"Okay, then you go ahead and arrange this matter, Xiaoyan, I really appreciate you for being by my side for so many years. Moreover, even if such a big thing happens now, You have never complained about anything."

"Sister Mi, what are you talking about? Isn't this what I should do? Moreover, it is also my duty. Okay, leave this matter to me. I can't say it will be [-]% successful. However, I will definitely give [-]% effort, and I will contact you again when the time comes, and that’s it.”

After Xiaoyan left these words, she turned around and left. Looking at Xiaoyan's leaving back, Da Mi Mi felt an indescribable feeling in her heart.

If he treats the people around him with all his heart, why would those people betray him?

And he was just a little assistant, but he could be so righteous and dedicated, so how should he start this matter?

Rejie was busy on the set and had been preparing for two days. To be honest, the change of theme was indeed a big difficulty for him.

At that time, when communicating with the on-site director, the director had already said that if you change your shooting like this, then in the end, the film will most likely be made to feel like nothing.

However, in order to compete with the opponent in the ring, Rejie must also raise his voice and then settle everything.

However, he is worried about whether such a film can be accepted by the public? Even if these types are exposed, will the audience be willing to accept it? After all, this is a new genre, and after all, the highlights are not here.

"Rejie, someone is looking for you outside."

At this moment, an on-site staff member walked over from inside, then looked at Rejie and said.

"Oh, are you looking for me? Who are you?"

"Big star Luo Xiaoyi, this is the first time I've met her. I've been working as a set manager for so long, and I've never had the chance to work with her. I don't know why she suddenly came to our set. .”

"What did you say? Luo Xiaoyi? Okay, I understand, I'll be there right away."

After hearing this, Rejie just frowned. He had indeed chatted with Luo Xiaoyi several times, and he also felt that this girl was a very kind-hearted person. Moreover, there was no barrier when talking to him. But why did she suddenly come to the set and tell herself these things?

No matter what, they had already come to the door, so out of politeness, he couldn't keep them away, so he just gave a brief explanation here, and finally walked out of the scene in a hurry.

After coming outside, he saw Luo Xiaoyi from a distance, wearing casual sportswear and a sports hat, standing in the corner.

Because she is a celebrity, she is quite sensitive. She does not dare to get too close to the crowd at this time. If I don't get close, it is very likely that she will be recognized by others.

After seeing this situation, Rejie hurriedly walked over there. "Xiaoyi, why are you here at this time? You didn't say hello to me in advance. In this case, I could at least greet you at the door."

"Haha, no need. I happened to be passing by here, so I wanted to come over and have a look. I heard that you were filming a movie here, but you never had time to come over. Is this place convenient for talking? Do you want us to change places? I'll leave in a moment, I won't take you too long."

"There is a suite over there for my family to rest, so we can just go there. You come with me."

While talking, Luo Xiaoyi followed Re Jie's footsteps, and the two of them walked into the room. After arriving here, Re Jie closed the door of the room.

"Don't worry, this place is absolutely safe, and no one will notice this place. You should not be discovered by others here."

"Haha, it sounds like a thief, but it doesn't really matter. Even if people discover it, what will happen? By the way, how is your filming schedule going now?"

"It's okay. It's been almost half a month since I started the machine. In fact, everything is going pretty well. Overall, there aren't any big difficulties."

"Rejie, are you in any trouble?"

Luo Xiaoyi suddenly became very serious, and then looked at Rejie and said.

Re Jie was just stunned for a moment, as if she had never mentioned these things to anyone else. Why did she talk about this matter so well?
  "What do you mean? What's wrong? Is there something going on? Or did you hear something? Everything is going well here."

"I heard from actors in other companies that you suddenly changed the type of filming. It was originally a youth inspirational film, which was good, but it suddenly turned into a youth suspense film. After that, these Everyone has to change their roles, is this the case?"

"You, who did you hear this from?"

"Don't worry about who I listened to. Just tell me if this is the case."

"Haha, yes, there is indeed one, because I feel that the current film market for youth inspirational films is not that easy to do, so I don't want to make such a film, so I want to switch to other types of films, too. Only in this way can my film be a big hit at the box office."

"However, your type of transformation is really too big. Can those actors bear it? Also, the ones you are using now are all second-tier, and even most of them are third-tier actors. They don't have much at all. His acting skills, in this case, does it mean that the filming of this movie is somewhat disadvantageous now?"

"The type has changed, and the new scripts have all evolved now. Therefore, it is impossible to restore it to the original state at this time. I am also confident, and I am also willing to follow this The theme continues, but now I need to make some small changes to the script so that every link and section can be well connected, so that it can be fascinating for the audience to watch."

"Your ideas, including your rhetoric, are definitely not a problem, but I'm worried that if this matter really needs to be put into action, I'm afraid it won't be as simple as we thought. You'd better It’s better to think about it carefully, or at least think carefully about whether this is what you want to do.” (End of Chapter)

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