"Haha, otherwise, Sister Reba knows me best. Yes, I just came out of the shooting base. I have already reached an agreement with Rejie. He is going to let me enter his scene as a guest star. In the movie, at the end, I will be the final boss."

"Really? Rejie, did he really agree?"

"Yes, I did agree, so I think it shouldn't be a big problem. Anyway, I have already worked hard on what I should do. Sister Reba, don't worry. I will do my best and I will be fine. Helped him finish filming this movie.”

"Great, Xiaoyi, this time, I really don't know what to say."

"Sister Reba, why are you being polite to me? Although we debuted at the same time, you are a few years ahead of me and have more experience than me. In the past, you also constantly helped me and supported me. , Otherwise, how could I have achieved what I have today? So, doing this is naturally a piece of cake."

"Okay Xiaoyi, then come back. After we meet, we will talk in detail. That's it for now."

After saying that, he hung up the phone in a hurry, and Rejie here could not sit still on the set. He had to see Da Mimi as soon as possible, and he also had to know that here at Da Mimi, So what happened? Why did such a big change happen overnight?

When he hurried to the company, he originally wanted to say hello to Xiaoyan, but when he opened the door, he found that the room was completely empty, and he had no idea where Xiaoyan had gone at this time. place.

Then, he knocked on the door of Da Mimi's office. In the end, he just heard Da Mimi agree from inside, and then Rejie hurriedly walked in.

"Rejie, why are you here? Is everything okay on the set now? Didn't I tell you? If there is nothing, you don't have to run back and forth to the company. If anything happens, we can just communicate on the phone. , it doesn’t take long to get there.”

"Sister Mi, there are some things that I can't explain clearly over the phone. Moreover, I am full of doubts and want to know what happened. That's why I rushed here to meet you. , and then ask carefully."

"What's going on? It's so mysterious. Come on, sit down and talk about it. What's going on?"

"There are two things in total. First, I want to ask, why did you give up the ban on these artists? I just got the news today that the company has given up the prosecution?"

"Oh, you are talking about this matter. Actually, I haven't thought about it that much. Moreover, under the current situation, I think it is better to have more trouble than less trouble. Therefore, I don't want to block them anymore. After all, these people are all I brought them up single-handedly. If I block them at this time, to be honest, I will negate my own victory. Therefore, I don’t want to kill them all quickly." "Sister Mi, are you in such a good mood? And , the current situation is obviously that they betrayed you first, and they deserved the punishment, which is also their fate. Why do you still want to spare them? Sister Mi, do you really think so in your heart? Or is this What's going on inside?"

"What can happen? I have all my things and all the information ready. I am going to submit this thing before this morning. However, I thought about it carefully all night last night and I think it is better. You can't do this, you know? I know best the hardships that everyone has to endure when they grow up, so I don't want them to have to start over again."

"Sister Mi, why are you always like this, always thinking of others in everything you do? Moreover, you never think about yourself. Why don't you think about yourself? What is your current situation? Those people, do they have any Have you considered this?"

"Whether they have considered it or not, that's their business. Anyway, I definitely won't think about it so much. I will have my own thoughts and decisions. So, I made a decision last night. This matter will no longer be pursued, but unilateral liquidated damages are a must, and this must be an explanation to the company."

"Sister Mi, if you do this, I believe you will regret it in the end. Moreover, as far as I know, there is a retroactive compensation period. If this period is passed, then you will It is simply impossible to apply to ban them.”

After hearing this, Da Mimi just smiled slightly, because she could see that Rejie seemed to be fighting for herself.

However, Damimi was very smart, and she did not tell Rejie the true situation of the matter.

You can't say that I was threatened by others, so I gave up all this, right? It's better to leave him the best impression and tell them how kind-hearted he is and how vicious those people are.

"What regrets do I have? Since it has been decided, I will never regret it. I also thought about it carefully. Everyone has their own ambitions. Since people want to find a better backer and a better platform, then, I Why not make way for others? So, why do you need to do this? Killing them all, what good will it do to me? I will not get the slightest benefit."

"Sister Mi, I really don't know what to say. Ever since I graduated from college, my sister has been instilling this idea in me at that time, that is, how sinister people's hearts are when they enter society. What are the thoughts of those people? It’s so complicated, but why is everyone completely different from what you are doing now, Sister Mi?”

"Rejie, in fact, Reba's reminder to you is completely correct, because society is so cruel, that's what it is, but I just don't have such a character. I brought those people up with my own hands, so I don't want to Destroy them with my own hands, they are like saplings, raised by me, do I have the heart to chop them down with a knife?"

"You can't bear it? However, people can't bear it. They can't bear to leave you all at once, and then betray you and the company. If they do this, can you really swallow this breath? ?" (End of this chapter)

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