"I can't be the female lead. Don't forget, this movie is your sister's company's movie, so I can't join as the female lead. I represent Maplewood Culture now, and I have to If it's a guest role and it can add a little sparkle to your movie, I think there should be no problem with this."

"Have you thought about it? Are you sure you really want to do this?"

"Of course, what's there to think about? Basically, it's just like this. I've almost thought about it now. We can proceed according to this plan. When the time comes, you can slightly change your script. Then, in a suitable scene, let me appear in and out of several scenes, and then, finally reverse the plot, and let me appear again at the end. In this case, I believe it will be enough to attract people's attention."

"Great. Your proposal, including your idea, is absolutely impeccable and has no problems. If so, I feel as if I have really seen great hope. This film I’m really full of confidence.”

"Haha, then, if I can really help you, I will be very happy. That's it. That matter is settled. Also, you can go back and re-send me the plot script that needs me. , and then look at arranging a time for concentrated shooting, so it is best to complete the shooting in one day. In this case, I will not run back and forth. After all, I still have a lot of work waiting for me over there. .”

"Okay, don't worry, I will definitely arrange this for you. You don't have to think so much about other things. If that's the case, I really don't know how to thank you, right? , Regarding the remuneration, you can mention it, as long as it is a reasonable price, then I will definitely return to the company to apply for you as soon as possible. "

"If you want to ask me for a salary, are you a bit out of touch? I'm not here for the movie itself, and if I really want to make money, there's no need for me to make money in your movie, right? ?So, I am just a friendly guest appearance, which has no meaning. Moreover, I will not ask you for a penny, so you don’t have to think about money."

"This, this is too inappropriate, isn't it? And, let you work so hard to do these things, and I can't give you a penny, this, this is inappropriate, more or less, I have to express my feelings ah."

"If you really want to express your feelings, then in the end, find a good box office to repay me. Then I will be very satisfied. In addition, you must put my subtitles in those subtitles very big. People can see it clearly, and you can also use me as a sign. If you promote your movie, I believe that your gains will be extraordinary."

After saying this, Rejie stood up excitedly, because he knew that if this popular star joined the film, his success rate would skyrocket.

Also, he felt that if the plots he provided were really integrated into the entire movie, then they would definitely be a very unexpected performance.

"I really don't know what to say. So, I promise you, after the filming of this movie is completed, I will definitely treat you to a meal later. Then, if there are any movies in the future, I will definitely look for them. I have the opportunity to cooperate with you, do you think this is okay?"

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Now, I have basically told you everything you need to say, so I won't disturb you anymore. You still have a lot of things to do here, so let's go first."

As he spoke, Luo Xiaoyi stood up and was about to walk to the door. At this moment, Rejie seemed to suddenly think of something. Moreover, if these words were not spoken, I am afraid that he would not have thought of them in his heart. Know how to do it right.

"Wait a minute." He hurriedly stepped forward, and finally stood in front of Luo Xiaoyi.

Luo Xiaoyi then slowly stopped, and then looked back at him with a suspicious look on his face. He didn't understand why this man called her over at this time.

"What's wrong? Is there anything else? Or is there anything else I need to tell you about this movie? If so, please tell me now. I'll prepare it when I get back."

"It's not about this movie, and your acting skills are already very good. You are responsible for everything, whether it's your strength or your appearance. I just want to tell you now, if one day you will be in Maplewood Culture , if you are really unhappy, then you can come back at any time, and the door here can be opened at any time, I can tell Sister Mi about this."

"Haha, okay, I understand, thank you, Rejie, that's it, then you can go about your business, I won't disturb you anymore, I'll leave first."

After finishing speaking, Luo Xiaoyi stood up and left from here. Looking at the background of Luo Xiaoyi's departure at this time, it was actually hard to tell what it was like.

However, he just knew a situation, and he had to report this matter to Damimi in time.

After all, there is an extra actor in it. If it were just an ordinary actor, maybe Da Mimi wouldn't say anything. However, this person now does not represent Da Mimi's company, but Fenglin Culture.

If this is the case, can Damimi agree to it?
  If she doesn't agree, did she agree just now a little too happily? Moreover, he specifically mentioned just now that Da Mimi had given up on banning these artists. What happened?
  Now Rejie always feels that there must be a lot of inside information here, which he probably doesn't know.

After Luo Xiaoyi came out of here, she felt that her body was really relaxed. Moreover, in any case, she had successfully helped Re Jie this time. If so, I believe Reba should be able to explain something. .

After returning to his car, Luo Xiaoyi took out his phone and called Reba's cell phone directly. After all, the news had already been resolved, and he felt that there was no need to delay it any longer.

"Hey, Sister Reba, it's me, I'm Xiaoyi."

"Oh, Xiaoyi, I know. What's wrong? Tell me? Did you go to the shooting base to find Rejie today? I just asked them in the company and they said you left in a hurry. I guess , did you go there?" (End of Chapter)

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