"What do you mean? Sister Mi, do you mean that these recordings really have any effect? ​​However, I originally wanted to show these recordings to Rejie to listen to, but now that I look at them, it seems that they are not useful at all. There is no such meaning anymore, because the dialogue revealed a lot of information anyway, and since Rejie was originally kept in the dark, I am afraid he will be able to understand what is going on."

"No, don't you know? There is a technology called audio splicing? If that's the case, we only need to cut out some other key words, and then connect all the words he said before into a very long one. With a smooth sentence, we will naturally be able to understand all this. Of course, after you hear it, he will definitely be able to react, and you will also know that this is a trap and trap he has laid out neatly. "

After hearing this, Xiaoyan suddenly felt that to be honest, she really hadn't thought of this. If Da Mimi hadn't specially reminded herself here, maybe he would still want to keep this recording forever. Go on, but it won't be played for Rejie to listen to at all.

"Sister Mi, what will be the final result after editing?"

"As long as a very simple video is edited, the final result must be heard by Rejie. It's just that Reba laid all kinds of conspiracy traps and even framed you in order to get you to leave Jiuji. You then use various excuses to intimidate and lure her, in order to make Rejie hate his sister even more, do you understand?"

"Great, Sister Mi, when should we do it? If it is possible, I would like to get this recording and play it for Rerejie to listen to as soon as possible. In this way, I can let him see that he can take revenge on me. It’s sinful.”

"I will take away this recorder first, and then tonight I will find technicians overnight to rejoin the recording. In this way, we will be able to get the most perfect recording."

"Okay, Sister Mi, then I will follow your arrangements on this matter. Regarding this aspect, in the end, did he make any concessions, or did he make any compromise?"

"Don't even think about it. Now that Lin Feng has come to this occasion, and he definitely wants to compete with me for this business, how can he compromise? No matter what I say, he will never He would compromise, which is still within my expectation. I knew that this person would not compromise on anything easily."

"That would be really troublesome. No one can compete with us. Moreover, the other party chose a qualified company. To be honest, there are few companies in this city that can compete with us. However, if Maplewood Culture is If we jump out at that time, there will definitely be a lot of ostracism for us, and there will also be a certain amount of pressure."

"If that's the case, do you think we can create a public opinion incident for him at this time? If that's the case, will it have a certain impact on him?"

"Public opinion incident? However, we have no interaction with Maplewood Culture at all. What kind of public opinion incident can we create for him at this time? Also, what kind of public opinion incident can push Maplewood Culture to the forefront? Where’s the cusp of the storm?”

"Don't worry, let me think about it. Maybe, after lying in bed tonight, I can figure out what all this is about."

"Okay Sister Mi, if you can think of anything, then you must tell me in time. In this case, we can still take care of each other, and I can also follow our agreement as soon as possible, and then , arrange this matter as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, I know what to do. That's alright. It's getting late today, and basically what we have to do has been done. It's just a pity that we don't know each other yet. What's the difference between us? What kind of attitude does Maplewood Culture have? If I can tell, the plan he provided seems to be very interested in the other party, so this is also worthy of our attention."    "It's just that it's very interesting. It’s a pity that we don’t know the specific content of the plan in his hand now. If we could know all this, I believe it would be simpler for us to do things.”

"In principle, it should be like this, but those things involve some confidential content. Furthermore, it is impossible for Rejie to get close to these confidential contents now. After all, Reba already has some interest in him. Without a sense of caution, we can only wait for the time being."

"Okay, Sister Mi, if nothing happens, I will withdraw first. By the way, I will not go to Rejie's place tonight. After you have completely connected this recording, then I will If I play this recording to Rejie again, I believe it will have a different effect."

"Okay, I will send it to you when the time comes, so let's go."

After saying that, Da Mimi just waved her hand, and then Xiaoyan stood up and left, leaving Da Mimi alone. She looked at the table full of untouched food and didn't know what she should do. To face all this.

Da MiMi suddenly remembered one thing, that is, Yueyue should still be at home at this time. Moreover, at this point, Yueyue has probably eaten. However, there are several dishes here that Yueyue usually likes. Like food.

She took out her phone, and then dialed Yueyue's phone watch directly.

At this time, Yueyue was lying on the bed, preparing to read for a while, and then go to bed early to rest. During this period of time, she had adapted to the situation where Damimi was sometimes not at home.

So if a person is obedient, there will definitely be no problem.

After seeing the watch ringing, Yueyue just walked over in a hurry, and then put the watch next to her ear. At this time, Damimi called and sent a message, probably because she had something important to tell her.

"Hey, Mom, are you back soon?"

"Yueyue, are you at home now? Mom hasn't come back yet. In this way, mom now has a table of food in the restaurant. There are many delicious things in it, which Yueyue likes to eat. Yueyue, you Ask someone at home to send you directly over when the time comes. I'll call her and tell her the address. Then, mom will take you to the mall, and then the two of us will go home together, okay?" (This chapter over)

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