"Rejie, in fact, these operations of the company are very normal. They are all normal legal documents that need to be dealt with on a daily basis. However, you have not been exposed to it before, so you do not understand what happened. , Okay, come on, since you are already here, then I just want to sit down and ask you about the filming of the movie, come on, let’s go over here.”

Da Mimi seemed to deliberately not want him around her desk. After all, it involved too many documents.

She just pulled Rejie anxiously, walked directly to the living room next to her, and then sat down on the sofa.

"Rejie, what are you drinking? Do you still drink coffee? I'll recharge it for you right now."

"Sister Mi, please stop being busy. I came here just to see what happened. I heard today that something happened in the company? Moreover, there has also been a big crisis for the company. What happened? what's the situation?"

"What accident? Crisis? Where did you hear all this? It was hearsay, right? Xiaoyan didn't tell you, right?"

"Where is Xiaoyan now? I don't know, I haven't seen her yet."

"Are you sure that Xiaoyan didn't tell you this news?"

"Of course I'm sure. If she told me, then wouldn't it be possible for me to figure out exactly what happened if I were still here and you were going around here? Sister Mi, tell me, what happened?"

"Oh, Rejie, didn't I tell you? Nothing happened. You can just sit back and make your own movie. Anything else has nothing to do with you. Do you understand?"

"It's not Sister Mi, you lied to me. Something must have happened here. Otherwise, how could it involve prosecution? Also, so many actor contracts were taken over at once, and there were so many legal documents attached. There must have been a major change, tell me, Sister Mi, if you don't tell me, then I'll ask other people in the company, I think there will always be someone who will tell me what happened."

While talking, Rejie stood up and prepared to leave from here. Since he could no longer get the answer from Da Mimi, he would feel that being here was a waste of time, so there was no need to be here. Continue to waste.

"Rejie, stop."

Seeing that Rejie was about to get up and leave, Da Mimi seemed to panic at this moment. Then, she quickly walked forward and stood in front of Re Jie, meaning you can't do it casually. Out of here.

Rejie raised his head, frowned slightly, and looked at Da Mimi. He didn't understand what was going on in this woman's mind at this time, but from her face and expression at this time, he could feel that he must It is filled with anxiety.

"Mi, tell the truth, sister, have you never regarded me as one of your own?"

"Rejie, what are you talking about? If I didn't treat you as one of my own, would I have invested so much in you? And you, Sister Mi, I have watched you grow up, how could I treat you as one of my own? Where are you? If you say that, then my heart is really a little cold." "Sister Mi, if you really regard me as one of your own, why haven't you given me this for so long? Where is the feedback? Also, I just want to know what is going on. Everyone else knows, but I feel like a fool. Am I not an employee of the company? Don’t I have the right to know all this? "

Having said this, Da Mimi just lowered her head slowly, as if facing Re Jie's question, she really didn't know how to answer.

"Rejie, if you're like this, don't get excited first. Then, let's sit down and chat slowly, okay?"

"Okay, Sister Mi, if you are willing to tell me, then it doesn't matter how long we chat. I have already kept an eye on the studio today. Even if I don't have to go tonight, all the night scenes will be fine." I can shoot normally, so I will stay here and not go anywhere. I must figure out what happened."

After finishing speaking, the two people returned to the sofa again. Just after sitting down, he heard Da Mimi let out a long sigh.

"Rejie, to be honest, do you know how long I have been running this company?"

"I remember, I heard my sister mention it before. From the time she debuted to now, and then it seems that it was when you two debuted, your company was just established. By now, it should have been 10 years. ."

"Yes, in 10 years, I have now developed such a strong team of actors. I always feel that my business is doing well. Moreover, I think that I care deeply for these actors. But who knew that something like this would happen? To be honest, if this news spreads, they would probably become a laughing stock in the entire circle."

"What exactly happened? I think this matter is not trivial. Is it possible that these actors have made the same mistakes again? Are they still following the same path as before my sister?"

"It is normal for one actor to leave, two actors to leave, or even three actors to leave. After all, people have different ideas and have different ambitions, so even if they choose A better platform, this, I can understand, but collective job-hopping, this, I have never heard of it, I have never heard of it at all.”

After hearing this, Rejie realized that the matter was indeed very serious. Fortunately, Xiaoyan had already vaccinated himself before, so he also roughly knew what the specific situation was.

"Group job-hopping? How many people do you mean by collective? Also, how important are these actors in the company now? I want to know these things."

"There are a total of 16 actors who have collectively changed jobs this time. All of these actors are currently front-line actors. They can be said to be very, very popular. Among the current company income, these actors can be said to account for half of the country. ."

"What? Half, half of the country? Then, that means they are really powerful characters, right?"

"No, Wong is indeed a very powerful character, but I may never have imagined that they would betray me one day. I originally thought that these people should be able to continue working with me wholeheartedly, but who knows, actually Things like this will happen again." (End of chapter)

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