This is a temporary shooting base. To be honest, the conditions of this kind of base are relatively difficult, but there is no way. If you really want to make this movie well, then the most basic assistance must be met. of.

"Is there a nightclub tonight?"

"Yes, I guess I'll have to stay up all night again tonight, and the nightclub starts quite late tonight, probably after 9 o'clock, so for now, we still have enough time. By the way, what do you think? What do you want to eat? Let’s find a place to have some food, and then sit down and chat while eating. Wouldn’t it be better?”

"I'm not hungry at all. It's only 4:00 now. How can I possibly eat? It doesn't matter. I'll just talk to you. I have to rush back to the company later because there are still many things to deal with. There is no time to stay here at all. If you stayed up all night today, I guess I will have to stay up almost all night tonight."

"What's wrong? Are you under a lot of pressure at work now? Did something happen in the company again?"

"Rejie, you are at the filming base every day, filming your own movie, and you have no idea what is going on outside. In fact, the company has encountered a lot of trouble this time, and it is unprecedented since the company was founded. In a crisis, I have never seen Sister Mi as complacent as she is now."

"So what happened?"

After hearing this, Rejie suddenly became anxious. Two days ago, when he saw Da Mimi, she was not like this. Why did such a big change happen after just one day and one night?He never thought of this.

"Oh, it's hard to explain in one sentence. Forget it, since you are now a screenwriter and filming movies here, the company's affairs have nothing to do with you for the time being. However, don't worry, it should be taken care of soon."

"No, how could you talk in the middle of your sentence? This finally aroused my interest. Now you say you want to wait for a while. Now tell me, what happened? So good, why did you show up? Will the company have such a big crisis? What does it have to do with me?"

"What does it have to do with you? You are just an employee of the company. If a problem occurs, I'm afraid you don't have such great control capabilities. To be honest, this matter is also the first one I have encountered since I started working in this industry. This thing, even within this circle, I have never even heard of.”

"What's going on? Stop showing off here. I'm really worried. Tell me quickly."

Rejie himself is impatient, and when he learns that this matter is related to the future of their company, and even closely related to Da MiMi, then he will definitely not be able to calm down.

"In our company, there are a total of 16 popular first-line contracted artists. They have collectively changed jobs. I just learned about this this morning. This incident is a blow to the company and to Sister Mi. Very, very big.”

"You, what are you talking about? 16 popular first-line contracted artists have collectively changed jobs? This, this is impossible. It seems that I have never heard such big news in all these years."

"Now, the Internet is full of them. I guess you have been on the set and haven't read these things. But you should not read it. After seeing it, it is not disturbing enough. If you have time, you I’m willing to look at it again. Anyway, it’s such a real situation.” “Okay, but why did he suddenly choose to change jobs collectively? Is there some dispute between Sister Mi and them? That’s why this happened. ? Otherwise, how could so many people leave their jobs at the same time?"

"There is no relationship between Sister Mi and them at all, so you don't need to take this matter into consideration. I just want you to know one thing, that is, this matter has something to do with Maplewood Culture. If not If Maplewood Culture is doing all these tricks behind the scenes, then it is impossible for these people to change jobs one after another."

"What, what did you say? And, it's Fenglin culture again? This, this Lin Feng, he's not done yet, is he? Then does this matter have anything to do with my sister?"

It must be about Reba, or even Lin Feng, and the Fenglin culture behind them. If this is the case, this Rejie's heart is indeed a little overwhelming.

This matter has not completely calmed down, and it has reached a climax in the blink of an eye. To be honest, no one can accept this fact.

"Your sister must be one of the participants. Without your sister's assistance, do you think so many actors would rely on Lin Feng for their private contact information? Can he get it now? He can't get it at all. It's your sister. I have been in the company for so many years, so I have a relatively good personal relationship with these actors, so each of them must have been persuaded by your sister to come down."

"Even if these people want to change jobs, don't they think about the consequences? Don't they know that they will have to pay huge liquidated damages after changing jobs? Are they willing to do all this?"

"Let them pay the liquidated damages themselves. If they do this, I tell you, no actor is willing to do this. It is impossible to do this. The key issue is that now there is a boss who contributes money. Behind his back, he is willing to do this. They bear all the losses. If this is the case, then it seems to be really reasonable for these actors to change jobs."

"The boss who contributed the money? Who is it? Could it be that Fenglin Wenhua will bear the money alone?"

"That's right. Sister Mi has arranged for legal and financial affairs before. After a rough calculation, the compensation for these 16 actors alone is almost hundreds of millions."

"Good guy, [-] million in funds? Now, is Lin Feng really willing to take on all this? What exactly does he want to do? Is he crazy?"

Rejie simply couldn't understand Lin Feng's behavior at this time.

Just like before, the issues they discussed were the same. Business competition is a very necessary means, and it is also a very common thing.

However, if this kind of mindless and even intensified competition is involved, then at this stage, the nature of the matter has completely changed, and it is simply irreversible. (End of chapter)

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