"Okay, Rejie, I understand. If nothing happens, I will go back first. That's it, I won't disturb you anymore."

Rejie has already figured out the issues that need to be figured out now, and the things that need to be explained have also been explained clearly. Therefore, even if he stays here now, it seems that there is no deep meaning.

Finally, Rejie stood up and left directly.

However, after he left, Da Mimi felt more sad. She didn't understand what happened to Luo Xiaoyi who suddenly came here at this time. What does she want to do?
  Why did Luo Xiaoyi join this movie for no reason? To be honest, she couldn't think of anyone else. The only thing she could think of was Re Jie's arrangement and support.

After all, Luo Xiaoyi had always followed Reba before, so the two of them had a very good relationship in private.

At this time, if Reba invites her to assist her brother Rejie in filming a movie, Da Mimi feels that this should be a normal thing, and Luo Xiaoyi will definitely not refuse.

It's just that she doesn't understand, what is the purpose of Reba's arrangement? Will she cause some trouble for herself if she does this? This is something you need to consider.

Da Mimi took out the phone and called Xiaoyan directly. Because Xiaoyan had been out all day today to arrange meetings in the evening, so she didn't know what she was busy with at the moment.

"Hey, Sister Mi, what's wrong? Tell me?"

Da Mimi could tell that Xiaoyan didn't seem to be in a quiet environment at this time. The traffic outside was very noisy. It was probably somewhere on the side of the road.

"Xiaoyan, where have you been?"

"Oh, I'm outside at the mall. After all, it's my first time to meet him today, so I want to buy him something. Besides, men, if they give him a little favor, they will definitely be able to accept it. "

"Okay, you just have to follow the arrangements for what to do. What I want to tell you is that Rejie was here just now, and he also knew that I gave up the ban on them."

"What? How does Rejie know these things? Besides, there should be no news about him on the set."

"You may not have thought that Luo Xiaoyi went there specially today, and then told him about it."

"What did you say? Is it Luo Xiaoyi? What is Luo Xiaoyi doing at this time? Moreover, what does this matter have to do with her? Hasn't she already left the company and turned to Maplewood Culture? What does it matter to her at this time?" "Yes, that is indeed what he said, but this person was indeed present on the set, and he also told Re Jie a lot of things. Otherwise, how could Re Jie know that I gave up on these people? What about the ban?”

"Sister Mi, you won't tell Rejie that it's because of the incident in one of our subsidiaries, right? And, is it because Lin Feng has obtained tangible evidence?"

"I'm stupid, how could I say this to him? I just said that I miss my old relationship, so there is no need to kill them all. But these words, in front of Rejie, he has completely believed it, and he is still saying it Please give me some advice, but I have made up my mind and there is no room for change.”

"Then there should be no problem. Sister Mi, after you called me, you wanted to tell me that Rejie already knew about this, right?"

"How is it possible? It's not that simple. I'm calling you for two things. The first thing I want to ask you is why you haven't contacted Re Jie until now? He was asking about your removal just now. I told Re Jie Jie said that because you received an outreach mission, you have to rush to another city overnight tonight and won't be able to come back until tomorrow."

"It's not so busy. I haven't bothered to call him to tell him the news. Don't worry. I will tell him immediately after hanging up the phone. Just as you said, I will be back tomorrow. .”

"The second thing is, did you know? This time Luo Xiaoyi went to the set, not only to visit Re Jie, but more importantly, she has decided to star in a movie about Re Jie, and she will do so with friendship. The guest role enters the movie."

"What? She wants to get involved? She is no longer a member of our company. What does our company's movie have to do with her? Is this another obstruction caused by Reba, or is she arranging this behind the scenes? Something happened?"

"Do you even need to ask? It can be said that Rejie's movie production is a mess now. I have communicated with the director before. He said that the subject matter was temporarily changed. I'm afraid the movie will be a bad movie in the end. , no one cares about it at all. In addition, the second- and third-tier actors on the scene are also complaining, but Rejie doesn’t know about any of these things."

"That means Reba can understand Rejie, so she wants to find a popular star who can break into the movie. At least the movie will have some selling points, or have his shine. That’s what it means.”

"Yes, to put it bluntly, she just wanted to help her brother secretly, but Re Jie didn't seem to take her in. In addition, when Luo Xiaoyi communicated with him, she didn't mention Reba. It seemed that Reba and Luo Xiaoyi Things that have been decided before, this matter should have been agreed upon."

"Okay, then I understand. I understand what to say. I will call him later to see what the specific situation is. Sister Mi, don't worry. In addition, I have already called Li Morfei I contacted him over there, and he has promised me that we will meet on time at 7 o'clock tonight, so the chance of us meeting today should be very high."

"Okay, again, you must be careful in everything you do, and remember not to let others take advantage of it. In addition, you are representing the company's behavior now. If you really feel that you are unsafe, you must Retreat in time and remember not to let yourself get stuck in it, do you understand?"

"Don't worry, I know what to do. Okay, Sister Mi, I won't tell you this for now. I'm picking out gifts. I'll pay via mobile phone later, so that's it. Goodbye, Sister Mi." (End of this chapter.) )

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