"So, can we call this a way of laundering money?"

"One of the actors boldly put forward his own idea. It seemed that he had watched too many TV series or filmed too many TV series. His imagination was so wide open that he suddenly thought of such a word."

"I think you are thinking too much, so what is money laundering? The so-called money laundering is to convert illegal income into legal income. However, it is legal income in itself and does not need this at all. The process of money laundering, that is to say, is the turnover of a capital chain, and then the money is evaporated invisible in the market. In other words, he will pay a large sum of taxes, and then That’s his true purpose.”

"Mark, I really had some relationship with him when I was a young man, and I can also know some situations. However, as far as I know, the theater chain's business is relatively bleak now, and he is also the most difficult. If I can help at this time, do you think Mark would be willing to stand on my side?"

Lin Feng can still catch the shortcomings of these people in doing things, and he also knows where these people are relevant and what do they need?Moreover, if they can take these things, will they turn the gun on themselves?These are all things he needs to take into consideration.

"Then you have to find a way to find Mark as soon as possible. Do you need him to appear in court to testify? However, he must have the transfer vouchers from that year. We only need to get these things, then we can substantively prove a complete With the chain of evidence, this matter can be considered a complete matter.”

"Would it be possible for Da Mimi to go to jail?"

Lin Feng suddenly seemed to realize something. If the amount of tax evasion was really huge this time, then he would definitely be legally responsible.

If the amount is just average, if you do a little operation and need to pay more fines, the matter will naturally be settled.

No matter how you look at it, Lin Feng doesn't want Da Mimi to go to jail at this time. After all, once she goes to jail, her reputation will be ruined for the rest of her life. The most important thing is that her daughter will be lost again. Mom, he doesn't want to see Yueyue in that state anymore.

"This depends on the amount of money involved and whether it can meet the legal standards. If you only provide one piece of evidence, then it is obvious that this amount should be completely insufficient. Therefore, it All you need to do is pay these taxes back. Of course, such a person will also have a great impact on his reputation. I think this should be the best way."

"Well, if that's the case, then I also know how I should go on this road. I will contact Mark as soon as possible to see what the situation is. If I can actually get something out of him, If we get the evidence, then it will be obvious and easy for us to break this matter."

"So, Brother Feng, your actions and speed must be fast now. At the very least, you must complete these things before Da Mimi. Then, you can get tangible evidence, and then blackmail, or even, You don’t need to publish this evidence, just a simple threat, then maybe this matter can be accomplished.”

"You mean to use this as evidence of blackmail to blackmail Da MiMi into compromising and stop pursuing the so-called protection contract period of these artists? Is that what you mean?"

"Yes, I can see that, after all, she is your daughter's biological mother, so you are not willing to go to court with her. If it can be achieved, solving this matter privately is naturally the best solution. method, I believe Da Mimi is a smart man, and he should know better than anyone else what is more important." Lin Feng just nodded after hearing this. Now, with Director Li and his own analysis and suggestions, he felt that it was really It is very, very precious, and every sentence should be perfect for myself.

Finally, everyone left one after another. After that, he took Reba and the two of them returned to the office.

"This Mark, I believe you have met him before, so he should have a deep impression on your popular actor."

"I have indeed met him, and I have had several friendships with him, so there is no problem in talking to him. If you need me to go with you, there is absolutely no problem in this matter. Today In the evening, we must speed up the progress and cannot delay it any longer."

"Okay, no problem. Then wait a minute. I will find a way to contact him as soon as possible. We will set it up for tonight. This matter must be done tonight."

"Are you beginning to hesitate a little when you want to deal with Sister Mi now? Are you a little hesitant? I don't know if this matter can be done?"

"Hesitation? There is no hesitation. It's just that I don't want to deal with her in court now, and I don't want to send her to prison myself. After all, Yueyue needs to have a complete family. It's not easy to find her mother. I don't want to. I hope to see this scene, and I don’t want Yueyue to feel sad for herself, you know?”

"So, you will definitely not take this thing out. You can only communicate with her privately and then threaten her with this matter. I believe that Sister Mi will be able to understand this matter because of her intelligence. So , you will naturally give up the so-called artist protection period."

"Yes, I hope he can be wiser. If she is wiser, then our affairs can proceed better. Okay, let's start preparing separately. Also, do you know about Mark's company in the past two years? Some actual operating conditions, and where his current theater revenue mainly lies."

"Okay, I understand, I'll get ready now."

After hearing this, Lin Feng nodded with relief. In fact, he couldn't be more relieved to leave this matter to him. Reba was very serious and responsible in everything she did.

Never let these things really fall to the ground.

At this time, Rejie had followed Xiaoyan, and the two of them returned to the company. When they first arrived downstairs, Xiaoyan seemed to be hesitant, and she suddenly stopped. (End of chapter)

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