"What? He is going to retreat behind the scenes? This, when did this happen? Don't forget, he is still on this path now. If she refuses to retreat behind the scenes, then he can do it in that place. It holds up the sky."

"But, it's a pity that he chose the opposite path. Maybe it was a kind of mutual cooperation between him and Lin Feng? We don't need to consider this matter. If he doesn't want to do it, then it has nothing to do with us. It just so happens that we have lost a strong opponent, isn't it?"

"It's a pity that all those 16 actors were in their hands. It makes me feel very, very sorry now. If there is a chance, I really don't want to see such a scene happen."

"Now that things have happened, it doesn't make any sense for us to talk about this now. However, fortunately, I have communicated with the lawyers. They said that the extension of the so-called artist's protection period is a kind of protection for us. Therefore, within a short period of time, they will definitely not be able to take pictures of anything. In this regard, our chances of winning are still very high."

"That's great. If we can do this, then I think our work will go more smoothly. At the very least, they won't see new profits."

"Yes, that's what it means. Okay, now that my goal has been achieved, I have understood all our next actions. So, at this time, you should take the time to investigate Maplewood Culture and the current market dynamics. And what are the projects they are currently taking on? After clarifying these, I know, what should we do next? "

"Okay, I should have arranged a specialist here. I estimate that it can be completed in a day or two at the earliest. By the way, Sister Mi, you told me last time that it seemed that Yue Yue was interested in Lin Feng and Reba. There's a lot of resistance there, what's the situation now? If that's the case, do I think Yueyue can also be used?"

"I am using Yueyue now just to create a bigger gap between her and Lin Feng. If this is really the case, then I will hate Lin Feng more and more, so this is also something I need to take advantage of. , However, I will not harm my child. If necessary, I will protect the child. If it doesn't work, I can also send him abroad."

"Sent abroad? Sister Mi, if that's the case, then isn't Lin Feng crazy? When the time comes, he will fight back crazily. What should we do then?"

"I haven't thought about this carefully, but this is all for later. We will make other plans after everything happens later. By the way, for now, there are some trends in the market. I wonder if you’ve ever noticed this?”

"Wind vane? What do you mean? Sister Mi, I don't quite understand. I've always been weak in observing the market. Besides, I don't know what's going on."

"Let me tell you this, at present, there is no real filming base for film and television in our city. Didn't we talk about this before when I was here?"

"But, you just said that you want to build such a film and television base, but the investment and other aspects are too large. If this is the case, even if we want to continue, it seems not that simple, Sister Mi , did you think of something?"

"I heard that a big consortium came from abroad. They are planning to invest in and renovate a film and television shooting base here. Of course, they need to cooperate with a domestic company. Of course, they still need qualified companies, and then they can cooperate with each other. Only this matter can be successful." "What? You mean, is anyone willing to invest in this matter now? If so, then this is a good opportunity for us."

"Yes, it is indeed a good opportunity. Someone invests, and we only need to invest a small amount of money. Then, we can fully represent this film and television city. When the time comes, we can be responsible for the management and operation. , all movies and TV series will come to us, I think this is the best opportunity for us."

"That's great, but we don't know how big their initial investment is. Moreover, given the current shooting conditions, if it is really just a simple shooting base, it simply cannot meet our current needs. Shooting needs.”

"I heard that the demand and capital chain of this consortium are very, very large. Therefore, if we can really choose a good location, we can continue working endlessly. There is no problem at all. In the later stage, If so, we can also develop tourism, which will also be a huge income for our company.”

"It's great. When the film and television base is needed, we can temporarily close it and then invest in making movies. But if it is not needed, we can open it to tourists. In this way, it will be available all year round. There will be no idle time, and this tourism income should also be a considerable amount of money for our company."

"Yes, this is the current situation. However, I have only heard about the specific situation of this market trend and do not understand it very well. Therefore, I have arranged for someone to find a way to investigate this consortium. If there is a chance, I must Find a way to communicate with them and get closer."

"Sister Mi, look, is there anything I need to do here? If so, I can do the same."

"No, I will pay special attention to this area. After all, this is a big project, and it can make up for many of our current shortcomings. If this project can be negotiated, I believe that our company will The development should be able to be put together in half a year, and it will definitely not be as difficult as it is now.”

"Okay, then I understand, Sister Mi, if you need anything, you have to contact me at any time, so let's do this first, I will go and do other things first."

After explaining to Xiaoyan here, Xiaoyan finally left here. In fact, Da MiMi's mood had slowly begun to relax at this time.

She had already decided that under the current situation, it seemed that something was starting to deviate from what she had imagined. (End of chapter)

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