"Oh, that's it. Okay, don't worry, take a breath first, and then let me breathe evenly, and then we can talk."

Rejie didn't say anything, and then walked over to the tea room, poured Xiaoyan a cup of coffee, and then placed it in front of him.

"Don't be in a hurry. Come, sit down and drink slowly. After you finish drinking, we can chat again. Anyway, I still have plenty of time now."

"Haha, yes, I didn't expect that the care taken by me now is really considerate, and I even know how to serve coffee. Let me tell you, Xiaoyan, you are really lucky to find such a good person like Rejie. Boyfriend, let me tell you, you must have a good grasp of your life, do you understand?"

"Sister Mi, don't worry, I'm sure, there will be no problem. The two of us have a good relationship now."

While talking, Xiaoyan picked up the coffee in front of her, and then drank the entire cup of coffee into her stomach.

Not to mention, it might be because I haven't drank water all afternoon, and now I feel a little thirsty.

"Okay, you should have nothing to do now, right? I just want to ask you, you previously arranged for the market clerk to investigate the movies and TV series currently offered by Maplewood Culture, have you found any results? Tian has been busy with other things, and I haven’t had time to ask you about this yet.”

"It has been investigated. They now have two films. One is a movie, which should be a youth inspirational film, and the other is an online TV series."

"You, what did you say? Youth inspirational movie?"

After saying this, Rejie suddenly frowned. Moreover, Rejie just knew that they were going to shoot a movie, but he never thought that the subject matter they wanted to shoot would be exactly the same as his own. , is also a youth inspirational film.

"Yes, it is a youth inspirational film. After the results came out, I haven't had time to tell you. The other is a TV series. The TV series is a tomb robbing type of costume suspense drama, so the plot should be pretty good. It is said that it also paid a high price to buy a book, and then the filming was also done online."

"It seems that he basically has the same idea as me. What we bought is also suspenseful. However, it is not about tomb robbing, but about criminal investigation. Likewise, it is also a popular novel on the Internet. , now, we are in contact, and the two parties have almost reached an agreement. Later, we will negotiate the price and sign the contract directly. Then, we can take this book and start shooting directly. However, this movie question..."

As Da Mimi spoke, she then looked back at Rejie who was sitting over there. She found that when Rejie heard the news, he seemed to be very unhappy all the time, with his head lowered and his brows tightened. wrinkled together.

Obviously, this incident seemed to be a big blow to Re Jie, because he didn't want the other party to shoot the same subject for him at all, because this seemed to be a bit unacceptable to him. "Rejie, are you okay? Besides, there are so many inspirational youth movies. You don't seem to have anything to worry about at this time. You just need to do your best."

"Sister Mi, don't say anything anymore. I know what you want to say? I know what you want to say is that now we are filming our own films and will not interfere with each other at all. But, let me tell you, youth inspirational films It is a movie that is difficult to shoot and become popular. In addition, the actors we are using now do not have much popularity. But on the contrary, if he uses some well-known actors to film youth If it's an inspirational film, then his box office will definitely be higher than mine, and everyone will definitely be inclined towards his movies."

"How do you know that he can use some well-known actors? Now, these 16 actors are still under our control, so if I don't let them shoot, this movie will not be shot within a year. No, and by then your movie will have already finished playing, and there won’t be any conflict with his movie at all.”

"Sister Mi, I'm afraid things won't be that simple. Moreover, I'm worried that they have other options. Therefore, if I make another film with the same theme as them, then I will definitely not be able to continue doing it. , and I will definitely be completely defeated in the end.”

"What do you mean? You have already started shooting. Do you still want to change the subject? Wouldn't it be too radical to change at this time?"

"Sister Mi, let me tell you, I also made another set of preparations before. In other words, I can also turn a youth inspirational film into a youth suspense film."

"Youth suspense film? What do you mean? I don't quite understand. Is there any special difference between youth inspirational films and youth suspense films?"

"Sister Mi, you may sound a little unclear about this word. The word youth is limiting. All our actors are under 25 years old, and they are all freshmen. The latter represents The themes of this film are inspirational and suspenseful. Since everyone is so interested in suspenseful themes, we might as well shoot such a movie."

"Youth suspense film? I seem to have never heard of it. Youth films are youth films, and suspense films are suspense films. When will you come up with a youth suspense film? I really don’t know much about this, Xiaoyan ,have you heard of it?"

Although Da Mimi has been in this circle for so many years, it seems that what he told him today was indeed a bit novel, and there was no degree of familiarity at all.

"You two may not know much about it. I studied it when I was in college. One of my tutors told me that when I was abroad, youth suspense films sometimes seemed to be more popular with the audience than youth inspirational films. , and another point is that adolescent suspense films are not easy to shoot. After all, the script determines the lifetime value of a film, so if the script is well written, then there will definitely be no problem."

"Rejie, do you mean to say that you have already prepared this script? If you want to change the subject, can you change it at any time?" (End of Chapter)

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