"There is nothing to hate. As the saying goes, people have their own ambitions. It doesn't matter. What they want to do is their business. I just need someone to pay me the compensation. There is nothing else. Besides, I have the ability. By bringing out those actors, I believe that I will also be able to train more actors. These things are a cyclical law without any variables."

After hearing this, Rejie just nodded. He didn't know what to say, because he felt that this Damimi was a little too kind in her heart. If she was really such a kind person, how could she be in this place? In a society with sinister people, how can we continue to stand like this?
  "Let's not talk about this matter now. Why didn't I see Xiaoyan when I came here just now? There was no one in the office."

"She has an external liaison mission today, so I arranged for her to go out. I guess she won't be able to make it back today. After all, it's almost a 5-hour drive from that place to this point. I guess it should be the fastest. I'll be back tomorrow morning."

"What? You, you mean, he is on a business trip? But why didn't he tell me in advance? Moreover, he didn't say hello to me about it."

"Really? It's impossible. Logically speaking, I should tell you. Isn't it too late now? Because I want her to get two documents first, and then two contracts, after they are complete. , he will rush over, and he should be able to rush to that city before tonight. I estimate that he will contact you soon, don't worry, there will be no problem. "

"Okay, no, sister Mi. I just asked casually to see what happened. Now that I know where he went, I feel relieved. Yes, they also talked about this movie. I have some new information now. In addition, there is also a decision that I have made in advance, so it is a bit of a decision to make a decision later."

"Rejie, didn't Sister Mi tell you before? No matter what decision you make, it will be entirely your will, and just do it according to your wishes and ideas. There is no need for me to consider it. At the scene, you He is the biggest person.”

"No, this isn't those questions, it's something else. Do you know who came to see me this afternoon? It's Luo Xiaoyi. I believe you are no stranger to him, right?"

After saying this, Da Mimi just frowned slightly. Didn't Luo Xiaoyi leave the company? Why did you go to Rejie in the blink of an eye? Could it be that he was being instigated by Reba and planning to take Rejie away?

Rejie can't leave. He is his key figure now, and he is also his soul figure. At this time, he is like a sword that can point to those people at all times.

"Oh, really? Why did he rush over so suddenly? What's wrong? Is there something wrong? Yes, I haven't asked you yet. Is your personal relationship with that Luo Xiaoyi pretty good? I met you before I've been there, and you were standing together in the hall talking, and you were talking and laughing, and you seemed to have a good relationship."

"There are so many actors in the company. To be honest, there are not many we can chat with. Luo Xiaoyi is more open-minded. She just came to the set today to see me. However, she made a request. I was very excited at the time and agreed. Come down, but after thinking about it carefully, I should ask for your permission first. Only in this way can I agree."

"What conditions? What else can Luo Xiaoyi ask for you? She is just a female star. Is it possible that she is also planning to let you go to Maplewood Culture? It doesn't matter, Rejie, if you want to leave, Sister Mi I will also support you." ˆ ˆ ˆ "Sister Mi, what are you talking about? How could I leave you at this time? Moreover, I know what to do, so I will definitely not do this. She wanted to enter my movie as a guest star. I guess she wanted to enhance the atmosphere of the movie. At least one well-known female star would join the movie. Then, the movie should have a sales pitch. Ordered.”

"What? A cameo role made it into the movie? Did she decide it, or did you just think of it on the spur of the moment? What on earth is going on?"

"I didn't expect that when we were discussing the subject of this film, she suddenly mentioned this. I think she is a very suitable role. I have watched all the films she has appeared in before. After passing it, there will definitely be no problem, so I think he should be fine."

"That's it, but how did you negotiate with her about the remuneration? It doesn't matter. If she wants how much money, you can submit an account. At that time, I will ask the company's finance to call you together. Remember, we You can’t use others in vain.”

"Sister Mi, do you mean that you agree to do this?"

"Rejie, what are you thinking? Even if they have left the company, they are still free persons. If they want to join the movie, what's the problem? Besides, although the movie is invested by our company , it doesn’t mean that we can’t hire actors from outside, this is understandable and no problem.”

"As for the remuneration, I have already discussed it with Tiao just now, but she said that she would not charge any part of it, and she did not want to give me any more money. She just wanted to join the film as a friend. , I felt that she was very sincere this time, so I readily agreed."

"Really? I really haven't seen it yet. Xiaoyi is really a very emotional person. Although I have left this company, I am still willing to contribute to this company. In this regard, I I'm very pleased, well, since he doesn't want money, you don't need to tell her too much, after all, it's just a guest role, and to be honest, the pay isn't much higher."

"Well, since Sister Mi, you don't have any problems here, then I will consider this matter officially settled. Then, if there are any problems, I will communicate with you in time."

"Okay, Rejie, just feel free to do what you want to do. You don't need to think too much about anything else. What should and shouldn't be done? I believe that you You should know better than me. From now on, if you have anything to do, you can just call me. You don’t have to run back and forth anymore. Do you understand?" (End of Chapter)

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