When he came out of the study, it was almost 11 o'clock in the evening. Da Mimi quietly came outside Yueyue's room and listened carefully. He found that there was no movement. I believe Yueyue was here. He should have fallen asleep by then.

After all, she was just a child, and although she had felt that she had indeed been severely bruised tonight, she did not expect that she would still be able to fall asleep so soon.

Therefore, Da Mimi didn't take it to heart about what happened today, because she knew that children have very strong self-regulation abilities, and it should only take a day or two, plus the long-term relationship with children in kindergarten. Together, I believe, this matter should be forgotten soon.

Early on the next morning, Da Mimi rushed to the company on time. In fact, she was also gambling. She didn't know whether Rejie would be able to come here today.

If you can come here, then everything can basically go smoothly, but if you don't come here, will these things become more troublesome?

Da Mimi just kept looking at the time. Now, it was already 8:30 in the morning. Xiaoyan had already come over just now and was waiting for the final news from her side in her office.

She had made all arrangements and preparations, and then deleted the video directly in her recycle bin, and then completely cleaned up the video from her phone. She believed that this Technology should not be difficult for a computer master like Rejie.

Finally, at 9 o'clock, Da Mimi received a call from his secretary, saying that Re Jie was here. If this was the case, it seemed that his guess should be correct. Re Jie really couldn't bear it. My own mood, and then I came directly here to find myself.

After hearing the knock on the door, Da Mimi just put some documents in front of her again, as if nothing had happened and she was just doing some daily work here.

In the end, she just agreed, and then she heard the door being pushed open, and then she saw Rejie walking in from the outside with a dusty face.

"Rejie, why are you here again? Didn't I tell you already? If anything happens, just call me and tell me directly. There is still a long way from the set to here. Why are you in such a hurry? What's the matter?"

"Sister Mi, if it's not a critical matter, how could I come here to disturb you at this time? I also have some temporary arrangements on the set, so I rushed over to meet you after I arranged things there. "

"Rejie, tell me, what is going on?"

While talking, Da Mimi stood up and followed Rejie to sit on the sofa. Then, Rejie sat down next to her.

"Sister Mi, I would like to ask, has anything happened in the company in the past two days?" "No Rejie, where did you get the news from? Are some people on the set often talking privately? They are talking about our company's affairs. Haven't I already told you everything before? Everything has happened, and there is nothing more to inquire about."

"No, I'm not talking about those things. I'm talking about recent times. Did something new happen?"

"What? Is there anything else? Moreover, do you really think that your sister Mi is a man of steel? Can you withstand anything? Let me tell you, I really don't have the ability to withstand such a big blow at this time. , So, I probably can’t bear too many things now, what’s wrong, why are you telling me these things?”

"Sister Mi, Xiaoyan and I were together last night, but I felt that her mood was indeed very, very bad, and she felt as if something was wrong, but no matter how I asked her, Just push and don’t answer.”

"Oh, you, you're talking about Xiaoyan, then who knows, women always feel uncomfortable for a few days, and if you do things like these with her in the future, you'd better be more tolerant. , Besides, Xiaoyan usually behaves very well, so this matter should be nothing, you wouldn’t just come here just for this matter, right? "

"No, Sister Mi, you must be deceiving me. Moreover, I can guess that this matter should be very big. After all, I have been with her for a while, so I am still very concerned about her character. I understand, she is usually a carefree person, and under normal circumstances, most things should not be difficult for her."

"Then, can't people be a little worried about something? If there is really something to worry about, isn't it a normal thing? You don't need to hold on to this matter, right? Rejie.”

"Sister Mi, I believe that there should be no problem with my intuition. I feel that my intuition has always been very accurate. I just directly felt that something was wrong with her, so there must be something wrong with her. The problem happened, but she was unwilling to tell me about it."

"Oh, you just think too much. There is nothing. How can there be anything? No, no, you go back quickly. Everything about this matter is real. No one can develop smoothly like this. Besides, I and I There is no problem getting along with her. If anything happens, I will contact her again and then communicate with her carefully."

"Sister Mi, aren't you also guarding against me? Besides, you must know about this. Otherwise, how could you be talking to me like this?"

"Rejie, you are so amazing. How am I talking to you? I didn't feel it at all. How come when I get it into your hands, I feel as if everything has completely changed. No, really. There is no such thing."

"Sister Mi, you lied to me. From your eyes, I could guess that it was definitely not that simple. Did you actually tell me what happened? When I came today, I didn't follow you at all. Xiaoyan said hello, and I came to your office directly, because I know that even if I ask now, she will never tell me, Sister Mi, if you treat me as one of your own, then you just tell me ." (End of chapter)

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