"I don't know if he is crazy, but this thing did happen to them, and if everything goes well, these 16 actors should have signed with Maplewood Culture one after another. So, Sister Mi, this time Zi, I really don’t know what to do. After all, they are all popular first-line actors, and several of them have some collaborations with them, including movies and these TV series, all of which are being filmed. "

"Aren't you being ridiculous? This will have a huge impact not only on the company, but also on everyone. Sister Mi is going to plan how to solve this matter?"

"What else can you do? Everyone has left. You can only follow the legal provisions and recover their losses. For now, this is the only way to do this. However, this will affect the future of the company. Some losses are simply immeasurable.”

"Why are they doing this? Moreover, hasn't this war begun to calm down gradually? Could it be because I took their information last time, so these people were suddenly confused? What if it is? If this is the case, then I should be the initiator of this matter."

"Rejie, please don't push everything on yourself, okay? I am discussing this issue with you privately now. I do not represent Sister Mi. Likewise, I do not represent the company. Of course, I do not represent your sister either. Reba, I am just speaking from a personal standpoint, and I treat you as my boyfriend, and we are discussing this matter privately."

"Even if it is discussed in private, then this matter is an established fact and cannot be changed. Therefore, I just decided that there must be a problem there, so I wondered if it was because of me. Get up?"

"No, what happened last time was just a brief beginning. The war between them cannot calm down so quickly. Do you really think they can bow their heads and admit their mistakes to each other? Let me tell you, don’t even think about it in your dreams, this is simply impossible.”

"Then what should we do? If this is really the case, then it proves that Lin Feng has now begun to launch crazy revenge and attacks. If this is the case, your sister will not be able to withstand it at all. No, I have to go back The company should take a look at Sister Mi and see what she wants to do."

"Are you crazy? Don't you know what you are doing now? If you go back at this time, how should Sister Mi go about this matter? Also, Sister Mi has given me countless instructions, I must not tell you this matter otherwise, I just feel a little depressed in my heart, so I tell you now, if you do this, wouldn't you put me in an unkind and unjust way?"

"Xiaoyan, now is no longer the time to talk about these things. Now is the time when Sister Mi makes the most use of people. If I don't come around at this time, do you think I can still feel sorry in my heart? ?”

"No, I won't let you go back anyway. This matter has nothing to do with you, and since it involves your sister, you must not be involved. This is what Sister Mi told me."

"It's because it involves my sister that I have to follow up on this matter. If it hadn't been for this matter, then I wouldn't have given up on it so easily. In addition, the filming process these days has been very slow. It's going well. I'm just a little worried, so I stopped here. Even if I leave, I won't affect any shooting progress at all. You can rest assured about this." "No, no, hot. Jie, don’t think that I came here to complain to you in the future. Can you just pretend that I didn’t say anything? Then, if there is any news from Sister Mi, I will communicate with you in time. of."

"Xiaoyan, you don't need to say anything. Besides, I know it's really difficult for you to be caught in the middle. Don't worry. Even if I go back, I will ignore this matter. I will find a way to open Sister Mi's mouth. Then, if I know the information from her mouth, then this matter has nothing to do with you at all, do you understand?"

"No, is there really no room for negotiation? Can't we sit down and think about this matter in private? Do we have to make it in front of Sister Mi?"

"Sister Mi is the core of this matter and a team member. Therefore, anyone can give up at this time, but we cannot give up on all this. Don't worry, I know what to say, Moreover, I know what to do, so you don’t have to worry about this matter. I’ll say hello to the director team later, and then I’ll leave with you.”

"Well, then, that's all it can do now. However, I have only one request. Remember, Sister Mi must not be allowed to know all this news. I told you this, okay? "

"Don't worry, you are my woman now. How could I betray you? How should I put it? I know better than you in my heart and I will definitely bring you up. Okay, I Go there to say hello, or you can wait for me, and then the two of us will go together."

Rejie always does what he says, and this incident indeed happened very suddenly for him.
However, Rejie regarded himself as the initiator of all this matter. He believed that it was his act of stealing the actors' information that completely angered Maplewood Culture. Otherwise, he would not have been so big. Actions.

At this time, in a conference room of Maplewood Culture, a total of 16 actors were sitting together. They were all arranged in a row, and there were also several senior executives of the company sitting here. As well as Lin Feng and Reba.

"Okay, I believe that you have all read the agreement in front of you carefully. I believe that this agreement should be the highest quoted price in the market, and it can also provide you with a better platform. So, if you If there is no problem, you can sign it and the contract will take effect. However, there is one more thing, that is, you must think carefully. Now that you have stepped into my platform, if you want to withdraw, I am afraid that you will not. It’s that simple.”

"Mr. Lin, don't worry, we have already seen it, and you were a popular traffic niche before. To be honest, if we were with you, we think there should be some success. Sisters, do you think this is the case? "(End of chapter)

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