"Yes, so men's clothes have always been like this. Moreover, I have been taking care of my children at home in the past few years. To be honest, I have basically never bought any clothes. Sometimes I feel that the clothes can no longer be worn. I Just go to the roadside to find a product, and then wear it on your body. It feels suitable and comfortable. This is enough. I have never seen other products. Alas, I remember that the fourth floor of this mall is for women's clothing. Bar?"

"Hey, it seems that you are quite familiar with this mall? Why, did you bring Yueyue with you before?"

"Yes, I brought Yueyue here. The 3rd floor is for men's clothing, the 4th floor is for women's clothing, the 5th floor is for children's clothing, and the 6th floor is the children's play area. Therefore, at that time, I was usually on the 5th and 6th floors. We even wandered directly to the restaurants on the 7th floor. Among them, there is a restaurant. In fact, the steak they cook is quite good, but you are already full today, otherwise, I would take you up there to taste it."

"Oh, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future. Don't worry. I don't have anything to buy right now. Besides, I basically have plenty of clothes to wear. So, aren't you tired? Let's hurry up and go home. rest early."

"Well, you said that. I felt quite tired originally, but after following you around the mall, I felt that my energy was indeed much better. So, I don't plan to go back early anymore. Besides, there is one more thing. , it seems that since the two of us have been together, we really haven't gone shopping properly. It just so happens that we have some precious time tonight, let's go, don't waste any more time."

While talking, Lin Feng pulled Reba, and the two of them took the elevator directly and walked toward the fourth floor.

At this time, in the children's space park on the 6th floor, Yueyue was having a great time playing here. Just now, Yueyue followed Damimi and bought a lot of clothes and toys on the 5th floor. At this time, Da Mimi was standing in front of the store, waiting patiently.

Looking at Yueyue's happy figure here, to be honest, Da Mimi really felt an indescribable sense of excitement, and she felt that being able to see her child happy seemed to give her a sense of relief. .

The fatigue and work pressure seemed to have dissipated endlessly at this moment. She felt that having children by her side could really help people grow a lot.

Da Mimi lowered her head and looked at the time. At this time, it was close to 9:00. In half an hour, the mall will be closed. Moreover, Yueyue will go to school tomorrow morning. She thinks you can do it tonight. Enough is enough.

"Yueyue, we can go."

Da Mimi stretched out her hand, then waved over there and said.

After hearing this, Yueyue hurriedly looked back. Although she was extremely reluctant to leave, she saw her mother calling her, so she walked over quickly.

"Mom, it's late now, isn't it?"

"Yueyue, it's already 9 o'clock sharp now. The mall will close at 9:30. Under normal circumstances, the mall will start clearing people at 9:10, so there is no need for us to continue playing. If you really want to play, then wait until the weekend and mom takes half a day to come over and have fun with you, okay Yueyue?"

"Mom, you keep your word. Sometimes you are busy with your work on the weekends and don't have time to accompany me. When I was with my father before, he always took me out to play on the weekends." , Yueyue seemed to feel aggrieved, and then slowly lowered her head.

"Yueyue, it's all mother's fault. From now on, no matter how busy she is at work, mother should take some time to accompany Yueyue every week, okay? This time we will keep our word. If you don't believe it, then we will Is it okay to pull the hook?”

Da Mimi slowly squatted down, and then stretched out his little finger.

"Okay, Mom, let's make an agreement. Hang yourself with a hook and it won't change for 100 years. Come on, let's stamp it again."

"Okay, stamp it. Don't worry, mom will definitely promise Yueyue as long as she says it. Moreover, as long as she agrees to Yueyue's things, mom will definitely do it. If she can't do it, mom will never agree easily. , how is Yueyue, are you happy today? Moreover, I bought so many things, the princess dress you like, the doll you like, and so many toys. "

"Well, I'm really happy today. It's just that if dad were here at this time, that would be great. Our family of three can be together."

"Yueyue, didn't mom tell you? Dad has now formed a new family of his own. Moreover, dad is busy with his own work at this time. How can he have time to spend with Yueyue? But Yueyue, you Don’t be sad. I will communicate with my dad when I have time and see when I have time. We will take you out to play together. Look, is this okay? Otherwise, we will go to Ocean Park. You Didn’t you tell me that you like watching dolphins the most?”

"Oh, great, great, mom, if this is really the case, then I will definitely be very happy."

Yueyue cheered on the ground as she spoke. Damimi just smiled helplessly. In fact, children's interests are easily satisfied.

Finally, Da Mimi took Yueyue, and the two of them took the elevator down from the 6th floor. It just so happened that, if I didn't say it, it was all a coincidence. They were right at the elevator entrance on the 4th floor. They happened to see Reba and Lin Feng, two people walking out of a shop, leaning on each other.

Of course, if you go shopping with a beauty like Reba, then Lin Feng must be very generous. Therefore, in this store alone, he bought a lot of clothes. Now, he really has a lot of big and small bags in his hands. .

At the beginning, Da Mimi actually didn't notice this. Moreover, Da Mimi was a big star after all, so even in the shopping mall, she wrapped everything tightly and kept her head very low. I just want to get out of a crowded place as quickly as possible, so that others won't recognize me.

However, as she walked, she suddenly felt that Yueyue seemed to have stopped and kept walking forward with her, but why did she stop at this time? Da Mimi just stopped curiously and looked back at Yueyue, (End of Chapter)

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