"Really? Mom, are you still going to the mall? Mom, I haven't been to the mall for a long time. Besides, my little bear's clothes are incomplete. I want to give him a new one."

"Okay, no problem. Not only can it be matched with clothes, but mom can also let Yueyue choose a new toy. That's okay. I'll call Auntie now and ask her to come over and take you away right away. You Please wait in the room for a while, put on your clothes and pick up your things, do you understand?"

"Okay, I know mom, I'll get ready now."

It's still early and it's not time to go to bed yet, and Da Mimi doesn't know why, but on a whim, she went shopping today, maybe because she wanted Yueyue to temporarily fill the void in her heart.

At this time, Reba was following Lin Feng. The two of them were in another small restaurant. Because neither of them had eaten, Lin Feng specially booked this small restaurant. No matter what, the two of them also needed to eat. Let’s talk about the stomach.

"I feel that he was indeed a little surprised by our sudden appearance today. Is this the problem?"

"That's for sure. Our sudden appearance at this time is an unexpected blow to Da Mimi. Moreover, she may not have imagined in her dreams that this would be such a situation now."

"What can we do? In itself, we expected this development based on the development of things. Therefore, our appearance at this time is definitely beyond her expectation. There is no need for us to worry about these things."

"Yes, in fact, this is indeed the case. Moreover, when I saw Xiaoyan today, I felt that the two of us also broke up on bad terms. Moreover, I did not expect that Xiaoyan has changed so much now. .”

"Oh, what do you mean? What kind of changes have occurred in her? Is it a little different from what we imagined?"

"It's completely different. His change now really surprises me. Moreover, in the past, I always felt that Xiaoyan was a very simple and kind-hearted girl. Before, she was The family situation is indeed not very good."

"Wait a minute, you are now mentioning her family background. Does this have anything to do with her family background? Or does this matter involve her family? Everything that happened today was also caused by her family. "I used to know Xiaoyan to some extent. As far as I know, her family background is indeed a bit poor, and the family environment is relatively simple. When she first came here, she was indeed a very She is shy and a very well-behaved girl, but after so many years of material life in the city, she has gradually begun to lose herself."

"Yes, do you really think that everyone can persevere in this feasting life? Let me tell you, things are definitely not as simple as we imagine. Some things are different from what we imagined. It's completely different, so I just feel this, which is really hard for us to understand. You mean, she has become a completely different person now, right? But, through her various experiences before, you After describing the matter to me, I roughly understood that this girl is not simple at all, and she is very scheming."

"Yes, including the last time I mentioned to her that she used those lipsticks instead of virgin blood, including this time she took the initiative to sleep with the financial director because of this matter, she refused to admit it, as if I was It's like fabricating this thing out of thin air, do you know that feeling? It's like lying, there is never any blush, and the eyes never dodge. I still observed this very carefully. "

"Don't even think about it. She is in this era of material flow, and she is still with Da Mimi. What good things can she learn? Let me tell you, this girl is a very, very dangerous person. She She will definitely be very, very powerful in the future, and she will probably surpass Da Mimi again, so we must be on guard against her. Da Mimi is basically like this, and has almost been finalized, but Xiaoyan is different, she The potential for latecomers is actually very great.”

"Then what you mean is that maybe, in the end, this Xiaoyan will bring us big changes and big variables. These are also possible, right?"

"Yes, that's it. So, no matter what, Reba is definitely a very, very dangerous person when she is with her. Moreover, she is like a time bomb. With Re Jie, I I don’t know when she will explode suddenly, and who will be hurt after the explosion? I don’t know all of this. In addition, let me tell you, she doesn’t really love her at all. Rejie, she is with him now just to complete a task."

"I have understood this for a long time. She is now completing the task assigned by Da Mimi. Even if Da Mimi tells her that if she is really suitable to be with Rejie, she can be with him. However, I think they There is no real love between them at all. If there is really love, it is impossible for her to take the initiative to devote herself to that financial director Li Morfei."

"You are talking too much to him now, and it makes no sense at all. Let me tell you, this girl is in deep trouble, and she is also in deep trouble. Therefore, what you are saying now has no meaning at all in her ears. Meaning, so let’s not waste any more time and cause ourselves a lot of trouble.”

"But she is here after all, and she has such a relationship with Rejie. Do you think, as a sister, can I not be worried? I must be very worried about this matter."

"There is really no other way. At this point, we have no other choice at all. However, I can finally see it. I made a fuss this time, and it completely excited Damimi. If this is really the case, then I believe that she will take a series of actions regarding the opponent in the later period, including these without any doubts. The more this happens, the more crazy she will fall into. When the time comes, he will definitely make more mistakes." (End of Chapter)

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