I also hope that here Regarding this matter, these people can one after another prove some facts, or some evidence of what happened before. If this can be produced, then we will have ironclad evidence. Naturally, this contract protection period will be It won’t take effect.”

"Okay, now it seems that the only way to do this is to do this. Okay, I will meet with them in the afternoon and then discuss in detail how to do this."

"In addition, I am still thinking about one thing. Since Da Mimi has already begun to prepare to intervene in this matter, then I suspect that if we should contact the front, we must not be able to grasp the news. It should be soon or even on the second day. You will learn the news soon, but I don’t know yet, how will Rejie view my sister when he learns this huge news?”

"Okay, Reba, now that things have reached this point, you must not consider other ideas anymore. Otherwise, if you look forward and backward, our affairs will never be able to proceed normally. So, no matter how you look at this, No matter how you think about it, this thing cannot be reversed.”

"Okay, I know. I'll just complain casually. Okay, it's nothing. I'll take the time to check the supplementary terms and some signing issues. At the very least, we have to guard against these people in our company. Suddenly being poached by others, in that case, the generated matter will be even more troublesome.

"Don't worry, I've already had a meeting with the legal department and discussed it with them. Basically, there shouldn't be any loopholes in the laws and regulations on this matter. Then I'll give them the details to check. , you should also work hard here, once the artist contract is successfully signed today, then we can implement our other plans according to the original plan."

The two people were here for a brief exchange, and then they went back to their rooms and started to get busy.

In the afternoon, Xiaoyan came to the filming base early after finishing her business in the company.

From a distance, she could see Rejie sitting on a bench, looking at a monitor. Then, there were several scenes in front of him that were being filmed in full swing.Every time I come to see this man, he always has such a working attitude, is very rigorous, and is also very serious. To be honest, this kind of man should be the most charming at this time, and he is also the most intoxicating.

Xiaoyan knew that he was busy filming a movie at this time, so she couldn't bear to disturb him, so she stood far away in a corner and waited here seriously.

It was not until 4:00 in the afternoon that Xiaoyan raised her wrist to check the time. It was already nearly 4:00. If she didn't pass by this time, I'm afraid that today would be a waste for herself. A great opportunity.

At this time, I happened to see that several sets of actors had been replaced. This also proved that today's daytime scenes were probably almost filmed.

Xiaoyan stood up happily and then walked towards Rejie.

At this time, Rejie was packing his water glass and some notepads. At this moment, he felt someone tapping his shoulder, so Rejie hurriedly looked back and saw the beautiful and lovely Xiaoyan. , standing in front of him at this time.

"Why are you here at this hour? Besides, shouldn't you be off work yet? There's nothing busy in the company, right?"

"The company has too many things to be busy with. I am already overwhelmed and don't know what to do. If I keep doing this, I really don't know how much I can persist. So, I can meet you. After meeting and chatting for a while, I feel like I can relax a little bit."

"Even if you have work, you can't be too busy and tired. Tell me, what do you want to eat tonight?"

"I don't want to eat anything, I just want to talk to you, okay?"

"Talk? No problem. Come on, come back to the room with me."

While talking, Xiaoyan followed Rejie, and the two of them entered his temporary rest room here.

Because he had to rush to film, the night scene and the white scene were usually shot continuously. Therefore, for the sake of convenience, he has been living at the filming base for a period of time. (End of chapter)

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