"One more thing, you don't need to worry at all. Dad will always regard you as the most important person in his heart. Moreover, this position will never change, and it will never change just because dad gets married and starts a new family. You As for my status in my father’s heart, don’t worry, this thing will never happen to you or me.”

"Dad knows very well that what I am saying now should be very important to you, and you can listen to it. I don't care whether you are willing to listen or not, but dad has already said it. Moreover, your father has told you since you were a child that I will never lie in front of you. Okay, it’s getting late, so my father won’t bother you anymore. If one day you can really figure it out, then take the initiative to contact your father. After a while, dad will definitely run to you as soon as possible."

After saying this, he just stood next to you, and then took another look. At this time, he still saw that Yueyue was in the same posture as before, and was motionless. He even wondered whether the child had fallen asleep. Caught?
  Did the child listen to what I said in such a long and lengthy manner? But in fact, these are no longer important to him.

There were too many things suppressed in his heart these days, and Lin Feng didn't know whether he could make a real choice at all.

Being able to say these words, he felt that he had been relieved a lot, so after complaining about all these feelings here, he turned around and left the room directly.

The moment she just closed the door, Yueyue suddenly woke up, then sat up from the bed. Then she hurriedly jumped off the bed and ran to the door. After listening carefully here, he could hear his father The sound of the door closing was getting farther and farther away from me.

Then, he suddenly ran directly to his bed, and then he lay down here and started crying.

Yueyue didn't dare to cry loudly, and her worried voice alarmed her mother, because her mother had clearly told her before that she must show her strong side at this time.

Therefore, he didn't want to let them know that his mood was so fragile so soon.

Da Mimi has always been in his room, listening to the noise outside. Moreover, in Yueyue's room, he checked the time and stayed there for almost 10 minutes.

He wanted to know what exactly the father and daughter were communicating in the room at this time. Moreover, it is unclear whether the father and daughter have returned to their previous state.
  She was indeed a little anxious in her heart, and Da Mimi didn't want to see this situation happen. She just hoped that their relationship would become worse and worse, because she had already figured it out. It was estimated that in the later period, the relationship between herself and Lin Feng would be different. They will definitely turn against each other, or even become enemies.

At this time, it would be very difficult for Yueyue to be caught in the middle, so let's simply let Yueyue break away from the father-daughter relationship as soon as possible. In this case, after all, she can still be satisfied with something.

After hearing the sound of the door closing outside, she hurriedly walked out of the room.

Then, still in disbelief, I ran to the stairs and took a look inside. The living room below was empty. No one was seen at this time. I believe that Lin Feng should have left.

Finally, Da Mimi went directly to the door of Yueyue's room and listened carefully. She heard some subtle noises coming from inside, but she couldn't tell what they were. sound
  Under normal circumstances, no matter what time a person goes to sleep in the room, such a sound would not occur. Therefore, after thinking of this, Da Mimi hurriedly opened the door and saw Yueyue lying down. He was sitting next to the bed, kneeling on the ground with his legs, as if he was really crying. “Yueyue, what’s wrong with you?”

After seeing this scene, Da Mimi felt very uncomfortable in her heart, and she had never thought that such a thing would happen.

After hearing her mother's voice, Yueyue really couldn't bear it at this moment. She had been enduring it just now, so she turned around all of a sudden, and then, in a blink of an eye, she pounced on him. In Da Mimi's arms, she burst into tears.

"Yueyue, why is Yueyue like this? Did dad tell you something when he was here just now? Tell mom, and mom will definitely help you get revenge."

"Mom, dad didn't say anything. He just apologized to me, and told me the ins and outs of the incident. Mom, do you know? I felt really uncomfortable at that time. I really wanted to tell me Dad, I have forgiven you, I really, really don’t want to see Dad in this state."

After hearing this, Dami felt in her heart that it was indeed a bit awkward, and she could understand the child's true inner thoughts.

Moreover, he also knew that it was actually very unrealistic for her to hate Lin Feng in her heart. No matter how hard she tried, I was afraid that she would not reach this point.

"Oh, that's it, Yueyue, then why didn't you tell dad all this just now? If you told dad directly, wouldn't dad be able to really understand your thoughts?"

"Mom, didn't you tell Yueyue? You said that I must let my father tell me at least a few times before I can truly forgive him. I can't let him say it a second time. I immediately forgave him, so I kept enduring, but it turned out that the feeling of enduring was so painful."

"Okay, okay, good Yueyue, this matter has passed. Now that dad has opened his heart and told you all these words, I believe Yueyue has just understood what happened to dad, so, You don’t have to think about so many things.”

"Mom, when, when, can I contact dad?"

"Since you didn't choose to forgive dad today and didn't say these words directly, then you have to wait for the next opportunity. If dad still doesn't show up after two days, then mom will give you another chance and you can think about it again. Can you please call him? Don't worry, dad will be fine soon."

"Okay, I, I get it, I get it, mom." (End of chapter)

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