"If you don't come, I'm still looking for you. I want to discuss this matter with you. This matter may cause some trouble temporarily, so I may not be able to do this for the time being."

"What? Something troublesome happened? What happened? Moreover, didn't we make arrangements and preparations before? Besides, the money has been completely collected. Isn't it about money? What kind of fork appears again?"

"Money is definitely not a problem, but the key issue now is that a new detail has emerged, which means that Da Mimi has begun to direct other people to do things here again. Do you know? She arranged for Xiaoyan to do things last night , was with our financial manager, and took the opportunity to take out his laptop, and then transferred all the 1 million compensation in the account to another account."

"You, what did you say? Transferred the money? Then this behavior is considered theft. In this case, we can call the police."

"Calling the police? What's the use of calling the police? Let me ask you, if he transferred the money to his own account, then what does it count? If he really calls the police, the police will only arrest the financial manager. The financial manager If something happens, our next steps will be even more troublesome, so he can’t be okay now.”

"You mean, that Xiaoyan didn't transfer the money to their company's account, but directly transferred it to Li Morfei's account?"

"Yes, so this matter is so difficult to deal with. I didn't expect it. I didn't imagine that he would actually do this. It seems that he really wanted to delay it. Time, in this case, our contract will not be able to be performed normally."

"This, this is too insidious, what did you just say? You said that the person who did this was Xiaoyan, that is to say, this Xiaoyan?"

"Yes, that is definitely the case, but I don't know why she would do this. Also, how much does Rejie know about what she did?"

"If you look at it this way, then this woman cannot stay at all, and she absolutely cannot be with my brother. Such a frivolous person does not take her physical chastity seriously at all. I Why should she be with my brother? She doesn't deserve it at all."

"Although you say that, the key question is, do you have any substantive evidence now? Moreover, you are saying things out of thin air. Do you think Rejie will believe this? These are all off-topic. , the biggest difficulty at the moment is how should we face this financial crisis?"

"Since it was transferred to his account, wouldn't it be enough to just transfer the money out again? There doesn't seem to be any difficulty in this."

"Perhaps neither of us understands the international financial system. Li Morfei explained it to me just now. Once the money is transferred in, it will take a month to actually transfer it out to our account, so I'm afraid. , he made this time difference, it seems that this woman has really calculated all of this."

"When did Sister Mi become so despicable? No wonder, she can happily agree to your conditions, but she stumbles you in another matter. It seems that he is really She didn't want to continue the peace talks." "She definitely doesn't want to do this. Now, the time limit they gave is only three days, so no matter what we do, we must make up this number within three days, and only Only in this way can we make up for this matter.”

"Three days? 1 million? This is no joke. Besides, where should we come up with the money? Oh, by the way, I still have some money over there that I can use. The total should probably be around 6 million, but there is still a big gap, and there is more than 000 million in funds. Where should we raise it from? "

"If I add some temporary mortgages to my current personal stocks, it is estimated that it will be around 5 million. Even if it is added up, there should still be a gap of about 000 million by now."

"If it's 8 million, can Maplewood Culture get the money? If it can, it still won't be able to fill it up now. Anyway, the money will come back after all, it's just a matter of time. The length of time is also a matter of sooner or later.”

"Maplewood Culture, at present, all the money that can be moved on the books has been spent, including several ongoing projects. They have also stopped and collected all the funds. Now, it is impossible to have any more money. If we have enough money, even if we have to collect it by force, it is estimated that it will only be around [-] to [-] million at most. At this time, there is still a big gap, which is a rather troublesome thing."

"It doesn't matter. If this is really the case, now we have 16 actors. If each of them contributes a lot, after all, they are all popular front-line members. If I take 1 million in my hand, I I don’t think the problem is too big.”

"What are you talking about? You mean, let them pay personally? However, we have already made a contract before, and we will complete the compensation. At this time, let them take the money, do you think they Are you willing to do this? Isn’t this just moving them into this trap step by step?”

"On the surface, it may be like this, but we must have more trust in each other at this time. If everyone does not collectively come up with this money, then we will not be able to survive this crisis. If, If this crisis cannot be overcome, then it will be equivalent to making them change jobs this time, which is a waste of time. Therefore, leave this matter to me. Of course, we will not use this money in vain. It must be We need to give them part of the interest.”

"Interest, it definitely doesn't matter. I'm willing to spend another 1 million even at this time. However, I don't know what to do to get through this crisis."

"Leave it to me. They are still waiting for me in that room. They were supposed to discuss other things. It seems that we should change it to another meeting to discuss. In this way, you wait here for my news, and I will I’ll give you an answer as soon as possible.”

Reba also looked at Lin Feng anxiously like an ant on a hot pot, and she also knew the seriousness of this matter, but now she had no choice but to do her best, Then, go fill the hole with that money. (End of chapter)

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