"What? What is it? What is so important? Sister Mi, what is it? Is it some reason he used to catch you in the past?"

"Do you still remember our subsidiary company?"

After saying this, Xiaoyan was suddenly stunned for a moment, because she had opened another company outside, and no one else knew about it. However, the assistant Xiaoyan who was following her knew this very well, because , I helped handle many things in that company at that time.

Da Mimi treats Xiaoyan as one of her own and as her own sister, so she is willing to share everything with her.

At this time, she could explain the matter vaguely to others, but in front of Xiaoyan, she felt that there was really no need to lie.

"I know, but we haven't gone through any accounts of that company for almost half a year. Why is this matter mentioned all of a sudden? Has he found something from the past?"

"Do you still remember that mark from the theater distributor? Mr. Ma, we should have cooperated with them more than two years ago."

"Mark, Mr. Ma, oh, I remembered it, yes, it was true. We did have some cooperation at that time, and when you made the last transfer, you used the new company's Check, and I’ll arrange that check for you in advance.”

"That's right, that check that you may have never imagined has actually been in his hands. I didn't think about it that much at the time, but now that I think about it, there is indeed something strange. But, I I still don’t know exactly which link caused the problem, and why was Lin Feng able to grasp it in time?"

After saying this, Xiaoyan just frowned, because she felt that this matter was definitely not groundless, and if it was done like this, then it must have its important meaning included in it.

"If my memory is correct, then I remember that we should have been at a celebration banquet at that time, and then handed the check into the hands of Mark. However, the people who attended the celebration banquet I don’t know who they are. Do you have any impressions?"

"Are you suspecting that some people at this celebration banquet got wind of it here? Or maybe he and Lin Feng were wearing the same pair of pants. Is that what you mean?"

"Yes, if you haven't participated in this celebration banquet, it is impossible to notice this. In addition, those people only know that they will just get the money when the time comes. How could they notice anything different about the check? Where is the place? It’s obvious that this person had ulterior motives and was in that place at the time.”

"Normally, those who participate in the celebration banquet should be directors, investors, producers or even distributors. All these people will sit together. By the way, I remembered that the heroine of the movie that time was Luo Xiaoyi. , you should call her to the scene, could it be that Luo Xiaoyi recalled this incident?"

"I believe that no one except Luo Xiaoyi can think of this matter. Moreover, Luo Xiaoyi has now become a member of Maplewood Culture. Therefore, if she contributes something to her boss at this time, I believe she is also willing to do so. , so this betrayer must be Luo Xiaoyi."

"Damn girl, I raised her with my own hands. I didn't expect that she would do such a thing to betray me. If I had known that this was the case, I would have blocked her."

When Da Mimi mentioned this, it could be said that he gritted his teeth with hatred, but there was no way. Now the matter was a foregone conclusion, and the person had moved to another platform, and he would have nothing to do with their company from now on. So even if she wanted to ban her or punish her, I'm afraid she wouldn't have the good conditions to do it. After all, with Maplewood Culture as a big backer, it would be very difficult for anyone to do anything now. Something happened.

"Sister Mi, have you ever thought about it, if Lin Feng really got this thing to threaten you, do we have to give up? I think it would be a huge loss for us to give up like this. .”

"Why don't I know about this? However, if he makes this thing public, I will not only face prison, but it is also very likely that this company will not be able to continue to operate. Therefore, power I have to find a way to compromise on this matter."

"Even if this matter is compromised, I think we should be able to start over from other aspects. In the same way, it will also deal a heavy blow to their company. Only in this way can we relieve the hatred in our hearts. "

"What else can I do? Everything that should be used and should be thought of has been put on the surface now. If there is any crisis at this time, I am afraid that I may not be able to truly face them."

"Sister Mi, I suddenly think of someone."

"Oh, tell me, who do you think of?"

"Do you still remember that Maplewood Culture has a financial director named Li Morfei?"

"Li Morfei? I don't know. I have almost no impression of this person. What's wrong? Financial Director Li Morfei, but we didn't seem to have any major dealings with them before. How could we remember him? What, do you know him?"

"You asked about this person. I am still very familiar with it. We met in some circle before. I have seen him before. Moreover, it is obvious that she is very interested in me. She has been scanning my body up and down. , this man should be a lecher."

"A lustful person? Li Mofei, the financial director of Fenglin Culture, is interested in you? Xiaoyan, I don't know what you want to explain by connecting all these things together?"

"It's very simple, Sister Mi, think about it carefully. Now that they have prepared all the compensation, where should the compensation be now?"

"You don't have to ask. It must be in the company's account. Moreover, it should be under the control of the financial director personally at this time. Without his signature, no one can touch the money."

"In other words, the money is under the control of Li Morfei. So, Li Morfei now has more than [-] million and nearly [-] million in funds. You think, how could he not be moved by it?" (End of Chapter) )

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