"Yes, in principle this is indeed the case, but I am worried that if Sister Mi finds out about this, then all our plans will probably be trouble-free and will not be realized at all."

"It doesn't matter. Under normal circumstances, there should be no problem. Therefore, since we are acting, we must perform the whole set, and we must do it realistically. She must not let her see any problems. Only in this way, we Only then can we do all this smoothly.”

After she finished speaking, she just nodded. The matter had reached this point, and there was no choice for him at all. Therefore, she could only take one step at a time, and then continue to follow this matter. , maybe, one day, they will really be able to see all this come true.

"Well, our business can only end here today. Let's go, hurry up and eat something. Then, we will go home early. No matter what, we have to face everything positively, and there is rice. Mi, now that she has re-entered the trap, I believe that she is thinking about getting out of this trap, and I am afraid that it will not be that simple."

It seems that Lin Feng is indeed full of confidence in this matter, and he is also full of hope.

Originally, he thought that today's incident should have a big impact on him, but it backfired. However, the ultimate goal should never change.

The two of them simply ate something in the restaurant, and then walked out of the restaurant.

To be honest, although Lin Feng said so, in fact, he was still a little anxious in his heart, and there would be other changes in the fact that he would be together.

"What's wrong? I saw that you were in a daze when you were eating just now. Are you still worried about this matter, or are you worried about what kind of changes will happen to Sister Mi?"

"Haha, no, it's just that the closer things get, the more nervous I feel in my heart, and I don't know what the final result will be. Also, I have been thinking about one thing. If Mimi is really defeated in the end, can she keep this company? Also, can she really accept this result in the end?"

Just one sentence, in fact, Reba has already been cleared. To be honest, Lin Feng does not want to kill them all at this time. Moreover, if he kills them all, to be honest, what will Lin Feng get in the end? He will really have this Pleasure?

Not necessarily, all of these things, maybe, only if they are buried in Lin Feng's heart, can he understand how all of this is done.

Therefore, after Reba heard this, she just smiled slightly. To be honest, a couple can be as kind as a couple for a hundred days, and a couple can be as good as the ocean for a hundred days. What's more, there is Yueyue between them.

No matter what, I believe that Lin Feng will not kill them all, and will definitely leave a way for Da MiMi to survive in the end.

"Everything is just about watching while walking. Moreover, at the critical moment, if you feel that a stick will suffocate Mimi to death, then we can be merciful in the end. Of course, you can also choose to give up now. This matter, then, we have the right to pretend that nothing happened and that it never happened."

After Lin Feng heard this, he just frowned because Lin Feng could hear what Reba's words meant. He just turned around and looked at Reba. "Do you think I'm a little soft-hearted right now? Let me tell you, if I were cruel, no one would be able to talk to you anymore. But, in this situation, it's because of Yueyue's She exists, so I don’t want to kill her too quickly. If Yueyue doesn’t exist, then I will definitely kick her into the abyss of invincibility.”

"Yes, you also said that if it weren't for Yueyue, maybe the relationship between you wouldn't be like this, but maybe it's because of the bond of having a child. Forget it, let's not talk about this for now. , Alas, there is a shopping mall opposite. Come on, I will also go to the shopping mall to buy you two pairs of underwear. I remember that you have been wearing those underwear for a long time. "

"Go shopping now? Is it appropriate to buy at this time? Besides, I feel very tired, so I just want to go home and take a rest early, lie on the bed, close my eyes, think about nothing, and sleep like this until dawn. .”

"Do you really think that you can just close your eyes and not think about anything or do anything? Let me tell you, since there are some things in you, there is always no way to change them. I I know in my heart what you are thinking, so I will not force you. However, you must go to this shopping mall with me today. Why, do I even have such a say in this family? No more?"

Reba seemed to be pretending to be angry when she spoke. After Lin Feng saw it, he just smiled, then stretched out his hand and held Reba in his arms.

"Okay, okay, noble mistress of my family, these things are at your disposal, okay? Come on, let's go, aren't we going to a shopping mall now? By the way, after going to the shopping mall, it's not just me who buys , you also want to buy some, preferably, let’s get a couple’s one, a pair, what do you think?”

"As soon as you mentioned this, you started to act rude again. Okay, don't waste time. The mall will be closed soon. Let's hurry up."

While talking, the two of them crossed the road and walked directly to the shopping mall opposite. Perhaps they never imagined that at this time, the two of them would follow Yueyue and Da MiMi, and they would enter the same shopping mall. Inside a shopping mall.

The men's clothes were sold on the third floor. Finally, the two of them entered the store. Then, they just looked around and made their selections. Basically, there were no adjustments.

Furthermore, Lin Feng is also very casual. As long as it is comfortable to wear, no matter whether it is a famous brand or not, as long as he can feel it and it is comfortable to wear, then there is no problem with the clothes.

So, in the end, she just made a simple selection, and then the two people walked out of the store directly.

"Okay, I didn't expect that shopping with men is really fast. Do you know? In the past, my little sisters and I went shopping. Even if we were just to buy a piece of clothing, we would probably spend a whole day in this mall. Time, no, maybe not one shopping mall, it may involve two shopping malls, or even three shopping malls. Only then can we truly know what difficulty in choosing is." (End of Chapter)

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