"Do you think I have other choices now? Okay, I admit, I lost. It can be said that I lost quite completely this time. Okay, Li Feng, you won, you should be very happy now. Right? You can leave now because all your goals have been achieved."

As Damimi spoke, she moved toward the door. In fact, Lin Feng now understood her inner feelings very well, and also knew what she was thinking in her mind at this time.

She couldn't get the benefits before her eyes, and she couldn't continue to follow her own ideas. She knew in her heart how sad people's thoughts were at this time.
  "Well, I don't want to say anything else. This is all I can do at the moment. I only have one sentence. I also hope that you can go on happily, and I don't want this matter to be involved. Come to Yueyue."

"Okay, stop crying like a cat and pretending to be compassionate. You can't tell how happy you are in your heart at this time, and how good it is."

"Before I leave, can I go see Yueyue? Because I haven't seen her for two days. I hope that again, she can give me a chance to explain."

"This is entirely your business and has nothing to do with me. If you are interested, you can go find Yueyue now. I will never stop you. She is upstairs. I am already tired. I want to go back to my room and rest early, so that’s it, no more.”

After finishing speaking, Da Mimi turned around and left. Lin Feng looked at her leaving figure and couldn't help but feel that he felt much more at ease in his heart.

In this case, the choice he made was also a very good thing for him.

After Da Mimi left here, Lin Feng walked forward, and then walked directly from the first floor to the second floor.

After arriving outside the door of Yueyue's room, to be honest, Lin Feng still felt a little nervous at this time, but there was no way. Under the current situation, there were some things that he had to face.

Moreover, even if he can't face it, it may be a very difficult choice for him.

He took a deep breath at the door, and then knocked gently on the door, because through the crack of the window, he saw that the light inside seemed to have not been extinguished.

He knew that Yueyue must have turned off all the lights before going to bed at this time. Therefore, if the lights were on here, it would prove that Yueyue should not be resting at this time.

"Mom, the door is not closed, you can just come in."

Yueyue's voice came out quickly. When he heard this voice, Lin Feng felt really excited in his heart for some reason. It had been a long time since he heard his daughter say a good word to him. .

Although he was still calling his mother at this time, it was not important at all to Lin Feng, because he knew that as long as he could get in, it would be equivalent to creating an excellent opportunity for himself.

He gently opened the door, and then looked over. At this time, Yueyue was leaning on the bed. She was holding a fairy tale book in her hand and was looking at it carefully.

After hearing someone coming in, Yueyue just took the initiative to put down the book. When she saw this person appearing in front of her, Yueyue was indeed a little surprised. She was very nervous and put the book directly next to her. "Why are you here? Not mom? Where is mom? Where is mom?"

"Yueyue, do you really have such a big resistance when you see me now? Have you forgotten how your father got along with you before? In just a few days, have you really Then you will give up on dad and don’t want to talk to dad, right?”

"I've told you that I really don't want to see you now, and I don't want to talk to you too much. Now, please leave my room right now, because I'm going to bed right away."

While Yueyue was talking, she turned her body over so that her back was facing Lin Feng.

Lin Feng really felt heartbroken at this moment. Why did his daughter, whom he had held hands with since childhood, have this attitude towards him now? To be honest, he really couldn't accept this cruel fact in his heart.

If Lin Feng was asked to give up at this time, he would definitely not give up easily, because Lin Feng also wanted to get close to Yueyue, and also wanted to create such an opportunity for himself.

So, he walked to Yueyue's bedside again, sat quietly on the bedside, and then reached out his hand to touch his head gently.

However, something unexpected happened to Lin Feng. This time, Yueyue did not resist. It seemed that she was just obeying obediently.

"Yueyue, I know that my sudden marriage has been a big blow to you. Dad sincerely apologizes to you for this. Maybe there is some misunderstanding between you and me. Dad really thought that you could I accepted Sister Reba, so I chose to marry her after careful consideration. However, things were in a rush in those two days and I didn’t have time to inform Yueyue, so Dad, I sincerely apologize to you again. Dad is really sorry for you. .”

After saying these words, Yueyue did not speak, but in fact, she could not help but shed tears from the corners of her eyes at this time, but she had been holding back this feeling.

Because Damimi had already told herself before that she could never show anything in front of him at this time, and she must let him know about this matter.

Therefore, he has been enduring it. Although at this time, his heart has been completely moved, and it is rare to see his father speak so lowly in front of him. At this moment, Yueyue is indeed a little tolerant. No.

In fact, Yueyue wanted to throw herself into his arms and cry happily, but at this time, he knew she couldn't do that.

Lin Feng didn't notice this detail, because he happened to turn to a dark place, and there was no light in that place, and he didn't see that his daughter was already crying at this time.

"Yueyue, there are only so many words that dad should say. Now you can listen to dad tell all this quietly. In fact, to be honest, dad is already very happy. I am very grateful to you for your support in all this. Understand, at that time, I had no other choice. I hope you can understand. Maybe, when you grow up, you can truly understand." (End of Chapter)

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