When he walked to the door, Lin Feng heard Da Mimi's voice coming over. However, he snorted disdainfully, but did not look back at all and left the room directly.

Reba had been sitting on the sofa in the hall at this time. Then, after seeing Lin Feng coming out, she hurried over.

"How about it, have you finished talking?"

"We're done talking. Come on, we can leave now."

As he spoke, Lin Feng turned around and took Reba away from here.

Xiaoyan, who was standing in another corner, saw two people leaving at the same time. It was obvious that Da Mimi was alone in the room at this time. Then, she hurriedly walked into the private room again.

The Manchu meals were basically untouched, and there was only a lonely figure of Da Mimi, sitting in that place. In fact, she knew very well what she was thinking in her heart at this time, but there was no Method, once something becomes a foregone conclusion, it is really difficult to change it.

When Xiaoyan came in, Reba suddenly raised her head to look at her. When she found out it was Xiaoyan, she seemed a little disappointed, and then lowered her head again.

"Sister Mi, I saw both of them leaving here just now. Can we leave now?"

"Okay, it's time to leave. You have to leave after all. By the way, did the Reba you were outside just now go to find you? I seemed to see her leave from here, but I don't know where she went. place."

"I felt like the two of them had discussed it, and why did she suddenly send me a message this afternoon for no reason? Let me tell you, there is actually a reason for all this. "

"What do you mean? She sent you a message? Doesn't she just want to tell you that she wants to meet you? Is there any trap or conspiracy in this?"

Through Xiaoyan's words at this time, Da Mimi seemed to have gradually realized that there must be something wrong here.

"Yes, there is indeed a conspiracy, because at that time Reba probably wanted to test me and see where I should be. Therefore, she is now convinced that I am with her tonight, so she is even more convinced. Proving the need for us to meet with those people tonight."

"I really didn't expect that these two people were really insidious in what they did. I really wasn't prepared for this before. If that's the case, it seems that they were so insidious before. Already made arrangements, and have even begun to investigate the direction of the matter?"

"Yes, otherwise, it would be impossible for them to collect so much information so quickly, and to be able to live in this hotel by such a coincidence. So, Sister Mi, you'd better be careful. If If the business is really taken away by them, then it will probably be very troublesome for us to arrange things later."    "It doesn't matter, even if he wants to take it away, then I'm afraid he must have the strength. Well, if you don’t have this strength, then telling me this is basically meaningless, so I’m not worried about this at all.”

"Another point, when she met me today, she actually told me a lot. Moreover, I used a recorder to record all the conversations I had with her. Sister Mi, if you are interested, You can listen to it now.”

Xiaoyan is quite thoughtful, and she always has this recording pen on her body, as if she is ready to take it out and use it at any time. She did not expect that it would come in handy so quickly tonight.

In fact, when she came out of the toilet, she saw Reba standing over there. ,

At that time, Xiaoyan had a premonition that since it was before Reba, she could also clarify what I asked of myself. But at this time, if she could still appear here, she would definitely stop her and then talk about some relevant things. ,

But at this time, it was actually a big challenge for her, and Xiaoyan also knew very well that all of this was already the whole story.

Finally, he quietly opened the recorder in his pocket, and it happened to record all the conversations between the two of them outside at that time, which had been clearly recorded.

Since it was a conversation between Reba and Xiaoyan, and he could also know what was said between them, Da Mimi was naturally very interested.

Then, she took the recording pen and listened carefully. Unexpectedly, she really heard some clues.

During the whole few minutes of recording, Da Mimi always maintained a very serious attitude, and did not miss a word at all. When he finished listening, he just let out a long sigh, Then his brows knitted together slightly.

"It seems that Reba has been suspicious of you before. Moreover, at this time, many things seem to be different from what we imagined."

"Yes, I didn't expect that she would be so vicious. The last time Rejie and I came out of the hotel, they actually chose our room again, and also carried out a series of attacks on the hotel. The inspection proves that they must have been prepared beforehand."

"There must be preparations. The key problem is that in this situation, it is impossible for him to control so many things. However, in the current situation, he has no other better choice. Although she already has this information, it currently has no far-reaching significance for her."

"How could it not be? I can feel that there is a real reason for this. Moreover, many things are probably not under our control at all. Moreover, he has too much information about me. Things, if that’s the case, then it might be quite troublesome to do things this time.”

"It doesn't matter, he has no evidence at all. Now, he is just guessing here out of thin air. Therefore, even if she is guessing, it has no meaning at all. After all, she has no real evidence. Also, what you said is really is very critical, and it should be a very critical point for us." (End of this chapter)

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