"No problem. In fact, I only wrote two outcomes for this book at that time. Of course, there will be some subtle changes in the plot of the play. Of course, it will also leave people with endless suspense. In the end, I The truth will be revealed again, and then this youth inspirational film will completely transform successfully."

After saying this, Da Mimi just nodded understandingly. Although she did not accept many new things from abroad, she believed that Rejie should have more in mind after receiving education abroad in the past few years. There must have been some changes.

"At present, there are very, very few youth suspense dramas in the domestic circle. If you can really make this movie, I think it is all a gimmick. By then, even if we are The early publicity can also be done better.”

"Yes, that's actually what I mean. I don't know if you can support me, Sister Mi? If you support me, I will hold an on-site communication meeting with the director immediately after I go back. Let's redo the subject and change it. .”

"Okay, no problem. Since it can be so novel and boldly innovative, I think this is a very good point. You can just explain it directly to the director. Don't worry, I have already told him about all the shooting methods. When the time comes, it will be all about you. What you decide then will be your business. Sister Mi has fully authorized this matter to you. I think this film will definitely be a hit."

"Okay, since it's Sister Mi who supports me like this, then I must have no problem. Okay, then I won't waste my time, because there are still many details to be revised in the book. In addition, I still have actors. We need to communicate with them in detail in many aspects. After all, the subject matter has changed, and their performance methods still need some adjustments."

"Okay, no problem, Sister Mi, just go ahead and do it boldly. Sister Mi has long said that you are a talent, and also a rare talent."

"In addition, Sister Mi, if it is really a youth suspense film, I am afraid that it will also involve some special props, including an increase in the cast of some actors. I wonder if the company can provide corresponding help? "

"As an actor, as for money, Sister Mi is also fully supporting you from behind. I will give you as much as you need. Don't worry, these are not within the scope of your consideration. You only need to make a call with Xiaoyan Say hello, and then let her coordinate from there.”

"Okay, then I understand, then I'll leave first."

After Xiaoyan finished speaking, she suddenly stood up and was about to leave. However, when she walked to the door, she seemed to suddenly think of something, so she turned back and looked at him.

"Sister Mi, thank you very much for being open-minded to my sister and for not killing me. I don't know what to say. I just want to do my best to make the most successful film for you. Don’t worry, I won’t let you down.”

After leaving these words, Rejie turned around and finally left from here. At that time, Da Mimi just looked at his back and felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

The child is definitely a good child, but there is no way to drag him into this war now. Although he does not want him to participate too much, it seems that there is no other choice in this situation. If this matter continues to develop, he believes that the nature of the matter may change to some extent. However, the key question is how much of the change will there be? This is a crucial point for him.

After he left, Xiaoyan hurriedly walked to the door and quietly looked over there through the peephole. He found that Rejie had disappeared at the end of the corridor.

"Sister Mi, your move is really too high. I never thought that he would trust you so much and be so grateful to you? If that's the case, I believe he should be a very wise man. There is absolutely no problem for people.”

"Xiaoyan, I still say the same thing. No matter how I use him, I will not harm him in the end. If I don't harm her, then the meaning of this matter will be lost now. Moreover, not only do I We can't harm him, and you can't harm him either. What we have to do is to pull him over with all our strength, and then train him to become an excellent screenwriter or even an excellent director, and then, in his name, we will To fight against his sister, or even against the entire Maplewood culture."

"But if you do this, I'm afraid it will take a long time. After all, he is just starting out now. Moreover, I actually communicated privately with the director on the scene before. He said that he needs to improve in many aspects. Sometimes, his Ideas may not always bear fruit.”

"People always need a process of experience. There is definitely no problem with this. In addition, I have already given instructions to this director. He is just here to play with Rejie as a part-time job. The film is finished. No matter what, it's totally his intention. If it doesn't work, I will treat all the money as wasted. But, don't worry, my early investment will definitely be rewarded. On this point, I still Very confident.”

"Well, since there is no problem on Sister Mi's side, then there will definitely be no problem on my side. By the way, what are you going to do next about this matter?"

"Actually, when you called me, I was already prepared, and when he came, I knew he was here, so I pretended not to know anything, and then I deliberately Tell him that Reba's name will be removed from this list, and it is because of this that he has always been very grateful to me."

"By the way, if that's the case, is it true that we can't sue Reba? Now, everything is caused by Reba. I really can't swallow this breath. She must get the corresponding punishment. punish."

Xiaoyan seems to be full of hatred for Reba, and he doesn't know whether it's because of Rejie or because of the company's interests. Anyway, he doesn't like this person very much now.

"Yes, we can only do this now, but these are all temporary. In the end, I will definitely let Reba suffer a big loss again. In addition, there is another point. Even if I restrict him now, there is nothing It’s meaningful, don’t you know? Reba is ready to retire, and then retreat behind the scenes to help Lin Feng with his acting work.” (End of this chapter)

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