"I know, so I won't say anything now. I will record everything about it. When the time comes, I will settle the ledger with him."

"Okay, if this is the case, then our affairs can progress very well, because now it has been officially released on the market, which means that a foreign consortium should be ready to invest and build here. It is said that , this Damimi has already started to find someone to take the initiative to get close to them."

"Great, in that case, do we have to start letting out the news, and then compete openly with him?"

"That's natural. I'll go see the marketing manager later, and then we'll think it over carefully with him to see how we should do this. Moreover, we must make a big splash to create momentum. That's the only way. , so that Da Mimi can know the authenticity of this matter. Once she falls into this vortex, it may not be an easy thing to retreat if she wants to retreat."

Their plan was absolutely flawless, and if Da Mimi was under normal circumstances, he would definitely not have discovered any of these loopholes.

Xiaoyan happily returned to the company. She thought that all the things should be completed smoothly. Moreover, she had already reported everything to Da Mi Mi in the morning, and Da Mi Mi also felt that she recognized her behavior. .

However, at 4:00 in the afternoon, their company's finance suddenly knocked on the door. At that time, Da Mimi was preparing a contract and a market research plan in the room.

These things are all prepared for later investment, so she must be completely prepared. Only in this way can she easily take over the project. By then, no one will be able to compete with her.

"Oh, what's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

"Sister Mi, you, didn't you say that the money can't be transferred to the account? I checked just now and found that the company account of 1 million has now been transferred to our company account."

When he heard the news, Da Mimi suddenly stood up from his seat excitedly, because this was completely different from the plot he imagined at the time.

"What did you say? 1 million has been fully deposited into the account? Did you read that correctly? Does this money come from Maplewood Culture? Is it from the accounts of other companies?"

"No, I have checked carefully. It is the money transferred from Maplewood Culture. So, there is absolutely no doubt about this. But, how did this money arrive in the account so quickly? It doesn’t mean that they don’t have the ability to take the money at all.”

"Okay, I understand, don't worry about it for now. Now that you've got it, don't say anything else. Okay, you go and do your business. By the way, when you go out, give Xiaoyan I called over."

"Oh, okay, then I understand, Sister Mi, I'll go now. If you have anything, please contact me."

After that, the financial director didn't get up and left. About two minutes later, Xiaoyan appeared in Da Mimi's office again.

At that time, when meeting with the financial manager, he also asked me specifically about this matter and knew the truth of the matter. Therefore, she felt that her efforts last night were probably wasted. “Sister Mi, what’s going on? Is it possible that their Maple Forest Culture is so successful? And, how can they collect so much money in just half a day?”

"It seems that Lin Feng really hid a lot. I didn't have any plans at first. It seems now that my previous thoughts were indeed a bit too simple."

"Sister Mi, then, what should we do now?"

"There is no other way, and you don't have to think about it. The money has already been deposited into the account. Therefore, I am afraid that starting from today, these 16 actors have completely severed ties with our company. Therefore, yesterday you were in vain. wasted."

"Really, I didn't expect that they would have a back-up plan. Then do we have no chance to turn around now?"

"For the time being, there should be no chance. Now, we can no longer focus on this matter. Since he has the ability to collect enough money, then we will no longer consider it. I am now We are ready to accept the investment and construction of that film and television city, and I have already arranged for someone to contact them. If everything goes well, I am afraid we should be able to meet with them tonight."

"Tonight? Sister Mi? Do I still need to go there with you tonight?"

"Of course, how can I complete such a big project and such a big thing by myself? So, please work hard tonight, we will have a good meeting and chat with them, and by the way, we also need to explore the other party's system and see how they work. How strong is it, and how much money are you planning to invest this time? If it is really a small matter, it will have no meaning at all to us."

"Okay, no problem, Sister Mi. Then I'll take the time to prepare. However, I think this matter is really annoying. This man got my body for nothing, but in the end he got nothing. "

"Everything in the midst of change is definitely not certain. Therefore, under this situation, we should be confident to complete these projects. In addition, you don't have to lose anything. I don't I will replenish everything for you, and besides, I will never spare this Li Morfei lightly. Since he got everything, I must make him vomit it all out to me."

"But now, what else can we do? We have already done what we need to do, and..."

"And what? According to my investigation, this Li Morfei should have a family, right? His wife has been living abroad all year round and has never been with him. He has been secretly transferring money abroad for so many years. , and then support his son and his wife, I believe no one knows what he is doing in the country, right?"

"This should be like this, but we don't know what he has done in the country. Also, do you really want to threaten him with what I said about sleeping with him last night? But, I think this It’s meaningless, and besides, I didn’t leave any relevant information.”

"You are stupid. How could I sell you? I don't believe it. He is a clean person and has nothing to do with him. As long as we get a hold of him, then we will strangle him by the neck. , and then pushed him directly into the water." (End of Chapter)

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