"Okay, no problem. If you really need it, you can ask Li Morfei to come over. I am upright and not afraid of slanted shadows. I won't admit anything I haven't done. So, Reba Sister, don’t waste any more time, I advise you to be smarter.”

"Xiaoyan, do you really think that if you keep hiding it like this, you will get certain good results? And, do you really think that you can deceive everyone in the world? Let me tell you, people are doing it God is watching, everything you do is recorded, do you really think that Rejie really doesn’t know anything about it?”

"I'm warning you again, you can do other things. First of all, point 1, don't sow discord between me and Rejie. Point 2, I don't want you to humiliate me in this regard. I haven't done anything like that. I won’t admit anything about the matter, but Sister Reba, you seem to have done a lot of tricks after leaving the company, right?"

"No matter how much I do, I have never harmed Rejie,"

"What you are saying is as if what I did has harmed Rejie. Do you know how much I ran for him this time when I invested in a movie? And you, as a sister, what do you think? I have never done anything. You are just here to watch the excitement, just here to sneer, and just feel that your brother is useless. However, I am different. I think Rejie is very capable, and he will definitely be able to make this movie. .”

"Whether my brother is capable or not has nothing to do with you. Xiaoyan, you'd better be smarter in doing things. Moreover, I still advise you to end this relationship with Rejie as soon as possible. You two Individuals shouldn't be together. If you end it early, fine, I'll just pretend that nothing happened. That's fine."

"Haha, that's ridiculous. What do you mean? Are you here to threaten me now? Threaten me to break up with Rejie?"

"I'm not threatening you, but if you put forward any conditions, then I can promise you that you will stop helping others around Da Mimi. She is crazy now and can't control it at all. This I'll tell you what she does in the future to drag you down, and you won't be able to find a place to cry if you want to."

After hearing this, Xiaoyan just smiled. In fact, she understood very well what Reba was thinking in her heart at this time, and she also knew clearly what Reba wanted to express to her now.

"Sister Reba, I believe that when I came to the company, it seemed that you hadn't come to the company yet, right? It should be that I have been with Sister Mi longer than you."

"In my impression, you were just a little assistant next to Sister Mi at that time. At that time, when I met Sister Mi, you were just a little assistant who helped her carry bags and was responsible for daily life."

"Yes, so I came to Sister Mi two years earlier than you. Moreover, I believe you can see more clearly than anyone else how I have grown up little by little in the past few years. Now, Those rising stars and young actors, I know in my heart that they don’t think so at all, but Sister Reba, what did you go through back then? How did we persevere together in the most difficult time? I believe that you should I won’t forget it.”

After hearing this, Reba just smiled slightly. In fact, he knew very well that Xiaoyan was starting to prepare to play the emotional card for herself at this time. However, she had already prepared for this, because not everything could be changed easily.

"Yes, of course I remember. We must all remember the difficult years back then. Moreover, I still remember one time when Sister Mi suddenly had a high fever and was hospitalized in the middle of the night. The two of us were in the hospital, just guarding her and thinking about it. Thinking about some of the sad experiences I had back then, now that I think about it, I really feel that they were quite interesting.”

"Furthermore, what changes did my family go through back then? I believe you should also understand, right?"

"Yes, maybe many people don't know about this, but I know very well that your father had an accident eight years ago. At that time, the boss ran away and no one paid the medical bills. At that time, your father was lying in bed In the hospital, Sister Mi took out all her wealth, and then gave all the money to you to pay the hospital fees."

"That's right, although my father was not saved in the end, I will never forget Sister Mi's kindness to me. Moreover, it can be said that I will never forget it for the rest of my life. Sister Mi is my reborn parent. Without Sister Mi, I would have lost my life." There won't be today, so do you think it makes any sense for you to say these words to me?"

"Xiaoyan, I know that you are a very emotional person. In fact, I have already seen it when I met you a few years ago. However, you can repay your kindness, and you can also do what you want to do. The key issue is that you can't go down the wrong path. I feel now that you are starting to go more and more crooked, and you are still using the people around you to help you do evil step by step."

"Sister Reba, I don't care what you say. Anyway, I will definitely not admit anything I haven't done. As long as it is something I want to do, then I think it is completely correct. So, You don’t need to tell me this.”

"Okay, I know, maybe my few words can't save you at all, so I won't argue with you too much, but I only have one request, don't hurt Rejie, okay? You You need to push Rejie out as soon as possible. If you really like him, then don’t let him stay in this company, and in the end, he will only sink deeper and deeper."

"Wherever Rejie wants to stay, I have never interfered with this. Do you really think that I am hanging around with him, so he walks in step by step? Let me tell you, All decisions, thoughts, and actions are all decided by Rejie himself. They have nothing to do with me at all. Moreover, he is a man and I am a woman. How could I influence his thoughts? ?”

It can be said that Xiaoyan speaks plausibly here, and sometimes Reba is really left speechless.

On the surface, it was indeed in this state, but in fact, she knew better than anyone else what was hidden inside. She knew that Xiaoyan was a person who was good at scheming, and she was now playing psychological warfare with herself. (End of chapter)

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