"Well, if that's the case, then it seems that our direction has been roughly set, and we will continue to follow this route. I believe that even if we take the artists, they will be able to It will not have any effect on Maplewood Culture, which is a good result for us."

"Yes, so I am seizing the time to do this now. If it succeeds, then Fenglin Culture will be at a disadvantage this time. Maybe Lin Feng never dreamed that he would be where he is today. step."

"What do you think is the chance of winning this matter? Have you talked to the relevant lawyers?"

"Their behavior of job-hopping, and it is a collective behavior, there are 16 actors in total, so their behavior is quite bad. Whether it is the court or other parties, they will definitely support and sympathize with me, a weak person. Don’t forget that I am now the victim in this regard.”

"Then what's there to worry about, Sister Mi? Can't we just keep walking like this? It's just that I never thought that my sister would do the same thing. Sister Mi, she has reached this point now, why do you still want to Don’t you want to drive her away and kill her?”

"Rejie, in fact, some things are not as simple as you think. I really don't have this intention, and I can't bear to do it. Don't forget, your sister was promoted by me. She can survive to this day. The situation, to be honest, is really, really not easy. I know better than anyone how much she has sacrificed during this process. Therefore, I don’t want to ruin it just like that. What she said here is not only this, but also something else. I want to see that for your sake, you are still working hard in my company, and I also hope that you can make more money for my company in the future. Therefore, in these two aspects alone, I cannot do this to her. Do you understand?"

"Sister Mi, I really don't know what to say. My sister has done everything so well, and yet you are still able to tolerate her? I really don't know what to say in my heart."

"Actually, there's nothing to say. That's probably what happened. Besides, I made a decision. Under normal circumstances, it's difficult for anyone to change it. Anyway, I am worthy of Reba from my conscience. She can If you can't live up to me, that's another story. Moreover, I have always believed that your sister was also encouraged by Lin Feng. If Lin Feng hadn't been here to encourage her, maybe your sister wouldn't have done this. After all, She has been with me for so many years, and I still understand all of this quite well."

"Okay, Sister Mi, look, do I need to do anything else?"

"For the time being, it shouldn't be necessary. If your movie can be successfully shot, or if it can achieve certain results in the final box office and even ratings, in fact, I am still willing to see you do this. In addition, I have some actors in the later stage. You also need to find a way to push them out and create more programs tailored for them. Only in this way can we, unknown actors, be introduced to the market as soon as possible. "

"Don't worry, Sister Mi, I will never let you down. Moreover, I actually see a lot of hope for this movie. The response from the scene has always been strong. I believe that once this movie is released, it will be popular soon." , you can see the results, although the results may be minimal, but, sister Mi, believe me, I will continue to walk on the road ahead."

"Don't worry, Rejie, I will always be optimistic about you. Moreover, if I am not optimistic about you, do you think you were willing to invest so much money in this area before? So, just do it boldly. Don't think about anything else. I will take care of the company's affairs for the time being. Don't worry, there won't be any problems."

"Sister Mi, I'm really ashamed that I can't share anything with you at this time."

"The best thing you can do is to help me successfully shoot the TV series and this movie you are going to make. Then, even if it is the first shot for me, there is another point, your sister's side Are movies and TV series also ready to be shot?"

"I haven't paid much attention to this matter in the past two days, and I don't know what the situation is on his side." "It doesn't matter, I have asked Xiaoyan to pay attention to this matter before. Okay, just in time, I’ll come over tonight and give you a general introduction to see if your ideas and various aspects are the same. If there are similarities, can we avoid them? After all, I don’t want to see you. There is some direct conflict between them.”

While talking, Da Mimi took out her mobile phone, and then called Xiaoyan directly.

At this time, Xiaoyan had already walked around below. Just when she reached the door of the company, the phone rang.

She took a look and saw that it was Da Mimi calling her. Could it be that you have finished talking at this time?Then if the conversation is over, I believe that there may be some other things left that Da Mimi wants to explain by herself.

"Hey, Sister Mi, what's wrong?"

"Xiaoyan, isn't Rejie here with me? Where are you now? I have something to ask you now. Please come to my office."

"Oh, you said Rejie is here, right? Okay, okay, I'll be there right now. Rejie, please wait a moment."

As she spoke, she hung up the phone in a hurry, and then hurriedly walked upstairs. When he ran to the office in a panic, she saw Rejie and Da Mimi already here. I have been waiting for myself for a long time.

After all, you have to go up from the gate, and you have to wait for the elevator. After waiting for the elevator to come out, you have to go through a long corridor, so the whole process lasted for nearly 5 minutes before it was finally completed.

"Sister Mi, tell me, what's going on?"

"Xiaoyan, what are you doing? Why are you out of breath now? Weren't you in your office just now? I also said that if you were in your office, at such a close distance, you should be there soon. Come here, where did you go just now?"

"Oh, Sister Mi, I just went downstairs to buy some things. I've already finished shopping. Now, I'm going up." (End of Chapter)

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