"I never thought that she would be such a person, and what she did really disappointed me."

"Rejie, I didn't want you to hear this recording originally. I also repeatedly told Xiaoyan to delete all language files. However, I didn't expect that you were able to restore them. So, you know? ?This recording is actually a great harm to you."

"More than just hurt? I never thought that my sister would actually set a trap behind my back to frame my sister-in-law. Huh, she is really powerful. She is really being manipulated by Lin Feng now. I was so obsessed that everything I did was done for Lin Feng."

"Yes, that's the truth. However, he may also want you two to calm down for a while, so he set up such a trap. But, having said that, Reba was not like this before. It is impossible for her to do this. To slander a person in this way, but look at her slanderous language, it is really ugly, so ugly that most people cannot say it at all."

"Okay, I will handle this matter. Sister Mi, I only have one request. You keep this matter a secret until you are here. In private, I will find a way to solve it."

"You solve it? Who do you solve? Your sister Reba? The two of you will definitely break up on bad terms together, and there will be no results. I advise you that it is best not to treat this matter as a matter. ”

"What's the matter? She can do such a thing. Am I not allowed to talk about her? Don't worry, I know how to deal with it. Besides, we are still siblings after all, so , under this situation, there should be no problem."

"No, Rejie, the two of you will only make the conflict worse. So, in this situation, I don't want you to do this. Just treat it as if it never happened. Anyway, I have already told Xiaoyan I will never meet Reba in private again, because her behavior will only cause endless harm to a girl's heart."

"Haha, this is really my biological sister. Okay, since that's the case, I won't say much else. Don't worry, I know what I know. Sister Mi, I really want to trouble you. Moreover, whatever you do now, you are thinking about me and Xiaoyan. To be honest, it really touches us. Don’t worry, I will repay you well if I have the opportunity in the future."

"Rejie, why do you always say these unconventional things to your sister? This has nothing to do with it. Just go and make your movie. Anything else has nothing to do with you, you know? "

"Don't worry, on the movie side, the current filming progress is normal. Moreover, with the addition of celebrities, I believe there will still be some selling points in the market later on."

"That's good. You just need to do your best, and there should be no problem. Well, do you have anything else to do here? If not, just take the time to tell me."

"Don't worry, Sister Mi. There is no problem at all on my side. If anything happens, I will communicate with you in time. That's all right. I won't disturb your work. You should be busy first. By the way, Xiaoyan Are you coming?"

"When I came here in the morning, I saw that the door to her room was ajar. She must have come here, but she didn't come to my office either, and I didn't know what she was doing. So, you should be there too. Come here, go meet her, but there is only one request, please don’t mention this matter in front of her, okay?” ˆ ˆ ˆ “Sister Mi, maybe there are some differences in the way we think about and do things. I I feel that some things have to be said openly, and if they are hidden in my heart, there will always be a gap. Moreover, as time goes by, it is very likely that this gap will not be erased, so I am willing to say it in front of Xiaoyan explained all this in front of me."

"I don't know the way you deal with others, and I don't know how you two get along with each other. I only know one thing, peace is the main priority in everything, and harmony is the main priority in everything, and, Your sister has already looked for her, so this matter has naturally become a thing of the past, so don’t dwell on it anymore.”

"Sister Mi, I know what to do. Okay, I'm leaving. I've been bothering you for a long time. Sister Mi, if anything happens, we can keep in touch on the phone at any time."

After Rejie left these words, he turned around and left.

Looking at Rejie's leaving figure, a casual smile appeared on Da Mimi's face. In fact, not many people knew what kind of mystery this smile hid. I'm afraid only Da Mimi could know. , what exactly is on my mind at this time.

Later, after Rejie came out of here, he went directly to the door of Xiaoyan's office. Then, he listened carefully for a while and found that there seemed to be someone talking inside, and it felt like there were two people.

Could it be that Xiaoyan has anything else to do at this time? Therefore, he was very surprised. He just knocked on the door lightly. After hearing Xiaoyan's promise from inside, she finally opened the door and walked in.

As soon as I entered, I saw a very tall beauty, wearing a professional suit, sitting on the bench and watching her come in. After that woman hurriedly stood up from her seat, and then smiled. He nodded towards Rejie.

There are many people in the company. In fact, Re Jie has basically met them, and they are basically familiar to each other. However, I am this person and everyone must be unfamiliar. Moreover, I believe that this woman Re Jie has definitely not appeared in the company. Passed

"Hey, Rejie, why are you here? Do you have something to do with Sister Mi on the set? Don't worry, Sister Mi is in the office. She doesn't have any plans for this morning. If you have something to do, you can just go and talk to her. Just say it.”

"Oh, I've already met Sister Mi. It just so happens that I came here to ask you about something. Are you busy? It doesn't matter. You go about your business first. I'll go outside and say hello to other colleagues. Then, can’t I just come and find you again?”

"No need, my affairs are basically over. Okay, you wait here for a while, I will take her to Sister Mi. This is a new employee of our company." (End of Chapter)

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