"Li Morfei, Li Morfei, do you know what a serious mistake you have made? Moreover, at this time, people have already taken advantage of you. How can they still call you? Will they still answer your calls? Do you think she’s stupid? She definitely doesn’t want all this to happen again.”

"Yes, yes, that's what I mean, Mr. Lin, look, look, what should we do now? I didn't expect that this woman would have such treacherous intentions. It's obvious that Da Mimi is behind it. Arranged all this.”

"Now that things have happened, we must find a solution as soon as possible. By the way, didn't you say that the money has been transferred to a virtual account of yours overseas? Also, when was this account established? ? Why do you have such an account?"

"Mr. Lin, I don't even know when this account was established. I suspect that a woman should have made the arrangements in advance. I don't know where he got my personal identity information, and then made a virtual The account was opened here. Finally, don’t let the money be transferred directly.”

"Okay, if that's the case now, wouldn't it be enough if you log in again and transfer the money to our company's account? Since I used you to find it, then at least it can be easier to say , but I think why does this woman do this? What is the purpose and significance of her doing this?"

"Mr. Lin, maybe you don't know much about this international financial system. If it is really an overseas account, then it will take about a week to transfer it. If you want to transfer it again, I need to advance it." Half a month, and then make another application. I believe it will take almost a week before you can actually see the money in your account. In other words, it will take at least a month for this to come and go. , the money can be returned to the company’s account.”

"What? A month? Are you kidding me? Wasn't there a stipulation in the contract before? It said that it must be completed within three days. If it is not completed within three days, then it proves that the contract is not formal. takes effect, which means that they are not free agents at all."

"That's right, so this woman took advantage of this time difference. Moreover, when their company's legal department signed the contract today, they did mention that within three days. This time he is indeed a problem for us. In other words, within three days, Within days, we must raise a new amount of funds, which means that this funds can truly meet their current needs.”

"I didn't expect that this woman would cheat and cheat to this extent. Moreover, the fact that she could plot against me in this world is definitely an oversight on my part. However, you also have your faults."

"Yes, yes, Mr. Lin, I already know that this matter was wrong, but look at the key question, how should we remedy this matter? I really don't know what to do now, this woman It really gave me a hard time."

"Do you know how many projects we have stopped in order to raise this fund? It can be said that they have hesitated in many ways. I believe that as a financial manager, you should be able to know some things. If within three days at this time , raise another amount of funds, and it is still hundreds of millions of funds, do you think it is possible?"

"Lin, Mr. Lin, if this is really the case, indeed, it cannot be done. How is it possible within three days? It will take half a month at the fastest to get the money together. of."

"Yeah, now the problem is coming again. It will take us half a month to get the money together. Now, can the money be transferred to the mobile account immediately? Then you ask, what should we do about this matter? Woolen cloth?"

"Mr. Lin, I am really at a loss and don't know what to do. I admit that this time, it was indeed my negligence and carelessness. Then, I was taken advantage of by others. It was all my fault. My fault, but Mr. Lin, you have to, you have to think of a way. If this contract really cannot be performed, then we will also have to bear another compensation amount, and this compensation amount will be almost 1 It’s about 1 million yuan.”

"You go back first and let me think about how to do this." Lin Feng just shook his head helplessly, and then closed his eyes slightly. This was the biggest financial problem he had encountered since returning to the company. Crisis, but I didn't expect that all of this was completely completed under the arrangement of Da Mimi.

Although he hates this financial manager very much, and he has fallen into this situation for a woman, but now even if he hates him, it has no meaning. The matter has become a foregone conclusion. He remembers that all this was arranged by Da Mimi. Came out specifically to do this.

When Li Morfei saw Lin Feng's state, he also knew that he might be in big trouble this time.

However, no matter how he tries to make up for it, this matter may not be able to be filled up very well. Now that he doesn't want to see himself, there is no need for him to continue waiting here.

Finally, he stood up and left the office directly.

At this moment, the door of his room was knocked open again. At this time, Lin Feng felt really anxious. Moreover, he didn't know who kept coming to his room over and over again.

He doesn't think about anything right now. To be honest, he just wants to stay here alone for a while, and then reconsider the whole matter.

See where the problem occurred, so this is equally important to him.

"Come on, come in."

Although he promised so, anyone standing outside could guess that his tone was really bad at this time. When the door was pushed open, he found that it was Reba who walked in.

Then, his expression immediately changed. After all, Reba didn't provoke anyone, and she was still very helpful to him.

"Why are you here? Didn't you say that today you have to communicate with the actors about some details of the performance later?"

"I know, I just want to ask, how is the compensation amount going over there? If everything is OK over there and the accounts can go as planned, then we can start to continue talking. Otherwise , they dragged on this contract with liquidated damages, and there was nothing they could do." (End of Chapter)

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