"What do you want to clarify?"

Dami Mi really wanted to gradually hear some clues from Xiaoyan's conversation at this time.

However, the specific situation and specific direction are still somewhat unknown, and it is also unclear what kind of medicine he is selling in the gourd.

"If he is really a lustful person, I believe that he will use me to get close to him, and then find a way to get him to take away all the money on his account. In this case, wouldn't I let Feng do it all at once? Lin Wenhua is in crisis? And he had our compensation contract before, and there was no way to fully compensate. If there is no way to compensate, then this contract cannot officially take effect, so those actors still cannot represent Fenglin Culture, isn’t that what it means?”

"There is definitely no problem with your idea, but the key issue is that Li Morfei has been in this industry for so many years and has reached such a high position in Maplewood Culture. If you think you want to instigate rebellion, you can successfully instigate rebellion. Right? I think things are not that simple."

"Everything is man-made. I feel that no matter whether we can succeed or not, we must at least give it a try. If we can really succeed, does that mean we have really accomplished this thing? Moreover, we don't have to do anything, And you don’t need to get close to anyone. Likewise, you can also take revenge on the two of them?”

"Then what are you going to do? You mean, you want to use your body to get close to him? And then, make this man obey your words?"

"Actually, that's what I think. In fact, it's just a man's idea. As long as it satisfies their ideas and is driven by powerful interests, there should be no problem with the money. I don't believe that a man can follow If he has been involved in finance for so many years, and suddenly there are more than 1 million and nearly 2 million in funds on the books, will he really not be moved?"

"Aren't you? You are ready to devote yourself to him. Don't forget that you have a boyfriend now, and you and Re Jie have just been together. If you betray Re Jie at this time, you will have to let him Now that Reba knows about it, how should this matter end? No, no, this cannot be done. If I do this, I will feel a little sorry for Rejie."

Damimi still has some conscience, and he also knows that since two people are together, it is a basic principle to trust each other and not betray each other.

"Sister Mi, how long has it been now? Moreover, I only dedicated myself to him once, and I am not staying with him for a long time. Besides, there will be no feelings of any kind. But if I do this, it will be fine." Don’t you think it’s worth it for our company to gain huge benefits?”

"Is it just for this company that you dedicate your body to him? Xiaoyan, why do you do this?"

"Sister Mi, in the past, I was helpless and wandering alone, relying on the salary of a thousand yuan every month to support myself. But it is different now. After I stay with you, our whole family Everyone lives a good life, so Sister Mi, I am a person who repays kindness. I know that without Sister Mi, I would not have the life I have now, so I am willing to do anything for you."

"Xiaoyan, do you really want to do this? Moreover, if you do this, you will have no chance of turning back. If you want to regret it, it may be too late." "Sister Mi, this matter has nothing to do with you. It is of my own free will." You are a sacrificer, so you only need to keep it a secret for me and never let this Rejie know the news. Only in this way can all this be explained."

"No, please think about it again and see if there is any other way. I really can't just push you into the fire pit like this. To be honest, I really can't bear it. If it were someone else, Maybe, I can do it, but, Xiaoyan, you are the closest person to me, and I have always treated you as my sister, how can I push my sister into the fire pit?"

"Sister Mi, you also said that you treat me as your sister. Do you think there is anyone else you can trust around me? I said I am the only person who can be trusted by you. If that is the case, then I am willing , I also understand that you gave everything you had, don’t worry, just sleeping with him for one night is like being fucked by a dog or being suppressed by a ghost. I don’t care about all this."

Speaking of this, to be honest, Da Mimi was indeed a little moved, and she also knew that this was indeed the best opportunity for him.

If this opportunity is grasped, then it is very likely that they will see a loss in their property this time, and once the property is in deficit, then the contract between them will not be completed smoothly.

"Okay, Xiaoyan, if you are really willing to do this, then I have nothing to say, but don't worry, if this thing succeeds or fails, then this kindness will be with Sister Mi forever. Keep it in mind, and I will never treat you badly. Also, don’t worry, I will never let Rejie know about this situation."

"Okay, I feel relieved with your words, and I know what to do. Today I will find a way to make an appointment with Li Morfei. To be honest, he did call me several times before. They called me to invite me to dinner, but I rejected them all.”

"If that's the case, if you take the initiative to extend the invitation, I believe he will be able to accept your invitation quickly."

"This shouldn't be a big problem, so it should still be under my control, but I can't guarantee 100% success. He will definitely be able to follow my suggestions or arrangements."

"If you don't have such a deep relationship with him, I think it's still a bit difficult to do this. Therefore, you have to seize the opportunity in real time. If you feel that there is no chance, you should retreat in time. Don't let this happen. You waste your body in vain and make yourself suffer. In the end, you will get nothing, and you will get nothing from the bamboo basket. Do you understand?"

"Don't worry, Sister Mi. I've been in society for so many years. Don't I still understand how men think? Moreover, I also know how to follow others' opinions, so just teach me how to do this. Because this is the only thing we can do at the moment." (End of chapter)

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