"Yes, I didn't expect that this thing would change so well. If so, it seems that we almost don't have to abolish the power of gray this time. Then, Rejie can easily grasp this clue. Yes, God is really helping us.”

"But Sister Mi, have you ever thought about how you should give this recording to him? And how should you let him know why this recording is in your hands? Could it be that it's me? Give it to you? If I give this recording to you, where will you put it? Why is it on the phone? Could it be that you want to use it as evidence to threaten him in the future? "

Xiaoyan still has a lot on her mind, and she has indeed learned a lot from being with Da MiMi in the past few years.

Sometimes, even if there are some things that don't need to be reminded by Da Mimi, Xiaoyan can basically consider them thoroughly.

Her words really reminded Da MiMi. Don't tell me, Da MiMi had never thought about this before. After Xiaoyan's reminder, she gradually felt that it seemed that... This is indeed the case.

"That's right, if you didn't say it, I really haven't thought about this. Yes, it is indeed the case. Why would I keep such a recording in my hand? If that is the case, I have many things. There’s no way to explain it.”

"Sister Mi, if that's the case, should we change to another way and let him accept and pay attention to this matter?"

"There is no problem with contact and attention. Yes, I suddenly remembered something. Is Rejie a computer expert in this area? Moreover, he seemed to have used his ability to crack the code before. A computer belonging to Maplewood Culture, so that’s why we got the confidential information of those actors?”

"Yes, he does know something about computers. I heard him tell me about this before. What's wrong? Does this have anything to do with computer knowledge?"

"Of course there is, and this is still very important. Don't worry, I know what to do. You don't need to worry about this matter. I will naturally make arrangements when the time comes."

"But, Sister Mi, how can you guarantee that he will definitely appear at this time? Can't you say that he will only appear in two days? If he appears in two days, will this matter be timely? Wouldn’t it be as good as before?”

"I really haven't thought about this, but from what I know about Rejie, he has always been a very unstable person, and at this time, he must be unable to remain calm. If If you plan as quickly as possible, and since he has you in mind after all, and is also very concerned about this matter, he will definitely rush to the company as soon as possible tomorrow and inquire about this matter with me."

"Okay, then I won't care about this matter. Then I will go to work and work normally tomorrow, and then enter my office. If you need anything at that time, you can call me over. , In this way, wouldn’t it look more realistic?”

"In addition, there is one more thing. There may be someone who will report to the company tomorrow. You should ask her to wait in your office first. If Rejie is here, don't let him come over easily. If Rejie is not here, Just bring her here." "What? Someone came to report? What's the situation? Why did she appear at this time? Did something happen?"

"The person I'm telling you today is the person who helped me with the recording and editing. One of his sisters graduated from a film school. However, I have indeed seen this girl before. She is a standard little lady. Sister, it can be said that everyone is very good at smoking, drinking and gambling, and in the past, she was almost expelled from the school again and again. "

"What? Such a wicked person, Sister Mi, do you really want to keep her by your side? In this case, it seems that it is not a good choice for us at all. I advise you, it is best to think twice. OK."

"Haha, what are you thinking? How could I keep such a person in our company? Now, I will just regard him as one of our pawns, and then place her in Maplewood Culture. I believe that there is If she joins, Maplewood Culture will definitely be turned upside down. I believe that such a person should still have such ability."

"I understand, you asked her to apply to Maplewood Culture as a newcomer. If that's the case, I believe Maplewood Culture should be short of people at this time, and he will definitely not reject anyone who comes. In addition, she is from a professional school, and if she still leaves because of her reputation, I believe it won’t be a big problem to keep her here.”

"It's just that before entering, this person still needs some transformation. In addition, I haven't seen her for almost two or three years, and I don't know what the situation is now. The deepest impression on me was when I last saw her. I still dyed my hair red when I was young, and then I still had short hair and a slutty look, and I didn’t look like a student at all.”

"That's really troublesome. If it's really such a role, even if she applies for the job, people probably won't treat her as a serious person at all. Therefore, we need to make some changes to her in the early stage. What do you want? Is this what you mean by asking me to represent this matter?"

"That's what I mean, so when she arrives tomorrow, you say hello to the front desk and don't let her come to see me first. Then, you go and test it out first to see what the situation is like. If there are any problems, then , if we communicate in time, wouldn’t it be enough?”

"Okay Sister Mi, don't worry. Leave this matter to me. That's it. We will communicate in time about what happens tomorrow. We will make new arrangements and plans based on the actual situation on site."

After saying that, Xiaoyan hung up the phone.

Da Mimi felt that although everything seemed to be a bit unsatisfactory today, at least she knew something, that is, this recording was completely successful.

With this recording, she can control many things in time. If this is really the case, then I believe that Rejie and Rejie will be a very critical point next. (End of chapter)

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