"I think if we don't want Sister Mi to be suspicious, it's best for the two of us not to return to the company at the same time. Let's do this. You go up first, and I'll go to the back of the company to sell some things. I'll go around in a while, and then I'll go back Stay in your own room and act as if nothing has happened, okay?"

"Haha, are you so cautious? Moreover, even if Sister Mi knows, what will happen? Can't Sister Mi understand all this? Don't worry, I will tell her patiently, I believe she can understandable."

"That's not okay. Do you know how cautious Sister Mi is about your relationship with your sister? If there is any conflict between you and your sister due to company matters or other reasons, Then, Sister Mi will definitely be furious and will never allow such a thing to happen, so I have already experienced it, and I don’t want to experience it again this time, so you should go up by yourself."

"Okay, I don't know what to say. Sister Mi's sincere dedication to me has long been seen in my eyes, and I have deeply felt it. My unsatisfactory sister, it's hard to put it into words, it's really I don’t know what to say to her.”

"Okay, now that the matter is out, we have to face it bravely now. Okay, then I won't disturb you. You can go upstairs. The elevator is here, so I'll leave first."

Xiaoyan saw that the elevator had reached the third floor. If it went down further, it should reach the first floor soon. So, she hurriedly said hello to Rejie, and then quickly walked out of the company to the lobby. leave.Got it
Since he didn't want to go up with her, Re Jiejie naturally wouldn't make things difficult for her anymore.

In addition, there is another thing. In fact, his analysis is correct. If Sister Mi really knows that Xiaoyan is conveying news to her like this, then she will definitely be furious. By then, I am afraid even Xiaoye will not be able to do it. I will give her this face.

When he came outside the office door, he just knocked on the door gently. At this time, Da Mimi was already in the room making all preparations.

Before they arrived, he had already privately received a message from Xiaoyan, telling her that things were going well and that if nothing else happened, Rejie would appear in his office on time in half an hour.

When she heard a knock on the door in the office, she couldn't help but raise her wrist to check the time. It just so happened that, according to the time she received the message, about 278 minutes had passed.

It seems that Xiaoyan is still very mature in doing things nowadays, and her control of time is just right.

Fortunately, she had put a lot of things on her desk before coming, and especially regarding some actors' contracts, Da Mimi deliberately put them in a very obvious position, with the purpose of making him suspicious, and then , forcing myself to ask myself step by step, to get all this information out.

"Come on, come in."

As she spoke, she just agreed. However, he could clearly hear the sound of the door opening. However, at this time, Da Mimi became very calm. She kept her head down and never looked up at the door. .

"Lawyer Yang, I have already said that compensation can be recovered from all of these lists, but there is only one person who cannot be added to the list, you know? Now, don't hold her responsible for anything. , do you understand that she is also innocent? Now, immediately change this list and take Reba out of the list for him."

"Sister Mi, what did you say?" Although Rejie didn't fully understand what this sentence meant, he could still hear a general idea. In addition, after he finished saying this sentence, Da Mimi Suddenly I looked up and looked over there in surprise, feeling as if I was seeing a new world.

"Rejie, why is it you? You, why are you here at this time?"

She seemed to be a little nervous when she saw Re Jie, so she hurriedly told him all the things in front of her, and then she felt very flustered while she was talking.

It seems that some things haven't had time to talk about it, and some have been scattered to the ground.

Rejie walked over, then bent down and picked up those things one after another. He found that there was a legal prosecution document on it, as well as information about the actor's previous behaviors in the company.

Even the plans they signed before are all here now.

"Rejie, these are the company's confidential things, you can't just look at them."

Damimi had quick hands and eyes, then walked forward and took out everything in their hands. Then he used a few file boxes to press these things down, so that Rejie would not be able to see them. content above.

"Rejie, aren't you on the set? Moreover, filming has been going very smoothly for a while. I just asked about the situation there yesterday. Why did you suddenly return to the company? Didn't I tell you? If there's nothing wrong, you don't need to go back to the company, you just need to listen to your movie on the set."

"Rejie, what happened to you in such a hurry?"

"No, what happened? Isn't all this normal? I was just negotiating with the lawyer about another matter. What on earth are you here for? If you have time, just take the time to tell me what to do. If If not, just hurry up and go back, I still have a lot of things to do here."

"But obviously when I came in just now, I heard that you said that you wanted to remove my sister's name from the list of prosecutions. What do you mean? Who do you want to sue? Sister Mi, what is going on in the company? ?”

"No, no, you heard wrong. What I said happened in the past. Tell me, why did you come to me? Did you encounter any difficulties on the set? Didn't I tell you? If you encounter any difficulties, you can make the decision on your own. There is no need to discuss these matters with me."

"Sister Mi, you are hiding something from me. You just mentioned a prosecution list. Then, I just picked up two copies on the ground. They are both of our company's first-line artists. They signed a contract, but at the end of the contract you actually added There is a legal indictment, which proves that there is a financial dispute between you and them. Why is this happening?" (End of Chapter)

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