"Yes, we have heard about Maplewood Culture before. It's just a pity that Maplewood Culture has never established a performing arts department. Now it has this performing arts department, and it is still led by you, Mr. Lin." , then we can definitely see hope."

The 16 actors expressed their opinions one after another here. Of course, all of them are inclined towards Maplewood culture.

Lin Feng was naturally very satisfied with this matter when he heard it.

"Okay, since everyone thinks there are no problems, you can sign your names on it now, and then I will let others sort it out and generate a formal contract as soon as possible."

"Okay, no problem."

While talking, these people lowered their heads again, then took out their pens and wrote their names on it.

You know, this contract is a once-in-a-lifetime deal for them. It not only provides them with a better and larger platform, but the most critical point is that he can also get 10% of the stock dividends from here every year, which is very important to them. It’s actually a huge amount of income.

This kind of treatment is very, very rare nowadays. Even if you have to work hard to film, what can you do?

Most of the income has to be shared with the company. In fact, to be honest, they have already complained about this kind of behavior before.

But this time, they used this platform to get a ratio of 37%. This is already a very high share ratio for them. The company gets three points and they get 7%. They will definitely get it in the future. Make more money.

"Okay, now that everyone has signed the contract, you can take all the contracts, and then you can sort them out again. Okay, now you can all withdraw first. I have some things to discuss with these actors. Just a temporary explanation."

Lin Feng turned around, and then told everyone that the chairman sitting next to him didn't come up with any suggestions at all, as if it was just a decoration.

Lin Feng had been taking the lead in the entire meeting, and he was completely guiding this matter. Without Lin Feng, it seemed that there would be no way for this meeting to proceed smoothly.

After seeing everyone leave here, these actors were actually very surprised. Lin Feng left them here. Is it possible that he would have to hold another small meeting for them alone?

Except for Lin Feng, the rest was not Reba, whom they were very familiar with. After all, they belonged to the same company before and had quite a lot of private communication.

"Okay, now we all have our own people left here. Since you have signed a contract with Maplewood Culture, that means you are the artists of my company. Therefore, it is necessary for us to open our hearts and have a good talk. This matter." "Mr. Lin, what is going on? Just tell me, don't show off here, we sisters don't have time to waste this with you here."

"Okay, I want to ask, have you ever thought about what Mimi will do next? Based on your experience of working with him for so many years, what do you think they will do next?"

"Do you still need to ask? Naturally, they will pursue compensation from us through legal channels and then publicly. However, we have decided before that the amount of compensation will be borne by Fenglin Hua, and it has nothing to do with us personally. It was already stated in the contract just now."

"Haha, don't worry. As long as I promise, I will never go back on my word. These compensation amounts are nothing to me. These figures can only solve the problem you are facing. However, I am worried that they will use the contract protection period to limit your acting career. Have you ever thought about this?"

"Contract protection period?"

"Oh, Xiaoyi, before, I seem to have heard from some director group that there is a contract protection period, but what are the conditions to form this? I don't know. Anyway, it can be said that it should mean to ban a person. , and then during a certain period of time, he is absolutely not allowed to leave the country, and he will not have any chance to appear on stage."

"You can understand it as a kind of ban, but this ban is from a legal perspective and is not an act of an individual."

"Banned? Isn't it? We have just come here and are preparing to show off our talents and continue to work hard with you. Now you are asking us to give our artists a protection period? Then, what else can we do next? "

"Yes, if you tell us this at this time, then we will definitely not be able to accept it. You can't let us stay at home every day, right? Let me tell you, we are now at the hottest time. If we become popular at this time, If we continue to pay more, I’m afraid we won’t have a few real fans left.”

"Yes, you must not do this. My number of fans is on the rise right now. I can't let it go down. What happens next will not be of any benefit to me at all."

Everyone heard that during this artist protection period, they naturally expressed their opinions, and no one wanted such a thing to happen to them. After all, this cruel fact was indeed what Lin Feng least wanted to see. a thing.

"Of course I don't want this kind of thing. I want you to immediately start filming movies and TV series. However, the key problem is that I don't know if Da Mimi will do this. In addition, she will definitely catch him. Don’t let go of it at all, because the protection period will definitely mention this.”

"If she really wants to mention this, how should we respond? Brother Feng, you have prepared so much in such a big way, and then poached so many of us, don't you have any mental preparation? Could it be that, Don’t you have your own legal team?”

"I have mental preparations, and I also have my own legal team. These are all nothing to mention. Even now, the legal team has given me an idea. If you want to destroy the protection period of this contract, then you must Find a way to provide evidence, that is, to prove that Da Mimi has a great hindrance to your future development in the company, and that he was forced to do so. Only in this way did you choose to change jobs. Only in this case Under this, then the artist’s protection contract will never take effect.” (End of Chapter)

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