"Sister Reba, can you please stop making things difficult for us? Moreover, it is indeed difficult for you to ask us to pay at this time."

"Okay, I don't know if you can lend it out. Anyway, my current personal deposits should be more than 2000 million, so I will lend 2 million first and lend it to the company in my personal name. I believe that Lin Feng I probably won’t let go of this money, so I will definitely see my money back in my account in the end.”

Just when others were trying to obstruct everything, Luo Xiaoyi suddenly stood up and said this. Moreover, this matter is like this. As long as there is one person who takes the lead, then all the rest will happen. Things, I'm afraid, will be easier to handle.

"Xiaoyi, are you crazy? You paid 2 million by yourself? If the 000 million is divided equally among 8 of us, it will be a matter of several million. Why do you have to bear so much yourself? "

"I know what each of you is thinking. You are just worried that the money cannot be recovered. However, I don't think so. I know that Lin Feng has already lost a lot to dig us up, so I I don’t want him to face such difficulties again, so I will definitely take out the 2 million, and I can’t help with the remaining 000 million.”

"Xiaoyi, look, we are not the kind of people who are short of money. It's not that we don't want to come up with it. It's just that it's a little difficult to have working capital now. Otherwise, let's do this. If you can come up with 2 million, then , we will divide the remaining 000 million evenly among the 6 of us. In this way, everyone will be reduced a little. We will think of a way when we go back. Then, seize the time to get the money together and contact that company as soon as possible. The company’s separation is really terrifying, I never thought they would use such a trick.”

"Okay, I don't have a problem here. Besides, although stocks cost a lot of money, I can also go and borrow some from friends and family around me. Anyway, it's just a temporary outing. , there should be no problem.”

Now that Luo Xiaoyi has started, everything that follows should be easy to handle. The 6 million gap has been successfully filled in a short period of time. Therefore, at this moment, Reba's heart It's really a lot of relief.

Wasn't it always about money? Now, it's hard to get the money together, so that means Da Mimi's conspiracy probably didn't succeed completely.

After all the actors dispersed, Reba deliberately kept Luo Xiaoyi because she knew that this little sister had devoted the most to her, and she was the one who always stood up to support her when she was most helpless. , otherwise, she would not have reached this point.

"Xiaoyi, thank you very much. The last time we were involved in Rejie's movie, you were the first to stand up alone, and now you are the first to stand up. To be honest, I really appreciate you. You Don’t worry, I will never treat you badly in vain in the future. As long as there is a good opportunity, I will definitely let you use it first.”

"Sister Reba, I am not doing this for any reason. I am just a person who repays my kindness. You really helped me when I was in the most difficult times. Therefore, I always miss my old friendship. 2. 000 million can be said to be my entire net worth to me, but don’t worry, as long as it can help the company and myself, then it doesn’t matter.”

"Okay Xiaoyi, I won't say anything else. If I say too many words of thanks, it will seem that we are a little alienated. I will accept this money first, and you can rest assured. In the end, It may not even be used for a month, and the money will be transferred to your account as soon as possible. "

"It doesn't matter. These difficulties are temporary. As long as the company can provide them, I believe there won't be any big problems at this level."

"Okay, then you go about your business first, and I'll explain it to Lin Feng here. Because he is already worried about this matter, he should be able to relax this time. ” ˆ ˆ After explaining things here to Luo Xiaoyi, Reba got up and went directly to Lin Feng’s office. It took a total of an hour from the time he left Lin Feng’s office to the time he collected the money.

This hour, every second and every minute was very difficult. In this situation, he knew that there was no other better choice.

After hearing the knock on the door, Lin Feng rushed over immediately, and then suddenly opened the door. He saw it was Reba, and he could see that Reba seemed to be in a mood at this time. much better.

"How is it? Have you told them? Those people, how are they reacting now? Are there some objections, but what is the final result?"

"Don't worry, everything has been resolved. Now we have filled the funding gap. If everything goes well, we can turn around the project as usual today."

"That's great, Reba, you really helped me a lot this time."

"Remember, it's not me who is helping you, but the female star named Luo Xiaoyi, because this time she was the first to stand up, and she personally shouldered 1 million, and the rest The 2 million is to be distributed equally among the 000 of them, do you understand?"

"Okay, I get it. I could tell from the last time that Luo Xiaoyi is a very reciprocal person. If this is the case, we must develop her well, and in the future, we must treat her well in all aspects. Take more care of me.”

"Yes, that's what I mean. Look, this time, Sister Mi's wishful thinking will come true again. But I still feel regretful. I didn't expect Xiaoyan to pay so much for Sister Mi. So, I'm very sad It’s hard to imagine what Xiaoyan will do in the future.”

"Being able to dedicate her body to Dami Mi, let me tell you, this is not something that ordinary people can do. This also proves that she regards Dami Mi as her reborn parents, so she and Re Being together with Jay is indeed very, very dangerous.”

"The key issue is that once Rejie falls into this emotional whirlpool, he won't listen to anything I say. Therefore, he must be allowed to discover the truth of these things little by little, and then he can withdraw from it. .”

"We have no choice but to take it one step at a time. We have no way to control the current situation. Moreover, no matter how much we say, Rejie will not believe what we say. Therefore, we should stop doing these useless efforts, it has no meaning at all." (End of Chapter)

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