"Don't talk about the recent one. Let's talk about the time before. It was the first time you two went to the hotel. I happened to meet you in the morning. Rejie told me personally at that time. He said that you gave him the first time. But Xiaoyan, who did you give it to the first time? I don’t know, but it was definitely not my brother. Do you admit this?"

"I admit it, why should I admit it? I obviously gave him the first time, and it is also my most precious one. This is the most precious thing for a woman. How could I just make a joke about it? I think you It’s better to think before you act.”

"Xiaoyan, we are both women. If this is the first time, in fact, everyone knows it well. Let me tell you frankly, after the two of you checked out and left, I came back through the relationship. In your room, I did see a trace of bright red blood on the sheets, but let me tell you, after careful identification, I found that it was not blood at all, but something you smeared on it with lipstick."

"Haha, haha, it's really ridiculous. You put the lipstick on it and thought it was my blood. Don't you think it's really ridiculous what you said? Well, since you said that, where is the evidence? Where is the evidence? You bring it out now, and if I really bring out the evidence, then I have nothing to say."

"Xiaoyan, we are all adults. I don't want to hurt you like this. Therefore, I didn't leave this evidence back then. If I had left it, maybe you wouldn't be in the state you are today. Even now, I'm starting to feel a little bit Regret it.”

"Sister Reba, you are really ridiculous. You always fabricate these unfounded things for me, and then you put them all on my head. Don't you think that if you do this, it will be very, very uncomfortable for me?" Is it fair?”

"Whether what I did was fair, I believe you know better than anyone else, and it is not up to you to decide what I should do and what I should not do."

"Okay Sister Reba, I think there is basically nothing to talk about between the two of us. Moreover, you just always think that I am doing something wrong, but I think that I am making the right choice. , but I feel that you are getting deeper and deeper into trouble now, so none of us should advise anyone else."

"Okay, now that you have said this, Xiaoyan, from now on, I will never show you any mercy. Moreover, I will find a way to catch your pigtails and everything about you. , I want to put all these things in front of Rejie, and I want to see if he can still trust you."

"Okay, no problem, Sister Reba, if you really want to do this, then I have absolutely no right to interfere with you, so I have nothing else to say, so I'll just do this for now. I think There is no need to continue talking between us."

After finishing speaking, Xiaoyan stood up and walked in another direction. In fact, Reba wanted to continue chatting with him, but she found that this man was stubborn and stubborn, and no matter what he said, , I'm afraid she won't listen at all.

Since this is the case, Reba knows that sometimes some of the situations she sees may have actually happened before her eyes. However, some things that happen in front of her may not necessarily make him happen again. changes.

Since she didn't want to talk, there was no need to continue chatting. In the end, she sat directly on the sofa, then looked in the direction of the room and waited patiently.

"Okay, this should be what you want to tell me now, right?" After hearing some of Da Mimi's thoughts about Yueyue and some of his plans for the future, Lin Feng just let out a long sigh. I feel that the difference between the two people is really too big.

He is not saying that he does not advocate that Yueyue should not do anything, but the key issue is that he feels that the child is too young now, and sometimes if the life path planned for her is too long, it will bring trouble to the child. This invisible pressure is what Lin Feng least wants to see.

"Yes, that's it. Because you are the father of the child, there are some things I need to inform you. Remember, I am informing you, not discussing with you. Do you understand?"

"Do you think this is fair to the child? The child is so young and you have to put so much pressure on her and arrange a series of programs for her?"

"What's the matter? I have such prerequisites. Moreover, other children who want to be stars may not even be able to find a stepping stone for them. But, I have such innate conditions, why don't I create opportunities for my own children? What? If one day, Yueyue says that she is tired and she doesn’t want to do it, then I can quit immediately, but Yueyue doesn’t have this idea at the moment. "

"What can she think? What she sees now is only the glamorous side. However, if you want to be a star or an actor, how much hardship you have to pay behind it, I am afraid, even the children have never experienced it. I advise you, it is best to Think about it."

"I have tried my best to determine the path of my child's life plan. Whether you, the father, know it or disagree with it, all of this will not have any interference with my affairs. However, I just Let me inform you in advance.”

"Okay, since you have an idea, and since you have your own ideas, it doesn't make any sense whether you tell me or not. But, let me tell you, if there is a chance, I will never let Yueyue If you take this path, you will never let her stay with you."

"Okay, you said that if she is really like this, then you can just come over. Yueyue is at home now. You can go to her at any time. Then, let Yueyue go with you, as long as Yueyue agrees. If so, I will never hesitate, and I will never be vague."

"Okay, Da Mimi, I hope you remember what you said today. That's okay. There's nothing left to talk about between us, so I'll take my leave now."

After finishing speaking, Lin Feng stood up and prepared to leave, because he felt that talking to this woman would be a waste of his time, and he really didn't want to do that at the moment.

"By the way, I want to wish you a happy wedding, and I also wish you a son soon. In addition, there is another point. You can't compete with me in this matter. You are not my opponent. I advise you not to do it again. All this is useless." (End of chapter)

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