In fact, Yueyue's head seemed to be looking towards the entrance of a shopping mall at this time, and she didn't know what exactly happened.

"Yueyue, what are you doing? Let's go quickly. It's already getting late. After a while, people can clear the place, and we have to close the door. If we close the door, we will be locked in, and we won't be able to get out. ?”

"Mom, look, it's dad."

"What daddy? Where is the daddy?"

Da Mimi thought the child had made a mistake. Perhaps, in the past few days, he had missed Lin Feng too much, so everyone looked like his father.

However, she still looked in the direction of Yueyue's finger. Unexpectedly, she actually saw Lin Feng at a glance. At this time, Lin Feng happened to be walking over here. The two people looked at each other. To be honest, Lin Feng did feel a little embarrassed at this moment.

When he saw Yueyue appearing here, he reacted quickly, and then he ran over quickly and hugged Yueyue in his arms.

"Yueyue, my daughter really makes daddy want to die. Come on, let daddy kiss you properly."

While saying that, Lin Feng put his mouth on Yueyue's face, and kissed her twice hard. However, because at this time, her face was still expressionless, and it seemed that at this moment, she was even more heartbroken. was angry.

Originally, I had basically forgiven my father, and I felt that it was really difficult for him. Even if he was with others, he would have his own difficulties and helplessness, and he must be busy with his own things every day.

However, what Yueyue couldn't understand was that he would go shopping with another woman, and at this time, he actually said that he had no time to accompany him? Doesn’t this mean that by marrying a wife, you really have forgotten yourself?

"You let me go, you let me go."

Yueyue actually enjoyed the feeling of being held in her father's arms at first.

However, she soon realized it, because she knew that this feeling would not last long, and it was obvious that in the past, her father had put too much love on her, but now she She has shared her love with another woman, and from now on, she will never enjoy her father alone again.

Yueyue was struggling hard on Lin Feng. At first, Lin Feng did not think about giving up on her. However, seeing that her struggle was getting faster and faster, Lin Feng had no choice but to leave Yueyue temporarily. placed on the ground.

The moment her feet touched the ground, Yueyue just dodged, and then quickly hid behind Damimi. It seemed that she had a lot of resistance to Reba Yehao, or to Lin Feng.

"Yueyue, what's wrong with you? Don't you miss daddy?"

"Humph, you said you missed me, but you didn't expect that you were shopping with her? And you don't have time to see me." "Yueyue, listen to daddy, it's not that daddy doesn't have time to see you. I came to see you, but you ignored dad at all. You didn’t even talk to dad. Let me ask you, how could dad go? So, dad has been waiting for your forgiveness. Yueyue, you just need to If you are willing to forgive Dad, then Dad can give you all his time. What kind of work? What kind of business? Dad, you can give up all of them."

"Stop lying to me. You adults like to lie to children. Besides, I almost believed what you said before. So, you don't have to tell me this anymore. Mom, let's go."

Da Mimi looked down at him, then frowned, and finally looked at Lin Feng.

"If you two want to show your affection, can you stay away from our children? Besides, you can make love as much as you want when you return home. Why do you have to do this in a shopping mall?"

"Sister Mi, please listen to my explanation. This is really a misunderstanding. I originally wanted to take him to the mall to buy new underwear, so I left quickly, but who knew, I happened to catch up with the women's clothing on the 4th floor, so, Lin Feng temporarily proposed to take me to the 4th floor to visit the female merchants. Lin Feng, look at what I said, we shouldn’t come to the 4th floor. Otherwise, how could we encounter all this? "

"Haha, to put it bluntly, I still don't want to see Yueyue. Now seeing Yueyue disappoints you, right? Okay, it doesn't matter. If you want to come to this mall in the future, just tell me in advance that you Don’t worry, as long as it’s the time you’re here, I will never show up with Yueyue, so that’s okay, right?”

"Sister Mi, you really misunderstood me. I mean, I'm afraid that Lin Feng and you two will have some troubles. So, Sister Mi and Lin Feng, it's all my fault. Okay, Sister Mi, just don't I’m angry because you usually explain things to me like this, but it’s not like that at all.”

"I don't want to hear what you say, and who are you? Why are you telling me that I used to treat you as sister Reba, but now you have taken away my father and my family, so, I hate you, I hate you."

Yueyue suddenly shouted loudly here. At that time, Reba was indeed stunned. He did not expect that Yueyue would often have this attitude towards herself at this time. To be honest, she didn't even think about it in the past. Dare to think.

You know, how much Yueyue liked this sister Reba before, and as long as she appeared, Yueyue would always follow her side, but at this moment, it seems that everything Things have completely changed.

Could it be that it was because he and Lin Feng had established a new family? So, Yueyue can't accept this situation from her heart? She finally understood that you can treat yourself as a sister, but you can never accept the fact that you are a mother.

When I said that before, it was just what a child said, and she just pretended that she hadn't heard it.

"Yueyue, you can't do this. Besides, what did my sister tell you before? Although I said that even if I am with your father now, you can't treat me with this attitude. Do you understand?"

"I tell you, Reba, you'd better be careful what you say. This is my daughter. Now, it's not your turn to educate my daughter here. Besides, who do you think you are? What qualifications do you have? Are you really Do you think that after you marry Lin Feng, you can get a daughter? Let me tell you, don’t even think about it in your dreams. There is no blood relationship between your daughter and you, so don’t shout at Yueyue here. Yes, do you understand?" (End of chapter)

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