"Okay, I understand, then I will investigate this matter."

"No, don't interfere in this matter anymore. Besides, if you interfere too much, it will easily make the other party wary. He is already wary of you now. In addition, I will take care of this matter." It’s a long-term plan, don’t worry, I won’t let him get your body in vain.”

"Okay, Sister Mi, then I understand. Also, what should we do now with Rejie? Luo Xiaoyi should be in a day or two. I'm afraid she will join the team and start filming. Is this how the project will continue? Will it continue?"

"It still needs to be done. Otherwise, what else can we do? Things can no longer be changed. I must continue to follow his original direction on this matter. Rejie must keep up with him. We have a good relationship, there shouldn't be any problems between you, right? Also, he shouldn't have any doubts about what happened last night, right?"

"There is definitely no doubt. I have already contacted him on the phone. He is also concerned about some of my schedule and other arrangements. However, I am thinking about one thing now. If this matter is exposed, then, Reba and Lin Feng will definitely know what happened to Li Morfei, so will he tell Rejie about it?"

This is something Da MiMi and Xiaoyan didn't think about at all last night. Now that they think about it, it seems that this is indeed a very troublesome thing.

"She knows, and she will definitely know this, but do you think Re Jie can listen to what he is saying now? Let me tell you, Re Jie can't listen to anything at all. He definitely won't. Give her this opportunity, no matter how much Reba says, Rejie can only think that he is framing you."

"Yes, that's true. After all, Rejie has already recognized this. So, I think if Reba is really a smart person, she probably won't tell him about this now."

As soon as Xiaoyan finished speaking, her cell phone beeped. Finally, Xiaoyan picked it up and took a look. At that time, when she saw this message, Xiaoyan's brows just tightened. wrinkled together.

This subtle change has already been noticed by Da Mimi. She doesn't know what happened. However, judging from her current feeling, it is estimated that something important has happened. Otherwise, she would never behave like this. The expression comes.

"What's the matter, is there a problem?"

"Reba sent me a message. She told me that she wanted to make an appointment to meet me tonight. I don't know what she wanted to say, but I guess it must be 100% related to this matter."

"Tonight? I'm afraid you won't be able to keep the appointment on time. Moreover, we are going to meet those investors today. So, if you reject her first, then if she comes to you again, then you can go , but you must be careful this time, and record all the conversations with her with a tape recorder. By then, these things will most likely become favorable evidence."

"Okay, no problem. I will hurry up and take care of this matter. Sister Mi, do you think we need anything else here?"

"I am currently putting together a market plan, including some later construction of the film and television city, so I want to make a complete thing with them, but currently there is still a lack of market research projects. I remember that at the time, you should be If you have, you can sort out all the information now, and then add it to my report PPT."

"Okay, no problem. I'll get ready right away when I get back. Sister Mi, I'll go over first. If you don't have anything to do, you can contact me at any time."

After saying that, Xiaoyan stood up, turned around and left from here. At this time, Reba and Lin Feng were actually together. Moreover, the purpose of sending him this text message was to test what they were going to do tonight.

Seeing that Xiaoyan quickly sent the message of rejection, although it was a polite rejection, it still revealed that in fact, she had a strong desire to not meet him at all.

After receiving the text message, he just picked it up, and then gestured in front of Lin Feng. Lin Feng looked at it carefully, and then nodded gently.

"It seems that this news should be correct. It proves that Da Mimi has met with those who invested tonight. It seems that she will take the bait soon."

"Then what should we do next?"

"What else can we do? If that's the case, then we should simply go and rob it. Moreover, we should let her know that we must stop her this time. Moreover, we should let her feel the oppressive nature of these things. This is the only way to force her to submit.”

"Clear robbery? How to steal openly?"

"Of course I went directly to the hotel, and directly entered the room where they were, and then directly recommended our company. I believe this must be a blow to Da Mimi. In addition, there is another point. I am forcing At the same time, you must find a way to force Xiaoyan, and you must see her tonight."

"But she has rejected me, and it is obvious tonight that she should be with Da Mimi. How should I see her at this time? How can I force her to agree to my idea?"

"After you go in tonight, you take the opportunity to find a way to pull Xiaoyan away from here. Then, if you need to threaten, say what needs to be said, I believe that if she is under strong threats and pressure, she will choose to compromise. However, this is not necessarily the case, and we can only give it a try as much as possible.”

After listening, Reba just nodded. Although some things about this idea are not very mature yet, for now, this is the best way to do it.

At 7:00 in the evening, Da Mimi specially found a most upscale hotel, and then got the best room here. Then, he led several personal personnel of the company to meet with these investment advisory groups. .

In fact, when we first started chatting, we had a good impression of each other. After all, Da Mimi's company has been in this industry for so many years, and it still has a high reputation throughout the city.

Especially when they heard that their investment this time would exceed 10 billion, Da Mimi felt really excited. (End of chapter)

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