"Is it the same as we imagined, that he played a yin-yang trick this time? Moreover, the purpose of doing this is to evade taxes,"

"Actually, this is a common trick in some companies, and they basically do it. It's just that her approach may be more subtle. However, she may not have thought that she would be defeated there. The beginning of a check and the company logo on it, I believe this is not the first time she has done this."

"Well, if you want to put it that way, it seems that I also remember some impressions. Once, at the celebration meeting, she also handed over a piece of paper to the producer, no, it should be the investor, and then, she handed it over to the producer. No, it should be the investor. I remember the check very clearly. She folded it in half. However, what impressed me deeply was that our company's logo was not seen on the check. So if it comes to this matter, I guess it should be in the right place. It was just last month, probably two or three months ago.”

"What about the rest of you? Have any of the rest of you ever had this impression?"

After the actors heard this, they just shook their heads slightly, because not every actor could personally visit the transaction site, and only a few of them could encounter it by chance.

"Well, if that's the case, their clues have become clear now, which proves that if Da Mimi is like this, she will not superimpose this money on her company, so she will naturally pay less. A large amount of tax, what I said should be right, right?”

Lin Feng quickly analyzed the cause and effect of this matter clearly. Of course, Mr. Li sitting next to him also nodded in approval. Yes, Lin Feng's current analysis is completely correct. "

"Actually, every company has its own approach, and there will be an immature routine in it. Of course, these have become a conventional way in this industry, but now, tax evasion, It is also a very serious illegal and criminal act, so it depends on her actual amount of money, including how many times she did it, we can all take it into consideration. "

"That is to say, as the legal representative of the company, Da Mimi did not originally want to do this. Moreover, if she did this, what impact would it have on the company in the future? This is also uncertain, so , she just makes such a result selectively, right?"

"It is impossible for her to evade taxes every time. If that is the case, then with a little investigation, she will be exposed soon. Therefore, she will not be so stupid. It can only be said that she is doing it in a special way. Period, maybe she would do this. Think carefully about the causes and consequences of what you saw, or did anything else happen before or even after? Including the company's You put your heads together and think about everything carefully.”

"I remember, Xiaoyi, when your movie was released, it seemed that our company was investing in two TV series, and was giving a foreign company the first opportunity to produce the rights. Therefore, the company's production funds were very high at that time. Nervous, am I right?”

"Yes, I also remembered it. You mentioned about the movie a few months ago. Let me recall it carefully. A few months ago, it was also a difficult period for our company. Therefore, these two things happened. What happened during the difficult period of our company also shows that the company's money was very tight at that time, so Sister Mi wanted to save some money so that she could maintain the company's normal expenses."

"So, she chose such a transaction method at this time. In other words, there should be another company under her name, but this company is invisible and cannot be seen at ordinary times. It's just that This company will really show up on this check when it needs him." "Yes, this has become an indispensable secret transaction in the industry, so this matter is very important, if it really Once it is confirmed, even if she does not have to go to jail, she will still have to bear a great impact on her reputation. In this way, this so-called artist protection period will not be effective at all, because she no longer has any rights in front of the judge. In good faith."

"On the contrary, the judge will also sympathize with these actors. They are in such a company. Everyone knows how big the crisis they are shouldering. Therefore, even if they choose to change jobs collectively at this time, then everything is logical. , there will definitely be no doubt.”

After Lin Feng heard this, he just smiled. Listening to these people's careful analysis of this matter, he gradually seemed to have seen the light of day.

Originally, I seemed to think that there was nothing that could be broken into this matter, and that I had gradually entered a dead end.

However, he did not expect that there would be a bright future in another village. When he walked from this dead end to the top floor, he found that there was actually a bright road waiting for him to go up.

"Okay, if that's the case, it really couldn't be better. But Mr. Li, what do you think of this matter, how should we operate it? Just based on these two actors, what they said at the time Memory, and then, to infer this matter? I don’t think this matter is that simple to do. "

"The key to handling a case is to be efficient, and there must be substantial evidence. Not only witnesses, but also physical evidence, which is also very, very important. Therefore, this matter must start with the investors. You are now Recall carefully what kind of roles those people are, and can you recall their names?"

"I just remember that one of the producers of the movie back then was probably named Mark. Yes, I remember it very clearly. It was Mark. I don't know, Brother Feng, have you ever heard of this name?"

"Mark? I remembered, he is not the producer, he is the theater company."

"The theater side?"

"Yes, that is to say, some of the early investment in this movie will be given to the theaters in the form of a share. Then, the theaters will divide the money with the box office income of the movie. To various investment companies, that is to say, he was actually moving the funds around in disguised form, and in the end, it turned into a sum of funds that no one knew about at all." (End of Chapter)

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