"What do you mean? Do you know what's going on here? Come on, if I had known this, I shouldn't have let you leave. Come on, sit down and talk about it. See if everyone can think of other things. Method?"

Yes, this person is a management talent specially hired by himself. So, I believe he should have his own set of methods in dealing with various crises in the company.

After Lin Feng thought about it, he hurriedly stood up, and then let this person directly pull him to sit next to him.

"If you just look for this evidence from her moral aspect, or from the artist's relationship, it will not help at all. If I were Da Mimi, and I wanted to do this, then I must have been prepared. , how could I possibly leave you with anything to say?"

"Then you are saying that even if we people do these things, it is completely meaningless, and there is no way to overturn this conclusion. Is this what you mean?"

"If you just talk from this perspective, I believe it must be like this. Even if you sit here until tomorrow morning, you will not think of any solution. Even if some people come up with something, If there are two things, then they don't constitute a big threat at all, so they don't make any sense. However, you can look at it from another angle. You don't have to hang yourself on this tree."

"A different angle? What do you mean?"

Lin Feng didn't seem to understand what he was saying. He just frowned slightly, then turned back to look at what the chairman said.

"You can't just limit yourself to the relationship between her and these artists, but also at all levels. You need to start from the overall situation of the company. Think about it. The company has been operating normally for so many years. Let me ask, is it really a little bit different? Are there no problems? These artists are deeply involved in the front line, and most of the time they are dealing with big customers. Don’t they know that there is nothing to consider in terms of the company’s operation and mechanism? ?”

As soon as he finished speaking, he looked up at the artists who were working. Of course, as the chairman of the company, he must not understand the operating mechanism of Da Mimi Company. However, based on a general rule, he actually still Able to distinguish clearly.

"Think carefully about some aspects of the company, or are there any shady transactions? I believe that behind any company, there are some shady things. Some of them can be exposed, but some are not. It's not highlighted at all. You have been in the company for so many years. Don't you have any traces? I think it shouldn't be like this. "

"If you want to put it that way, I seemed to suddenly think of something, but I don't know if there is any relationship between this matter and us."

At this moment, one of the artists present, Luo Xiaoyi, suddenly turned his head, then looked at Lin Feng and said.

Although it was not clear at all what she was going to say next, from his serious attitude at this time, Lin Feng seemed to have felt that this matter was likely to be of great help to him.

Moreover, this is exactly the kind of result I want to see. "It doesn't matter. The reason why I keep you all here is that I hope you can speak your mind freely. Maybe, for you, this matter seems to be insignificant at all, but maybe in our eyes, it's okay Great things are accomplished, do you understand? So, whatever you think of, just say it."

Lin Feng could tell that the actor seemed a little worried, and he didn't know what he wanted to say.

In fact, Lin Feng has not paid much attention to the entertainment industry in the past two years. However, for today's popular artists, to be honest, he can still recognize a few of them.

For example, Lin Feng, who is talking to Luo Xiaoyi, had just watched a spy war drama before. She played the role of the number one secret agent in it. She is indeed an actor with excellent acting skills, and her performance is also quite good. success.

"It's like this, I remember it was probably last year, but when was it last year, I think about it, it should be in the summer, yes, it should be in the summer, I accidentally entered a dinner party middle."

"Dinner party? What do you mean? Do you mean that the dinner party is not just for you, but also for rice and rice, and even other people?"

"At that time, it was a movie that I starred in. Of course, it was funded by the reviewer, the producer, and the producer. Now people from all walks of life are here. I saw with my own eyes that Da Mimi handed over a sum of money to the producer. But, I remember very clearly that there was a check on it, but that check seemed to be very different."

"Checks look very different? What do you mean? Aren't checks all ordinary? Is there anything else that's different about them?"

"Sister Reba, you may know something about this matter. Moreover, Sister Reba, you should have seen our company's checks before. Please tell me, what is the difference between our company's checks and other companies' checks?" Nothing different?"

"Yes, I really have a say in this matter, because when I was designing that check, Da Mimi specifically came to me and asked me what I meant, because all other checks were payable to ordinary people. However, our company does not use an ordinary letterhead, but a unique logo of our company, so it is very conspicuous. You can tell at a glance that it is our company's check, and it is completely distinguishable from other company's checks. of."

"Yes, I was still thinking at that time, why is the watch that Sister Mi is holding in her hand not a watch owned by our company, and what does this check represent? Why is it made in this way and handed over to the manufacturer? Where is the hand? So, I just thought about it and thought it was strange, but later I didn’t take it to heart."

After hearing this, Lin Feng just nodded thoughtfully. He seemed to understand what these principles were. He just looked back and saw Lin Feng sitting next to him.

Lin Feng has been silent the entire time. (End of chapter)

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