"What do you mean? Do you mean to let me run away with the money and then invest in your company? If you do this, then I will be completely ruined in this circle."

"You already have so much money, so it seems that fame is no longer necessary for you. In addition, it only disappears temporarily, not permanently, so you really should think twice about this matter. And it works.”

"Okay, I will consider your request slowly. Let's not talk about it for today and just talk about Fengyue. How about it?"

"No problem, then let's just talk about Fengyue tonight."

After saying this, she just smiled slightly, because Xiaoyan knew that it would not be that simple to successfully instigate him, but she had already thought of another backup plan.

Because he knew this person relatively well, and his notebook was always with him. Even when meeting him, the notebook was always with him.

Xiaoyan only needs to find a way to log in to the company's account from his laptop, and then transfer the funds to an account abroad. Of course, the account abroad is in this man's name.

Once this money is transferred back, it cannot be transferred back within one month. Therefore, even if it is discovered by then, it will be too late.

Therefore, her plan is still very sufficient. Even if he does not agree to cooperate with her, Xiaoyan is still confident that she can continue to carry out this matter well.

Da Mimi slept in a daze until midnight. He didn't know what time it was, but he felt a little thirsty, so he sat up from the bed. Just in time, he turned on the bedside lamp and took out his mobile phone to read. One glance.

At this time, she discovered that there was a message sent to her by Xiaoyan, so she hurriedly opened the message and took a look. There were only two words written on it, success.

I don't know why, but after seeing all this, Da Mimi felt a lot more relaxed. Moreover, she never thought that things on her side would go so smoothly.

I originally thought that Xiaoyan would definitely have many difficulties here, and to be honest, his hopes were not very high.

After all, Xiaoyan had no relationship with that man before, and now she just ordered him to embezzle public funds out of thin air, and it was still so much money. It is estimated that most people would definitely not be able to do it.

Unless the man has some mental problems, it is definitely impossible for him to do this under this situation.

Although until now, Da Mimi still doesn't know why Xiaoyan is still confident to do this at this time. Also, can that man really be so fascinated by Xiaoye?
  It seemed that this matter should be buffering. If that was the case, she really didn't know if Lin Feng would be able to withstand all this when he learned about the money?

Li Mofei woke up early on the second day and felt refreshed. This night of ecstasy last night really made him feel it.

After parting ways with Xiaoyan, Li Morfei returned directly to the company because he had already met with the other party's legal team today, so he had to get this done today. After arriving at the company, it was almost time. He returned to his office, then briefly prepared some information, and finally came to the conference room.

At this time, the legal staff of Damimi's team are already waiting here. They have submitted the relevant legal treaty. After that, he will just make corresponding compensation according to this legal treaty. Basically, this matter can be completed. .

Finally, they agreed that the time should be within three days. This condition was specially given to them by Da MiMi before he came.

The contract must be fulfilled within three days. If anything changes in the meantime, then it will be treated as a unilateral breach of contract. By then, the matter will not be that simple.

All negotiations went relatively smoothly. In the end, both parties signed their names on the contract and stamped it with the company's official financial seal. Afterwards, he returned to his financial office.

Next, you need to go through the transfer process. Although the amount is relatively large, you have already applied to the bank before. Basically, you need to call them separately according to the amount, so if it is quick, it will be almost the same. , it should be available to the other party’s account this afternoon.

When Li Mofei opened his company account and was about to transfer funds from it, he suddenly discovered that the balance above was 0.

He thought he had seen it wrong, and then rubbed his eyes vigorously, but found that the balance above was indeed 0.

This is not a public account of the company, and a public account cannot store such a large amount of funds. After all, they are trading this money privately.

Therefore, it is another account, but the income from this account has not been withdrawn before. He has clearly checked it before, and there is a total of 1 million in cash on it.

But why did the money disappear in such a short period of time? Moreover, 1 million is not a matter of thousands or tens of thousands of dollars. If this matter is really lost, then the trouble will be really big.

After thinking of this, he hurriedly logged out of the account again, and then checked it carefully. The account number was correct, the password was correct, and the header of the bank where the account was opened was also the same.

The key question is, where is the money above? Why has it disappeared now? This point indeed made Li Mofei feel a little strange.

He suddenly realized that something was not right about the situation. He still remembered that Xiaoyan had told him yesterday that he should misappropriate the 1 million yuan. To be honest, he was just Just perfunctory, just think about how he could throw away his money, career and destiny for this money. He doesn't want to do that yet.

Is it possible that this matter has something to do with that woman? But that's not right. The woman had been lying next to him last night. Normally, there should be no problem. Thinking of this, Li Mofei frowned suspiciously, then stood up and stood in the room. Walking back and forth.

It was a big thing to lose so much money all at once. Moreover, he couldn't bear this responsibility at all. After thinking of this, he took out his phone, and then called Xiaoyan's phone number directly. Hit it. (End of chapter)

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