However, after only a few calls, the other party quickly hung up. He understood that this person should have come prepared, and that the night before was just to perfunctory him. , now that the task is completed, then he will definitely not care about himself anymore.

After thinking of this, Li Mofei just slapped himself hard with regret. How could such a thing happen? If this is really the case, then how should I explain it to the company?
  The key question is, where did the money go? How could he disappear out of thin air? The above password includes some login procedures, and only you can log in. Moreover, the laptop is broken.

Thinking of this, he suddenly thought of something, that is to say, in addition to using the company's computer, this account was also logged in using his own laptop.

As long as you have logged in, there will be login traces on it. If you can crack it a little, or if you know computer programs, you should be able to find these contents.

He didn't dare to delay, and then he hurriedly took out his laptop, put it on the table, opened it and took a look. He found that at 2 o'clock in the morning last night, there was a transfer record, and the transfer was to a virtual bank overseas. account.

He checked the account carefully and found that the name of the account was actually his own. In other words, he used this computer to transfer the company's accounts to his own account. In this way, he could not say anything at all. clear.

Li Mofei knew that this matter was definitely not a trivial matter, and he couldn't just sit here and wait for death. If he just sat there and waited for death, he would really be transferring public funds. Therefore, he had to find Lin Feng and do it for him as soon as possible. Give an explanation.

So, he hurriedly took his laptop and came outside Lin Feng's office.

After coming outside, Li Mofei just took a deep breath, because this matter was too big for him.

Moreover, I never thought that such a troublesome thing would happen to me. If this matter cannot be properly handled, then many troublesome things will probably follow.

Even if Lin Feng is scolding him, he must endure it here, because he knows that he has no choice. Who allowed himself to delay such a big thing because of a woman?

He knocked on the door gently and heard Lin Feng agree from inside. Finally, he opened the door and walked in.

"Hey, Director Li, why are you here? How about it, the contract has been signed, right? In terms of compensation, there shouldn't be any excessive demands, right?"

"Mr. Lin, this contract has been signed. The other party's team has left now. If the account is transferred according to normal requirements, it should arrive in the other company's account before 6 pm today at the earliest."

"Okay, that's good. Then this matter has been settled. Anyway, we have spent the money well. Okay, you have worked hard these days. If not, you can do it today." Take a good vacation and relax, there are still many problems waiting for you to deal with your finances."

After he said these words, however, when he looked up at him, he felt that Li Mofei seemed a little unnatural.

Normally, since such a big thing has been successfully completed and he has been explained to himself, he should be very relaxed. However, Lin Feng found that he seemed to have something suppressed. He was smiling, and his brows seemed to have never relaxed since he came in. "What's the matter, Director Li? Is there anything else that's difficult? It doesn't matter. If you have anything, just tell me. As long as I can solve it, I will definitely be able to help you solve it."

"Mr. Lin, this, this time, this time, I'm afraid it's really going to be a little troublesome."

"What's the matter? Trouble? What do you mean? What's wrong? Did something happen? Is there something wrong with the money in those companies' accounts? No, haven't they been checked before? Normally, the money should be It’s enough to pay their compensation.”

"I know there is definitely no problem with money, but the key problem is that the money is no longer in another account of the company."

After saying this, Lin Feng suddenly stood up from his seat, because he had never thought that such a serious problem would happen.

All the company's accounts are encrypted, and without those dongles, or a series of cracking programs, it is impossible for anyone to easily log in to this account.

Now, how could he say that the money just disappeared from the account?

"Director Li, let me tell you, this is not a joke, and it is not the time to joke. Don't tell me this now."

"Mr. Lin, this time, I'm really in trouble, because I just transferred the money, and I didn't find a penny when I checked. Mr. Lin, this is all my fault. I fell into that woman's trick. If it wasn't In this case, I’m afraid it won’t cause this result.”

"Wait a minute, what did you just say? Did you fall into that woman's trick? Is that woman Da Mimi? Why did she come to you?"

"No, it's not her, it's the assistant in her company, his personal secretary, named Xiaoyan."


"Yes, it's her. She suddenly approached me yesterday, and then she got me drunk. Later, I was in trouble. She took my laptop in the middle of the night, and then took advantage of me. There are some login traces. After logging into this account, all the above 1 million yuan was transferred to an overseas virtual account. I just checked the account and this virtual account is also linked to my name. "

"What did you just say? You said she transferred the money, and it was transferred to your overseas account? What's going on? Also, when did you meet Xiaoyan? Why did you meet her? How close is it?”

"Mr. Lin, it's my fault. It's all my fault. I was greedy for her beauty, so she took advantage of this. Yesterday, she went to the hotel with me, but who knew that this woman got up in the middle of the night? I just found out about stealing the information on my computer this morning, and I just called and found out that she stopped answering my calls at all." (End of Chapter)

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