"Okay, look at what time it is already. It's almost 11 o'clock. You won't be able to get up tomorrow. Okay, don't think about anything. Now just lie in bed and rest. Don't worry, everything will be fine." Things, all the haze, will pass away, there is no need for you to keep it in your heart."

"Okay, mom, I, I get it, I get it."

Here, after arranging Yueyue, Da Mimi left the room, and then returned to her room.

She really couldn't describe the feeling in her heart, and Lin Feng's arrival today had brought her a lot of trouble, and there were many things that she had not imagined. .
  Although he didn't want to see this thing actually happen to him, it still happened after all, so he knew very well what he should face.

Finally, he took out his phone and called the company's legal department directly. Although he didn't want to tell him this notice, he had no choice in this situation.

The legal department has some very important things to do tomorrow, so I have been working in the company all night. Therefore, today should be a very busy day for the legal department.

In fact, working as a lawyer in this cultural company, the daily work is actually relatively easy. Under normal circumstances, artists rarely resist. Such large-scale job-hopping activities are really very, very serious. of rarity.

Therefore, they work overtime in the company every day. At this time, they suddenly received a call from Da Mimi. They probably guessed that Da Mimi might want to know the current progress of things.

"Hey, Sister Mi, it's me, tell me what's wrong."

"Are you still working overtime in the company now?"

"Yes, he is still working overtime, but he should be almost done. Let's go through it again. All the information will be compiled before going to work tomorrow. I will hand it over to him directly then."

"Forget it, all of you, please go home now. You have been working hard these past two days. Let's put this matter aside for now and don't do it again tomorrow."

"What? Not done? What do you mean? Haven't we already arranged it before? Moreover, we have fully prepared all the information. Do you think the chance of winning this matter is not good? I still have it today. After some research, the odds of winning are very, very high, probably over 95%."

"Whether it's 95% or 100%, these have no meaning to me anymore, so you don't need to hold on to this matter anymore. Just do what you want and arrange it. Nothing else. To think about so much.”

"Sister Mi, what happened? Why did you give up so suddenly? Is someone threatening you? It doesn't matter. If there is a threat, then you tell me and I will issue a lawyer's letter to him right away."

"There is no threat from anyone. I just suddenly figured it out tonight. There is really no need to continue like this. So, you follow my instructions and terminate this matter temporarily. However, in terms of pursuing compensation, we It cannot be terminated for the time being, and they must make corresponding compensation. Only in this way can the contract with them be cancelled."

"Sister Mi, are you sure you want to do this? If we don't do this at this time, once the one-month prosecution deadline has passed, then all the endings may have changed."         Yes, I am sure, and , I made this decision after careful consideration on this matter, so there is no need for you to hold on to this matter anymore. That’s okay. If there is nothing else, you can go back early. During this period You’ve worked hard, that’s all.”

"Hey, Sister Mi, Sister Mi."

The person in charge of legal affairs saw that Da Mimi had hung up the phone before he finished speaking.

He had no choice, because he knew that this was her decision, and if Da Mimi did this, she must have her true purpose.

Although he didn't know exactly what happened to Da Mimi tonight, he knew that once something takes shape, there is probably no way to truly restore it.

He looked up and looked at his team. There were 5 people in total. Although there were not many people, it did seem that the manpower was a little tight to deal with such a matter, so there was a situation of continuous overtime work overnight.

"Okay, I have just received the highest instructions. There is no need for us to continue this matter. Therefore, everyone should quickly pack up their belongings and seize the time to go back and have a good sleep. No one should come to work tomorrow. There is some follow-up work, I will come and follow up."

"What? Mr. Liu, at this time, why do we give up at this time? Besides, haven't we already prepared everything? There won't be any changes at all, so why should we give up at this moment?"

"That's right, we have made so many preparations before, and we have always been well prepared. Our chances of winning are still very, very good, even, it can be said to be 100%. Why should we give up at this time? I don't think it is a pity. ?"

"There is no need to think about anything, and there is no need to do anything. Just put down what you are doing right now according to my wishes, and then seize the time to go home and rest, because this is Sister Mi's arrangement, and no one knows what happened to her. , but, she is the chairman of this company, what she says is final, okay, let’s not say anything else.”

After saying this, he stood up and returned to his office, because she knew that he had no way to explain more to his team.

After all, Damimi didn't explain himself before, so if he was asked to explain, he wouldn't know where to start.

When Lin Feng returned home, it was almost 12:00 in the evening. He saw that the lights in the room were still on, which proved that Reba had not rested at this time, and it should be Waiting for his arrival.

Gently pushing the door open, sure enough, Reba was sitting in front of the desk, and there was a computer in front of her, looking at something unknown. (End of chapter)

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