It wasn't until he heard this, actually at this moment, that Rejie realized the seriousness of this matter.

Before, I just heard Xiaoyan briefly describe it to me, saying that a group of very important actors had left. However, if you look at it now, this group of actors is not only important, it can be said to be a loss to the company. Quite, really huge.

"If they are really popular actors on the front line, are some of them still being filmed? If that is the case, then how should we proceed with this kind of filming?"

"Actually, I have already thought about this. In the end, there are only two possibilities. Either he reaches an agreement with the producer, and then continues filming with this film. Of course, until the final producer It should belong to Maplewood Group, but there is another possibility that if I terminate the contract early now, then their filming will not be able to proceed, which will result in a high compensation, and this compensation should be paid by Our company will bear it.”

"That is to say, if this TV series or movie cannot be filmed, then this compensation will be paid by our company? If it can continue to be filmed, then there will be no filming funds. Did you say this?"

"Yes, that's what it actually means. Therefore, I am still struggling. At present, I have made a rough calculation with the financial department. If we cooperate with several movies and TV series, then these losses will increase. It should be around 5 million."

"5 million? Sister Mi, have you ever thought about it? This 000 million can be said to be a huge expense for us. In addition, there is another point. If these actors leave early, Will there be some profit for us? In other words, they will receive a large compensation? "

"I have also calculated this. Of course, after calculating it, adding what we need to pay, plus what they have to repay us before, the total amount adds up, our profit should be about 8 million To about 000 million.”

"I think these profits are only temporary, because in the later stage, we may be stuck in a situation where there is nothing to film. In addition, although second- and third-tier actors can probably cope with it, the key issue is , their popularity is still very low. If this is the case, then the remuneration they receive should also be the minimum. This will also be a long-term inappropriateness for our company in the future."

"That's right, so no matter what I do, I have to weigh all of this, and also know how all of this should continue? So, I don't know how to deal with it for a while. This is not the case. The legal affairs just now The team has sent over a bunch of contracts, and I am now taking a look at them step by step."

"Sister Mi, when I just entered the door, I heard you say that it seems that my sister is also involved in the list of people sued? But if that is the case, you can just follow the company's legal articles. Why do you still Should we kick her off the list?"

"Sister Mi, maybe you think this matter is too simple? Do you really think that if I just need to sue it now, then he can just pay a sum of money directly, right? He may also be involved in There are some illegal and criminal issues, because he is stealing trade secrets at this time. If this is the case, then Reba will definitely have to pay the corresponding price." "Theft of trade secrets? What do you mean? I don't quite understand, it seems like theft. The trade secret person should be me, right? After all, I stole an actor list from Lin Feng's company before."

"So, although your behavior is also an act of stealing trade secrets, and about him, besides, I didn't tell you that most of these 16 actors actually have a good relationship with your sister in private? So, it's all her He took the initiative to call them one by one, and then pried these actors away. Let me tell you, Lin Feng alone would not be able to take all these actors away, unless it was you. My sister guaranteed it and even offered them better terms."

"Sister Mi, if things have reached this point, does it mean that we have nothing better to do?"

"Since the 16 actors have already decided to leave, it is absolutely impossible for me to keep them. Even if they come back, these actors will have no meaning at all. In addition, there is another point, I’m still fighting a lawsuit.”

"Oh, what kind of lawsuit? Isn't it just about the amount of compensation? There seems to be nothing to discuss about this, because it is expressly prohibited in the contract. As long as they are compensated accordingly, there should be no problem. Besides, , Isn’t Maplewood Culture prepared to bear all the compensation?”

"This is not only a matter of the amount of compensation, but also, Maplewood Culture currently has a market value of the company. Even if they take out this money, in fact, it will be a drop in the bucket for them, and it will not cause much damage at all. In addition to the loss, there is something else, and I am now preparing to take the route of the protection period for contract artists."

"Artist protection period?"

"Yes, you may have heard less about it. In fact, it is a kind of transgender ban. That is to say, he has not fulfilled his responsibilities to his former club and jumped to another platform in the blink of an eye. Then, At this time, I can propose a protection period for the artist. In other words, he cannot take on any commercial work within a year. As long as it is profitable, she cannot take on any filming. This is also a kind of punishment for the actor. , to prevent it from jumping back and forth between companies.”

"If that's the case, then we can take this route. Moreover, once it is done, they will have these actors in their hands. This is tantamount to having no meaning. They will just look at it as a vase. , within a year, there will be no income, but after a year, their popularity will decline rapidly, and we can take advantage of this one-year period to vigorously develop our second-tier or even third-tier actors. When the time comes, they can also be trained into first-line actors, what do you think of this?"

"This is the best method at present. I just think that if this is done, no matter who it is, there should be a better result." (End of Chapter)

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